Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drupal Knows Best? The White House Debate Continues | techPresident: " We linked yesterday to a piece from Slate's Chris Wilson in which he made the case that White House's switch to the open-source content management system Drupal for its site and related projects was a horrible, miserable mistake. Now Conor McNamara, developer with the web firm DPCI, offers a point-by-point refutation of Wilson's main arguments, rooted in Drupal's admittedly unique way of doing things. Where Wilson says "Drupal knows best," for example, McNamara counters with, "No, Drupal is cautious about which users can do what, and with good reason." McNamara also more eloquently explores something we rambled on about yesterday: that whatever Drupal's challenges and quirks on the back end might be, what matters is the end users' experience with Worth a read."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prowl push notifications | "This is a Drupal module that provides support for Prowl, which is a push notification client for the iPhone. It relies upon ProwlPHP."
GoTwitr - Twitter Automation Site Built with Drupal | "Everything related to Twitter eats bandwidth, so we knew site optimization would be important. To keep overhead as low as possible, we used only the Drupal libraries that were absolutely necessary. Next we installed APC so our php would execute faster. Memcached was installed next, and we used the excellent Memcache module to integrate Memcached with Drupal. APC + Memcached = approximately 300% increase in speed."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to create a mobile version of my Drupal 5 and 6 site? & Mobile resources | & a Mobile Web Blog | Making mobile web sites with Drupal
Drigg - your Digg clone software, in Drupal: "For a test site, see: or" & Replace Drupal Planet and Drupal Talk with Drigg | & Drigg For Drupal 6 Under Development Again Thanks To Tony Mobily | Social CMS Buzz: "With popular sites like DesignBump and WPscoop both showing whats achievable with the Drigg system it’s no wonder more and more website owners are switching to Drigg or launching their new project based upon the system. You may also notice both of these sites upcoming pages are not crammed full of spam like every pligg install on the web including v1.0.0 installs, Drigg actually has protection from spam in the form of a few fantastic modules like Spam, AntiSpam and Troll which is a massive advantage over Pligg."

Monday, October 19, 2009

HDIV (HTTP Data Integrity Validator) - HDIV eliminates the risk originated by Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks using generic validations of the editable data and CSRF attacks using Anti-cross site request forgery token.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Small Business Tips and Ideas from Xerox: "Quick Tips for Document Design, Management and Workflow"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Microsoft Advertising Intelligence: "Visit the Microsoft Advertising Intelligence Community Forum to find out what people are saying about Advertising Intelligence. Also, pick-up tips, troubleshoot, share your feedback and connect with other users and members of the adCenter team. Learn more about Microsoft Advertising Intelligence: Advertising Intelligence Installation Guide (PDF, 212 KB), Frequently Asked Questions Guide (PDF, 365 KB), Advertising Intelligence Launch New Feature Guide (PDF, 936 KB), Advertising Intelligence Onesheet (PDF, 442 KB)."

Friday, October 09, 2009

Re: [pdt-dev] How to install 'org.eclipse.php_feature': "PDT 1 needs Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 2 needs Eclipse 3.4.
What you can do is:

* install one of the official Eclipse bundles ( manually (just unzipping somewhere in your filesystem) and then add PDT there
* install PDT 'all in one' ( also unzipping
* install using Pulse (

If you only need PHP IDE second method is the best. I use Ubuntu and always installed Eclipse with 1st method and never had problems with that."

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

HazteK Software Blog » New Application: Zune Playlist Converter
FoxySEO: A Quick Way to Access Multiple SEO Tools | Search Engine Journal
My Freelancer’s Toolbox | Mogdesign
Build iPhone Compatible Drupal Websites Using iWebkit: Part 2 | Sumit Kataria | CivicActions: "This second post in my series of tutorials on mobile themes for Drupal focuses on how to implement automatic user-agent detection and switch your base theme to a mobile theme."
Faceted Search | "provides a search API and a search interface for allowing users to browse content in such a way that they can rapidly get acquainted with the scope and nature of the content, and never feel lost in the data. More than a search interface, this is an information navigation and discovery tool." & Faceted Search vs Solr? |
Drupal v. SharePoint from a Developer's Viewpoint | Mediacurrent

Saturday, October 03, 2009

How to Subscribe to Your Twitter Stream with Google Reader | Search Engine Journal: "ReadTwit is a cool online tool that exports your Twitter stream into Google reader into a very neat way: it filters your twitter feed to links only, resolves link destinations and publishes the content as an RSS feed."