Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The second you said : Weblog: "Here some notes of today experience with Eclipse 3.1 RC1..."
Jakarta Project: JMS Tag Library: "This taglib is currently built on top of the Messenger component from Jakarta Commons." - COOL
alphaWorks : WSRP Conformance Test Kit : Overview: "(Web Services for Remote Portlets)... The WS-I Testing Tool source is available as part of an Eclipse plug-in called the Web Services Validation Tools (WSVT). [now available within the WTP project]"
Sort It! Eclipse Plugin: "adds sorting to the Edit menu. You can sort case sensitively, case insensitively, numerically, and reverse the selected text."
Jakarta Project: Log Tag Library: "allows you to embed logging calls in your JSP which can be output to a variety of destinations thanks to the power of the log4j project."
The Java Developers' Introduction to XDoclet
Using the WebLogic EJB to JSP Integration Tool: "simplifies the EJB invocation process by removing the need for java code. Instead, you invoke the EJB is invoked using a JSP tag library that is custom generated for that EJB."
WS-I Deliverables - Testing Tools
Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Internet > Service-Oriented Architecture > Web Services > SOAP
Java Examples: JSTL - NICE
Eclipse Spell Checker Plugin: "select Window - Show View - Other - Spell Checker - Spell. Click the green spell check button to start spell checking the document." & Downloads: "Eclipse Spell Checker Plug-in 3"
Downloads: "Eclipse Spell Checker Plug-in 3"
WebLogic Pro - Standards for Service-Oriented Architecture: "... Java Web services (JWS) and JSR-181 ... XScript: BEA founded and led the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) group within ECMA to contribute this technology to the international Java/ECMAScript language standard..."
Chapter 12: Beyond Scripting - LINKS
ONJava.com: JSP Standard Tag Libraries, Part 1: "The goal is to select a single EL once the JSTL spec is ready for community review. Currently, ECMAScript is the default expression language being used by JSTL. ECMAScript is the standardized version of JavaScript, and behaves the same way in all applications that support the standard. Rhino 1.5, an open source Java implementation of JavaScript, is one of the supported JSTL ELs."
ONJava.com: Building Modular Applications with Seppia: "Introducing Seppia" & tima thinking outloud. > Simplifying Java Development. & Native XML Scripting in BEA WebLogic Workshop & Choosing a Java scripting language: Round two
Use Continuations to Develop Complex Web Applications - Print Version
Absolute Java FAQ Daily Tips: advices, tips, code, applets, java freeware, shareware - All Java Resources!!!
Pollinate: "an Eclipse technology project slated to build an Eclipse-based IDE and toolset that leverages the open source Apache Beehive application framework."
The buzz about Apache Beehive: "To learn more about NetUI and JPFs, see Page Flow Overview" & dev2dev Online: Beehive - START
Yi Zhou's Weblog: "Marriage of Eclipse Platform and Spring Framework"
backport175 - Home: "is backport of the Java 5 annotations (JSR-175) specification. Making strongly typed annotation available for Java 1.3/1.4 platforms." - COOL
JSR 181: Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform approved: "XFire, a next-generation java SOAP framework, already supports JSR 181 annotations... If you want the simplest way to start using JSR 181 annotations I recommend Apache Beehive... A sample "Hello, world" service, taken from the specification, might look like this:
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
public class HelloWorldService {
public String helloWorld() { return "Hello World!"; }}
Tutorials - Struts Community Resources: "Struttin' with Struts by Rick Reumann - How to use iBATIS Database Layer with Struts, lessons and examples."

Monday, May 30, 2005

JNDI datasources in Tomcat 5: "I have a problem using a datasource in Tomcat 5..."
Google Directory - Computers > Internet > On the Web > Weblogs > Tools > Publishers & Google Directory - Reference > Libraries > Library and Information Science > Technical Services > Cataloguing > Metadata > RDF > Applications > RSS > News Readers > Web Based
Jon Udell: language evolution in del.icio.us
HollenbackNet - BloglinesFlickrDelicious: "Bloglines, Flickr, and del.icio.us make RSS delectable"
Server Configuration Reference - The Context Container: "Please note that for tomcat 5.x, unlike tomcat 4.x, it is NOT recommended to place elements directly in the server.xml file. Instead, put them in the META-INF/context.xml directory of your WAR file or the conf directory as described above."
Mythology Guide - A dictionary of Greek and Roman Myths
Real-Time Conferencing: Guide to Internet Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Online Conferencing, Phone Conferencing, Instant Messaging, and Chat
ResourceLink for Web Mod on Tomcat? [Closed/Walkthrough] :: MyEclipse: "... This will make a DataSource available to your application under the JNDI path 'java:comp/env/jdbc/myLocalDS'"
Guide to Working with Portlets in uPortal
Running iBATIS JPetStore 4 using an embedded Apache Derby database: "<transactionmanager type="JDBC"> <datasource type="JNDI"> <property name="DBJndiContext" value="jdbc/JPetStoreDB"> </property> </datasource> </transactionmanager>"
WindowsDevCenter.com: Copy Scheduled Tasks to Remote Machines

Friday, May 27, 2005

javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core Examples from The Java Developers Almanac 1.4: "javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core"
An Overview Of The Java WSDP 1.5 @ JDJ
Code Conventions for the JavaServer Pages Technology Version 1.x Language & JavaServer Pages Technology - Technical Resources: "quick reference cards and guides"
Got Root : Resources for Troubleshooting Linux Firewalls
W3C Semantic Web: "provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using XML for syntax and URIs for naming."
Got Root : Anonymous Bittorrent: "Yes folks, that horrible day for the RIAA/MPAA/(insert your favorite four letter word here) has really arrived, anonymous P2P is here. Yes, its been here in other forms, such as Ants and other P2P clients that implement an anonymous mesh, but thanks to some anonymous developer, there is now a version of the wildly popular bittorrent software that works completely anonymously. The client works with the i2Pexternal link (cache) anonymous network, which means that you can now run bit torrent with nary a worry. Seeds, trackers, bit torrent search engines, clients, you name it."
tonepad -- a resource for d.i.y. music projects: "providing ready-to-use layouts for effects and amplifier projects" - NICE
AJAX Widgets - COOL
Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ
S-video to composite video
Jarnaker.com: Build a Skype phone - or how to make use of that old wireless phone just laying around: "So, the problem. You have a computer, your friend has a computer, you both have a broadband connection, and you make use of Skype or like the voice chat in MSN or something like this - And - you're sick and tired to sit by the computer all the time when you talk. And you might even sit with one of these ridiculous headset (hmm, yes I also have one) on your head just because the echo cancellation feature isn't that great in reality." - COOL!
3rd Party Contributions - Ibatis Wiki: "Convert ResultSet to JSTL Result"
Advanced J2EE Programming Class Root Page - NICE
J2EE Development: Web Mahjongg (a game) & My Experience with .NET Technologies
Index of CMSC484 Java Server Technologies lectures - NICE

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Jakarta Struts De-Mystified Part 4 - John Topley's Weblog
The Struts Framework Project - Logic Tags & ONJava.com: Getting the Most Out of the Struts Tag Libraries
JSTL: Examples Web Application & The Jakarta-Taglibs Project: Standard-1.1 taglib: JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL 1.1) implementation - START
Wiring Java Applications with Spring
CVS--Concurrent Versions System - Adding, removing, and renaming files and directories - TIPS
TheServerSide.com (May 2005): Introduction to the Spring Framework - Discussion
ONJava.com: Demonstrating Spring's Finesse: "The Spring framework uses a validation framework similar to Struts. Spring lets you configure validation logic like any other business component."
Spring Live ~ Weblog: "[BeanValidatorBuilder] Allows Validation via Spring's IoC, Groovy/Beanshell or Java"
Chapter 4. PropertyEditors, data binding, validation and the BeanWrapper: "The big question is whether or not validation should be considered business logic. There are pros and cons for both answers, and Spring offers a design for validation (and data binding) that does not exclude either one of them. Validation should specifically not be tied to the web tier, should be easy to localize and it should be possible to plug in any validator available. Considering the above, Spring has come up with a Validator interface that's both basic and usable in every layer of an application."
Spring Live ~ Weblog: "New Declarative Validation option added to Spring Modules" & Spring Live ~ Weblog: "Commons Validator support for Spring moves to Spring Modules project"
Guide to Porting From Struts to Spring - Confluence
Mobilefish.com - A tutorial about CVSNT, a concurrent versions system. Installing CVSNT 2.0.51. Includes examples.: "ATTENTION: If you intend to connect Eclipse to this CVS Repository you MUST change Name: /CVSRepository into C:/CVSRepository (use full path!) Eclipse doesn't like CVSNT's Repository prefix feature!"
Welcome to the iBATIS Wiki - Confluence: Home, Articles and other coverage of iBATIS, Frequently Asked Questions: How do I setup NPetshop?: "iBATIS .NET SourceForge project" & How do I improve SQL Map performance?: "on Apr 15, 2005 by Clinton Begin"
ONJava.com: Persistence in Spring: "iBATIS SQL Map support"

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Carlos Sanchez's Weblog: "Spring and iBATIS 2" - TIPS
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
How to set up multiple homepages in Firefox : Lifehacker
MediaPortal - The ultimate HTPC / mediacenter: "Media Portal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi MediaCenter / HTPC. It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's and DVD's, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free/nothing/nada/noppes and best of all it is opensource."
Cracking WEP in 10 minutes
Secrets of the A-List Bloggers: Lots of short entries: "a Top 100 list, highlighting the superstars of the blogging world. Sitting at the top of the list were the following blogs:
The Official BitTorrent Home Page
The LiveCD List: "A list of all available LiveCDs and LiveDVDs."
mininova : the ultimate bittorrent source!
Alex Bosworth's Weblog: Ajax Mistakes: "Ajax is also a dangerous technology for web developers, its power introduces a huge amount of UI problems as well as server side state problems and server load problems."
javadoc online: "search engine project, to get public java documentation over Internet"
The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 182: "This JSR requests the creation of the Payment API for the Java Platform (JPay) specification. The JPay API will support payments in an open, Web-like environment."
Laszlo - Laszlo's Price??: "Here are just a few of the major advantages of Laszlo, as it compares to Macromedia Flex:..."
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library: "J2EE 1.4 SDK The J2EE 1.4 SDK includes new Web tier APIs, including JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0 and an implementation of JSTL 1.1."
Developing JSTL-like Tags with JSP 2.0: "JSTL 1.1 provides a function library that implements many useful string operations. The following code tries to split a string (a1/a2//b//c1/c2/c3) into three tokens (a1/a2, b, and c1/c2/c3), using the fn:split() function of JSTL..."
Macromedia - Flex Developer Center : Flex Application Examples
JD on MX: "A news service for people using Macromedia MX." - weblog
Mike Chambers: Two Way Flash / JavaScript Ajax Communication & Mike Chambers: MXNA Reports : Flex / Flash / AJAX Integration - COOL
Disabling or enabling Windows XP System Restore
Symantec Security Response - W32.Kelvir.D Removal Tool
ESC/Java plugin for Eclipse: "The purpose of this Eclipse plugin is to allow HP Research's ESC/Java static analysis tool to be run from within Eclipse and to display its results in a user-friendly manner" & Extended Static Checking for Java
Lukes digi-lounge : Weblog: PLSQL editor Eclipse plugin - COOL
EclipsePlugins : details for the JasperAssistant Eclipse plugin (Documentation): "a visual report designer tool for JasperReports, a popular open-source reporting engine. It is built on top of the Eclipse's plug-in architecture and its main goal is to help you create JasperReports report definition files through a simple graphical interface."
EclipsePlugins : details for the Galaxy.M31 Server Plugin Eclipse plugin (Web Service): "Galaxy is an Integration Server that allows you to make 'Web Services in 15 Minutes' all without any coding." & SAGA.M31: "The current package includes a PHP API that shows how simple an PHP implementation can be done." - COOL
Eric Anderson: "Flex tips and tricks from inside the Flex Developer Support Group at Macromedia" - weblog
Engineering Rich Internet Applications - weblog

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - DWR 0.6 Released. AJAX and XMLHttpRequest made easy: "Joe Walker has just released DWR v0.6. This release adds automatic marshalling of DOM trees, better Spring support, better browser support and more..." - COOL
alphaWorks : IBM Availability Monitoring Toolkit : Overview: "An Eclipse plug-in for finding the availability of various services used by enterprise applications."
Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - Is J2EE Obsolete?: "With the launch of their new web service platform, ActiveGrid is spreading the news that both J2EE (although they do seem to use the terms Java and J2EE rather interchangeably, heh...) and .NET are yesterday's legacy systems when it comes to developing enterprise level horizontally scalable web services."
JSTL in Action: "Sample Chapters"
Object Computing, Inc. - Java News Brief - September 2002: "Script-Free JavaServer Pages with the Standard Tag Library (JSTL)"
Dynamic HTML and XML: The XMLHttpRequest Object
UI Patterns and Techniques: Introduction
Where can I find a list of HTML Tags and what they do?
BT-TV - bt-tv.net - bt-tv.com - bt-tv.mine.nu
Getting Hicks done : journal : // hicksdesign: "I’ve finally found the tool I want to use as my collection bucket, and like the geek I am, I feel the need to tell you about it."
LinPVR.org - MiniMyth
javascript:xmlhttprequest [JPSPAN]
Jason Carreira: Eclipse: Still painful: "Nathan Lee is griping about Eclipse, and I have to agree. I'm very comfortable in IDEA, but I don't remember there being a huge learning curve... This is the second time I've tried setting up Eclipse... The first time I found it uncomfortable and counter-intuitive and just gave up..."
Java User Group Sardegna - IBatisCaseStudy: "web application was converted from the original JDBC version to an iBATIS-based solution"
Spring MVC step-by-step: "(Revised April, 2005)"
Macromedia - Developer Center : Learning Flex Basics (Part 1): Creating Your First Flex Application: "This tutorial is the first part in a four-part series written by Robert Crooks of the Macromedia Customer Training group" & Flex 1.5 LiveDocs:
Christophe Coenraets: Rearchitected Flex-based MySQL Administration Tool: "A couple of months ago, I posted an administration tool for MySQL built in Flex 1.0. Since it has been a pretty popular sample, I recently migrated it to Flex 1.5, making some architecture changes along the way. It now uses the same core classes introduced in my previous post." - Download sqladmin15.zip - COOL
Flex Restaurant Tutorial by Christophe Coenraets - COOL!
Macromedia - Flex : Before You Try Flex, Flex Developer Center, Solutions for Developers, Flex 1.5 Documentation - START
Christophe Coenraets: Using Flex with iBatis - TIP!
iBATIS Resources - Java Mailing List Archive
Unofficial Google Maps Embedding How To - TIPS!
Quick Online Tips: Absolutely Del.icio.us - Complete Tool Collection
How to Use Design Patterns
SIMILE | Piggy Bank: "Piggy Bank is an extension to the Firefox web browser that turns it into a “Semantic Web browser”, letting you make use of existing information on the Web in more useful and flexible ways... Screen scrapers are also described in “pure” information that you can collect from web pages. To see sample screen scrapers, visit the following links and collect the “pure” information: http://people.csail.mit.edu/people/dfhuynh/research/downloads/screen-scrapers/... After Piggy Bank has collected “pure” information from a web page, it presents that information to you right inside the same Firefox browser window (see below)..." - COOL!
43 Folders: Cringe-Busting your TODO list
How to Become an Early Riser » Steve Pavlina’s Personal Growth Blog: "It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom."
Content with Style: Modular CSS
English Language Flashcards

Saturday, May 21, 2005

mozdev.org - greasemonkey: authoring: "You can write your very own shiny user script with just a few steps:..."

Friday, May 20, 2005

Maven Eclipse Plugin - Eclipse Properties Settings
Learning - The Apache Struts Web Application Framework: "There are also many third-party example applications available for study, including these:
  • AppFuse - Demonstrates using XDoclet with Struts, along with different security packages and Hibernate for database persistence.
  • JPetStore - A streamlined version of the Java Petstore application implemented with Struts and iBATIS database layer.
  • LogWeb - A Struts webapp for configuring Log4J at runtime within a servlet container.
Installing Maven & Quick Start - Building a Project with Maven
Tutorials: Using Maven to build your J2EE Projects: "Read Maven Magic... more resources: www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/10/22/maven.html, www.javausergroup.at/events/maven.pdf, http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-maven/"
Mule Examples Webapp: "provides a user interface to some of the Mule examples such as the LoanBroker, Hello World and Echo examples. It also provdes examples of accessing Mule using REST style service calls and is itself an example of how to embed Mule in a webapp."
Mule: Mule Examples: "The Loan Broker example application is based on the example presented in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book" & Mule Cookbook
Implementing an Enterprise Service Bus in Java: "Using the open source Mule project, you can build a highly customized Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that meets your specific needs"
Acquiring - The Apache Struts Web Application Framework: "Access to the source repository for Struts is available through both web browser and Subversion client interfaces. To check out from the Subversion repository, you will need to specify one of the following URLs:" ... http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/flow/trunk/ for Struts Flow...
Struts Flow: "Struts Flow is a port of Cocoon's Control Flow to Struts to allow complex workflow, like multi-form wizards, to be easily implemented using continuations-capable JavaScript. It provides the ability to describe the order of Web pages that have to be sent to the client, at any given point in time in an application. The flow scripts fulfill the role of Struts Actions, however, they can be used along side traditional Java-based Struts Actions."
Using the XML HTTP Request object: "many people think SOAP has some serious issues worth considering. REST is probably a better model as it works with the current web framework, proxies, caches etc. So whilst we can use the XML HTTP Request object to talk soap, it's probably best not to unless you have no control over what's happening on the server end." - TRUE
Robert Cowham's Weblog: "Transferring spam/ham classification DB: The command to export it is: dbExpImp.py -e -D default_bayes_database.db -f db.txt" & "If you run "dbExpImp.py -h" it gives
examples about how to go about doing this." & SourceForge.net CVS Repository: spambayes/spambayes/Attic/dbExpImp.py
Java PathFinder: "a system to verify executable Java bytecode programs. In its basic form, it is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is used as an explicit state software model checker, systematically exploring all potential execution paths of a program to find violations of properties like deadlocks or unhandled exceptions. Unlike traditional debuggers, JPF reports the entire execution path that leads to a defect. JPF is especially well-suited to finding hard-to-test concurrency defects in multithreaded programs."
ADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases: "Many popular web applications such as ACID, PostNuke, Xaraya, phpWiki, Mambo, PHP GACL, TikiWiki, eGroupWare and phpLens App Server are using ADOdb as their database abstraction layer."
bbPress » Home: "is forum software with a twist. bbPress is focused on web standards, ease of use, ease of integration, and speed. bbPress shares developers and architecture with the well-known WordPress blogging software."
Content with Style: DOM scripting or how to keep the code clean
Content with Style: A CSS Framework: "In my Modular CSS article I documented the possibility of breaking down stylesheets into components that could be reused across projects. All well and good. The next logical step is to extend this to become a CSS framework, allowing rapid development of sites with pre-written and tested components. All that's really required to produce this is a set of naming conventions and a flexible base template..."
PHP software links: Gomebox.com >domains, webhosting, it-solutions, webdesign and more! & Webpage Development Software
osCommerce: Verified by Visa - MasterCard SecureCode: "Module integrates with the checkout process to participate in Verified by Visa, and MasterCard SecureCode programs"
Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Languages > PHP > Scripts > E-Commerce > osCommerce: "osCommerce - A free online shop program featuring order history, shopping carts, full search capability, product reviews, secure transactions, bestseller lists, and related items" - COOL
Scripts and Programs: "Some of our very favorite scripts are WordPress, osCommerce, and PHPlist." - PHP Hosting
Wiki module can or can't? | drupal.org: "Within our Intranet we choose the appropriate tool for the job. Drupal was selected for departmental CMS, phpESP for surveys, we are evaluating Moodle for our education course management system(currently we use WebCT), and now I am reviewing wikis - Dokuwiki is the leading candidate at this point. I did not have to settle for a 'one-size-fits-all' so my criteria is best of breed and extensibility via web services(RSS as the core service). So I don't have to compromise purpose. I try to keep it simple and let the tools comunicate." - TIPS
Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Languages > PHP > Resources - START!
Moodle Docs: Introduction: "Moodle is a software package for producing internet-based courses and web sites. It's an ongoing development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education."
App Handles Surveys for Less: "In fact, eWEEK Labs found phpESP 1.6 to be so capable that we've started to use it to handle surveys of eWEEK readers." & freshmeat.net: Project details for PHPSurveyor & Google Directory - Computers > Software > Marketing > Surveys: "phpESP - Open Source PHP scripts to let non-technical users create and administer surveys, gather results, and view statistics. Manageable via online interface." & Programming > Languages > PHP > Scripts > Polls: 1) Easy Survey Package - PHP scripts that make creating and administration of site surveys easier for non-technical users and helps them gather the results, and view common statistics. Uses a MySQL backend. Once installed administration can be done entirely on the web [Open Source, GPL]; 2) UCCASS - Unit Command Climate Assessment and Survey System - A PHP based survey maker that's full of features and free under the Affero General Public License.
phpSurveyor: "Alternatives to phpSurveyor" - START
Poll and Voting Scripts: "Here you will find our collection of Poll and Voting Scripts. The Poll and Voting Scripts in this category were not created by us, but by varied authors world-wide. We strive to bring to you the widest selection of Poll and Voting Scripts for you to use to bring your project to life." in PHP
fernando_graphicos » Document » CSS style for your WP RSS Feed (wordpress)
Moving To Canada, eh ? - BLOG
How to Save the World: Twelve Ways to Think Differently: "here are twelve mental 'stretching' techniques that can enable you to think differently. Before you consider them, you might want to ask yourself whether you need them. They are unlikely to make you happier, though they will probably make you more creative, and more understanding. Remember, I'm the guy who lives to foment dissatisfaction, so be forewarned. In no particular order, and with some likely overlap: Meditation & Reconnect With Your Senses & Reconnect With Your Intuition & Analogies and Metaphors & Conversations and Interviews & Synthesis, Distillation and Restatement & Reading (and Writing) Fiction & Psychoactive and Other Drugs & Learning a New Language & Learning Something Outside Your Comfort Zone & Do Impulsive and Serendipitous Things & Collaboration" - NICE
The art of project management, the book - scottberkun.com: "Sample chapter: How to figure out what to do (pdf)"
Why you must lead or follow - scottberkun.com: "How to lead & How to follow a good leader"
Koders - Source Code Search Engine
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Google Guide: Using Search Operators (Advanced Operators)
ONLamp.com: A Simpler Ajax Path: "While not exactly new, the XMLHttpRequest object is receiving more attention lately as the linchpin in a new approach to web app development, most recently dubbed Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which powers the cool features found on sites like Flickr, Amazon's A9.com, and the new poster children for whizzy web-based interactivity, Google Maps and Google Suggest. The snazzy Ajax moniker seems to be getting some momentum--it's popping up in all sorts of places, including the Ajaxian weblog and the recent Ajax Summit put together by O'Reilly Media and Adaptive Path."
Web services support :: MyEclipse: "There is quite a bit of web service support is the IBM WTP contribution, but I would encourage you guys to have a look at how Visual Studio.NET (dare I say it?) handles web services. This is all you have to do to connect your app to a web service, and its a million times easier than anything in the java world:..." - TRUE
Use Continuations to Develop Complex Web Applications - Web Continuations in Apache Cocoon: "The first controller engine supported by Cocoon was based on a version of Rhino JavaScript from Mozilla, because this provided support for continuations as first-class objects. As you'll see in the following example, using Cocoon with the controller means you must write the entire application as a single JavaScript program and register it as the flow controller with the sitemap specified for your Cocoon application."
WebServices - Axis: "Axis 1.2 Final is now available!"
Lavadora Project: "aims to deliver a plug-in for the Eclipse Platform which tries to mirror a functionality offered by commercial development environments (IDE's) in the area of Web Services... The main component of the program is Apache Axis. It is used as a SOAP protocol implementation, a server for created Web Services and a tool for automated Java code generation from WSDL documents. Other components are IBM's UDDI4J library for communicating witch UDDI registries and also IBM's WSDL4J library for parsing, creating and modifying WSDL documents." - COOL!
Quixtar Blog: Blogging 101 - You Don't Need a Blog
OpenID: an actually distributed identity system
Ed Burns's Blog: TSSJS Rod Johnson - Why J2EE projects Fail
Cheap Gas: "Powered by gasbuddy and Google Maps" - US & Canada! - COOL!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Toronto Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in Ontario - COOL
ONJava.com: Java Software Automation with Jakarta Ant: "Execute Ant From Your Application: Our AntServlet is also employing the com.oreilly.servlet package to manage file uploads in the temporary session directory..."
JavaScript: Information From Answers.com
techno.blog("Dion"): February 2005 Archives: "E4X: Is ECMAScript the glue language we have wanted?"
More with Ant
Using JavaScript with Ant: "Using JavaScript to recurse over a properties file"
AntFlow: Hotfolder Driven Workflow and Automation based on Ant: "Powerful Task Scheduling - Through the use of the embedded Quartz scheduler, AntFlow allows repeating tasks such as backup, file transfer, or web service calls to be scheduled according to a flexible set of rules... Visit the AntFlow home page... The cool thing is, once we get support for Ant 1.6.2 within AntFlow, people will be able to use the new Script task to insert arbitrary snippets of Javascript, Python, Beanshell, etc into their Ant code... Currently AntFlow only uses the hot folder triggers, but your suggestion makes perfect sense that that concept be generalized to support any type of trigger..."
struts.sf.net: "Welcome to the Struts Applications Project" - COOL
JSP Insider - Online resource for JavaServer Pages (JSP), Servlets, and J2EE: "Enter the Dragon: Struts"
Struts Visual Tutorials
A Work In Progress: Everything You Thought You Knew About Grilling Is Wrong
Planet PDF - Free PDF eBooks
PublicRadioFeeds.com - COOL
Anonymity complete GUIDE - TIPS
YourTotalSite.com / Simple Design Tips for Non-Designers
How To Crack WEP - Part 2: Performing the Crack : TomsNetworking :
I-Hacked.com Taking Advantage Of Technology - Home
Know your Enemy: Phishing
JSL: meeting Thursday; Axis Webservice deployment and Eclipse / MyEclipse: "Here's the helps provided by a friend: to Create Web Service Application using Axis in Tomcat.doc"
Appfuse tutorial : Dates: "This tutorial's purpose is to show how to add java.util.Date to java objects (POJO) that are persisted through the web. Tis tutorial has been updated and some parts of the content may not be relevant for versions of appfuse < 1.8. It's a step by step course originally designed for appfuse developpers but most of what is done can apply to a standard J2EE web application using struts, hibernate, xdoclet and spring." - NICE
mozdev.org - livehttpheaders: installation
Eclipse 3.1 Plugin Migration | nice3z: "Under the new Eclipse 3.1 API, there are several changes that require attention as it causes incompatibilities with older version."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

eclipsewiki - JDJ2005 Toc
PageBox for Java: "The Java WSDP is 'an all-in-one download containing key technologies to simplify building of Web services using the Java 2 Platform.' You can download the Java WSDP from http://java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservicespack.html. PageBox for Java uses the following components of the Java WSDP: * The Tomcat servlet container * The Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) * Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC)"
WS-I Supply Chain Management Sample Application 1.0 from Java Web Services Tutorial v1.3
RestWiki: How To Convert Rpc To Rest: "Here we aim to demonstrate by example how to convert existing XML-RPC or SOAP/RPC based services into REST based ones that used only HTTP and URIs (and optionally XML)"
Web Tools Platform Project Community: "Web Services tutorials using WTP 1.0 M4 driver" - NEWS
Java BluePrints > Guidelines > Designing Web Services with the J2EE(TM) 1.4 Platform : JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies: "The final version of this book is now available online" - START
Use continuations to develop complex Web applications: "The article shows the continuations used inside Cocoon to easily develop Web application." - COOL!
TheServerSide.com - Taking the load off: OSCache helps databases cope & Discussion
Blogging Roller : Roller architecture.: "Performance: * Weblog pages and RSS feeds will be cached via Servlet Filter version of OSCache. * RSS feeds will obey HTTP IF-MODIFIED-SINCE header. * Main page will be cached via OSCache custom JSP tags." - COOL!
JSP JavaScript integration taglib: "Custom JSP tag helps you implement some programming tricks in Ajax style."
The second you said : Weblog: "Eclipse 3.1M7 + WTP 1.0M4 in a single bundle: Syntax: eclipse.cmd [-v] [-c] [-p] [eclipse-params...], Example: eclipse.cmd -v -p -Xms512M -Xmx512M"
Hiring the phantom Java architect: "Do you need a Java architect or a senior developer?"
Wink - [Homepage]: "Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users."
jax magazine :: The Premier Online Resource for Java, Apache, XML, and Web Services : "The first part of this series introduced us to the EJOSA magic template - a solution for J2EE beginners who wish to overcome the complexity of J2EE application development by using Open Source Software (OSS). In the second part of this series, we will move further into the workings of EJOSA Template and look at the specification directory, which is the most important part of EJOSA Template; the business layer, where you implement the specification with available Java technologies; the presentation layer that represents the view of the business logics; and the road ahead for the EJOSA Template."
Creating a Webservice using MyEclipse and WebLogic
Starter webapp AppFuse 1.8 Released: "replaces Container Managed Authentication (CMA) with Acegi Security... I put together a couple of AppFuse videos last night. The first one is a demo of creating a new project and then installing and browsing that project in your browser - to see all the out-of-the-box features: http://demo.appfuse.org/setup.html. The 2nd one basically all the stuff that's done in the tutorials - using Spring MVC for the web framework. I create a Person.java object and then use AppGen to generate all the code for it. In this one, I make a number of mistakes (but solve them all). I thought about going fully happy-path, but then decided it was important to show some gotchas that might occur: http://demo.appfuse.org/appgen.html..." - COOL!
The second you said : Weblog: My Plugins World for Eclipse & Firefox
Curiosity is bliss: "XMLHttpRequest Tracing" for AJAX debugging: with Greasemonkey user script!
The second you said : Weblog: "As there's no 'distribution' of Eclipse3.1M6 and WTP (for Windows), after installed it and tested that it's working, I decided to make my own distribution, including my favourite 3th parts plugins (FreeMem, Log4E, Metrics, subclipse, freemarker editor, doclipse, velocityweb editor, sysdeo tomcat plugin, sortit, label decorator, anyedit tools, findbugs, insectivore)... So any one can now download my version of Eclipse 3.1M6+WTP... Let's call it Eclipse Enterprise Edition :-)" - COOL!
Kevin W. Hammond : Experience with my new Java environment thus far: "Welcome to the wonderful world of Java! I've had the honor of developing a few Web Services projects using the J2EE platform and you certainly have to get your hands dirty. Since you're trying to avoid using the full blown J2EE stack - which you can - you just have do a jump through a few more hoops. Here's a link to a tutorial that should help you out: http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.1/tutorial/doc/ " :-)
HPSearch: "has been evolving towards a scripting based management interface to manage publish-subscribe system, specifically NaradaBrokering." - Papers: Workflow Scripting and Stream Management, ...
Don Brown's Weblog: Easy to Use SOAP Clients: "Apache Axis' wsdl2java + Apache Axis' Options class + GenJar = you can easily create a single, executable, self-describing jar demonstrating your SOAP services being used. All a user needs to type is java -jar your-client.jar"
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Chilled Green Gazpacho
Apache Cocoon - Control Flow: Tutorial: A Gentle Introduction to Cocoon Control Flow & "Flowscript"
Don Brown's Weblog: "Using Struts Flow, wizards can easily be constructed within the Struts framework. The new release of Struts Flow adds a wizard library and example showing how to use it. My favorite feature of the wizard library is the pluggable population and validation to let it adapt to any model and validation framework. The example shows how to use a simple Map as the model, but there are many more possibilities." & Struts Flow - Wizard Example - COOL
Blogging Roller: Control Flow is free! & JSP Control Flow engine
techno.blog("Dion"): Struts Flow: Continations come to Struts: "Struts Flow is a port of Cocoon's Control Flow to Struts to allow complex workflow, like multi-form wizards, to be easily implemented using continuations-capable JavaScript. It provides the ability to describe the order of Web pages that have to be sent to the client, at any given point in time in an application. The flow scripts fulfill the role of Struts Actions, however, they can be used along side traditional Java-based Struts Actions. There's a lot more about Javascript control flow available on the Cocoon site: http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/flow/index.html" & Struts Flow: "Includes Javascript Templates library to replace JSP for a 100% Javascript view layer." - COOL!
New and Noteworthy 4.0 M1 :: MyEclipse: "6 UML Diagrams: Use-case, Class, Collaboration, State, Activity, Deployment, ..."
Tom's Hardware Guide Games & Entertainment: Microsoft's Next Generation Console Revealed: The Xbox 360 - Seeing It For Ourselves
Tom's Hardware Guide Columns: Wireless Insecurity: "Take the time to protect your network. And please, don't use WEP or think of it as any protection. For some other great suggestions, you can also read this article." => » The six dumbest ways to secure a wireless LAN | George Ou | ZDNet.com
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Chilled Green Gazpacho
Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project: Stable Build: 1.0M4 - April 29, 2005 - NEWS
Twister incubating in Apache - Confluence: "Agila will have two major components: Agila BPEL (Twister) and Agila BPM. The first is the Web Service orchestration solution based on the WS-BPEL specifications and the second is an end-user oriented workflow." - COOL
LookSmart's Furl - Latest Headlines - ajax - LINKS
ECMAScript. Everything you wanted to know about ECMAScript but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about ECMAScript here!: "Dialects of ECMAScript"
Prototype Based Programming: "The Open Laszlo programming language elegantly solves JavaScript's annoying class syntax and scoping problems, with a simple XML class declaration and object instantiation syntax. Laszlo programs are valid XML documents, containing JavaScript code in method bodies, and JavaScript expressions in attributes."
This document is an introduction to the JavaScript Programming Language for professional programmers: "It is a small language, so if you are familiar with other languages, then this won't be too demanding... JavaScript: A Survey of the Language" - START!
FTPOnline - SQL Server: "Check out these essential articles on SQL Server to help with your programming and administration needs, from Visual Studio Magazine's and Windows Server System Magazine's database experts. You'll learn to speed up queries and improve performance, understand how SQL Server fits in with Microsoft's platform strategy, and more."
Rhino Change Log: Wrapping of JavaScript functions as Java interfaces: "Rhino allows to pass a JavaScript function to a Java method expecting an interface which either has a single method or all its methods have the same number of parameters and each corresponding parameter has the same type. The JavaScript function will be called whenever interface's method is called from Java."
Change Log for Rhino: Rhino 1.6R1 is the new major release of Rhino. It supports ECMAScript for XML (E4X) as specified by ECMA 357 standard. E4X example - e4x_example.js: " demonstrates various E4X constructions and their usage in JavaScript code." - COOL!
AJAX in Action
Advanced Control Flow: "Cocoon Flowscript is a JavaScript API to manage control flow based on an extended version of the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter that supports continuations. This extension has been incorporated into official Mozilla Rhino version and is shipped with Cocoon 2.2."
JPackage Project | Frequently Asked Questions: "How do I start using JPackage?"
Declarative JavaScript programming
Don Brown's Weblog: "Making Rhino (Javascript) More Groovy & Java to Javascript Serialization"
techno.blog("Dion"): E4X: Is ECMAScript the glue language we have wanted? It powers the browser VM.: "Playing with SOAP"
XMLBeans Resources: Tools & Articles

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Frequently Asked Questions: I get an error saying: Cannot use classic compiler, as it is not available: "In order to compile the Prowler source code, the ANT build environment needs access to the Java Compiler class which is part of tools.jar in JDK 1.2 or greater. (to be found in [java-home]/lib/tools.jar): SET CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%CLASSPATH%" - The same problem appears when building BSF with JavaScript support, so I've built it using:
C:\javadev\bsf-dev>java -cp C:\j2sdk1.4.2_07\lib\tools.jar;.\lib\xerces-1.4.4.jar;.\lib\velocity-1.4-dev.jar;.\lib\log4j-1.1.3.jar;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\jdom-b8.jar;.\lib\commons-collections-2.0.jar;.\lib\ant-1.4.1.jar; org.apache.tools.ant.Main -Dant.home=%ANT_HOME%
HttpKeepAlive: "Under HTTP 1.1, the official keepalive method is different. All connections are kept alive, unless stated otherwise with the following header: Connection: close. The Connection: Keep-Alive header no longer has any meaning because of this. Additionally, an optional Keep-Alive: header is described, but is so underspecified as to be meaningless. Avoid it." - E.g. test to proove it:
C:\>curl -I -H "Connection: Close" "http://tomcat:8080/REST/my.jsp"
C:\>curl -I "http://tomcat:8080/REST/my.jsp"
Use CURL instead of Lynx, as Lynx would always close the connection!
java.net: Java Sketchbook: Getting Started With Scripting: "Think of all of the web sites that use JavaScript. Not just the professional sites that use prefab libraries, but also the one-off pages done by complete novices. A little validation here, a bit of animation there; it's all done in JavaScript. Now think of Konfabulator and Apple's upcoming Dashboard. These are applications designed from the ground up to allow novice programmers to build simple but attractive systems."
<b-frame>: "Do you sometimes have the feeling that you're always going to write the same application, an application doing nothing more than reading some data from a database, displaying it to a user, enabling the user to modify the data, and than writing the modified data back to the database? ...The framework is the answer to these questions. is based on the following assumption: The structure of an application doesn't depend on a particular programming environment..."
Use Seppia To Run Your Application: "This article is written to show you how to use seppia to start up your application and how this operation can dramatically reduce your installation and deployment efforts."
Windows XP Services - By Gene Goldring: "Removal Recommendations For Windows XP Services"
Synergy KM Switch - hack a day - www.hackaday.com _: "Both computers are on a wireless network. Using synergy I can slide the mouse off of the right edge of the screen and onto the Linux laptop’s XWindows screen with no lag. In the process it transfers keyboard control over to the other system too. You can even cut and paste between systems. This is a great solution for using your desktop keyboard with your wireless laptop or if your laptop is sitting in the living room you could easily use its mouse and keyboard to control your home theater pc."
Installing WordPress « WordPress Codex: "Famous 5-Minute Install"
Lilac Pixels: Blog Hosting and Design: "The ultimate in affordable blog design is here. These pre-made, FREE, WordPress 1.5 themes are ready to download, upload to your server and install with the click of a button. It's that simple!" - COOL
ACTIVEMQ Web Samples: "There are a few example programs demonstrating the REST messaging or Ajax."
Core Servlets and JSP book chapters in PDF.
Server Configuration Reference - The HTTP Connector: "maxKeepAliveRequests - The maximum number of HTTP requests which can be pipelined until the connection is closed by the server. Setting this attribute to 1 will disable HTTP/1.0 keep-alive, as well as HTTP/1.1 keep-alive and pipelining. Setting this to -1 will allow an unlimited amount of pipelined or keep-alive HTTP requests. If not specified, this attribute is set to 100."
Mapping of REST to JMS: "Timeouts: ... Couple this with HTTP 1.1 keep-alive sockets and pipeline processing we can have efficient access to JMS over HTTP."
IKVM - Using ActiveMQ JMS from C#

Monday, May 16, 2005

Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ
TPCI - TIOBE Programming Community Index: "The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system."

Sunday, May 15, 2005

ASP.NET Home: View State: "Handling Forms in PHP"
Phil Bradley: Finding what you need with the best search engines
PhpServlet: "If you are developing JSPs and servlets you might sometimes find some old php scripts and projects that you probably would like to run on your server. But the servlet engine does not work with php, so you have to download and install Apache, configure php, configure the servlet engine connector or worse use different ports and so on. It would be nice to get php running on Tomcat or any other servlet engine, just for development purposes."
Open Loops: Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
UsingPhp - Jakarta-tomcat Wiki
CVS Professional Support and CVSNT
Installing CVSNT - (Release 2.0.14)
Open Loops: How to Lose 50 Pounds
lifehack.org » Blog Archive » Save time on Firefox with GreaseMonkey: Instructions, Recommend scripts, Link Resources for GreaseMonkey
Top 75 Network Security Tools
planning your xbox retirement - hack a day - www.hackaday.com _: "Xbox-Linux installs have become fairly easy; You no longer have to crack open the case. You can buy or build a simple usb adapter to upload a 2MB file on to the Xbox by using an exploit in MechAssault. After that you can boot a live Linux cd. Even after this your Xbox will still be able to play games. What you can do with it is up to you imagination.

The best place to start on this journey is the xbox-linux wiki."

Print - The Auditor Security Collection: "Download the most recent version of the Auditor image from http://www.remote-exploit.org and burn the image to a CD-ROM. Auditor's organizers have based the collection on KNOPPIX, a popular bootable CD-ROM collection of GNU and Linux software that supports automatic hardware detection and popular graphics cards; sound cards; Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), SCSI, and USB devices; and other peripherals. (Visit http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html for more information about KNOPPIX.)" - COOL
SourceForge.net: Project Info - guliverkli: "Home of VobSub, Media Player Classic (MPC) and other misc utils."
TomsNetworking: "is running a two part series on how to crack WEP. WEP was pretty much broken from the early days of wireless networking. For starters the key length is misleading; a 64-bit key only has 40 unique bits. Some manufactures implemented poor random number generation. The seeds for the numbers are also reused which would never happen in good cryptography. This article covers the techniques the the feds used when they cracked a WEP key in three minutes. This works by grabbing a properly encrypted packet and then constantly sending it back to the access point generating more traffic. The more traffic you can capture the faster you can crack the network. Check out the article. I’ll be trying this out in the future when I get a Prism2 card and that DirecTV antenna wired up... Thankfully, the Auditor's Security Collection, which we reviewed last year, is a live CD that has all of these tools already installed. Even the FBI likes this distribution." - START

Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Spring Jump Start
sorttable: Make all your tables sortable: "Include the Javascript library, by putting a link to it in the HEAD of your page, Mark your table as a sortable one by giving it a class of "sortable", Ensure that your table has an ID, And that's all you need. Your table will now have column sorting available by clicking the headers." - COOL!
Tug's Blog: Web UI: What's behind AJAX? Simple use cases using XMLHttpRequest
Downloads | Springframework.org & Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step-by-step & Simplify Your Web App Development Using the Spring MVC Framework: "in a previous article, I introduced you to the Spring framework, showed you how to use Spring's basic functionality to create objects, and how to do some simple database interactions. In this follow-up article I will introduce you to the Spring model-view- controller (MVC) framework by walking you through the creation of a simple stock-trading Web application." & Spring Tutorial for complete fools | keyboardsamurais on java & Spring Framework Documentation | Springframework.org: "Introducing the Spring Framework (an article posted on TheServerSide.com)" & Spring Live: A Spring Framework Tutorial by Matt Raible (Book) in Books > Computer Science & Technology > Computer Languages & Program Design > JAVA (Chapter 2) & Amazon.com: Books: Pro Spring: "how to integrate with Hibernate, iBATIS, JDBC, JTA, JMS, Quarts, Struts, Velocity, etc... Spring IDE plugin to Eclipse has really no online documentation to speak of since it's still relatively new, but this book shows you how to get it, install it, use it. The book has better documentation than the canonical website. That's just one example of many... The only other book that might come close is the (as yet) unpublished book by Rod Johnson titled "Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework"
Web Services Support - Confluence - Spring.NET
Middlegen - Front Page: "a free general-purpose database-driven code generation engine based on JDBC, Velocity, Ant and XDoclet. If you already have a database, you can use Middlegen to generate: Persistance layer with EJB (CMP 2.0), Persistance layer with JDO, Persistance layer with Hibernate, Persistance layer with Torque, Database GUI with JSP/Struts" - COOL
Process of Forming a Company - TIPS!
alexking.org: Blog > King Design Web Site: "I’ll be writing a series of blog entries about how the site was created and some of the decisions, challenges and solutions that appeared through the development process." - TIPS!
Portable apps for USB flash Drives
CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSS Parser CSSPP ver. 0.93) - COOL
XML.com: Errors and AJAX - Error Handling in a Web Page using AJAX

Friday, May 13, 2005

Old The Java Web Services Tutorial (v1.3) covers JSTL. Download PDF version of this book. Or go for the initial (shortest :-) vesion 1.1 - PDF is here.
J2EE 1.4 Application Server Developer's Guide

Thursday, May 12, 2005

O'Reilly: JavaServer Pages: Chapter 5: Generating Dynamic Content & Hans's Top Ten JSP Tips
TheServerSide.com - Web Application Development with JSP and XML Part III: Developing JSP Custom Tags
SimpleXML - Practical PHP Programming
PEAR :: Package :: PHP_Compat: "Provides missing functionality for older versions of PHP"
ONLamp.com: PHP Web Services Without SOAP: "Unfortunately, file_get_contents() is only available on PHP 4.3.0 and above. Plus, fopen wrappers need to be enabled to let file_get_contents() access remote files. An alternative method is to use cURL"
Q3 Research: My old friends Charles Plant & Laura Coutts have a new business - COOL
Welcome to JSPTags.com
Open source software for Windows - The Unofficial Microsoft Weblog - microsoft.weblogsinc.com _
php | architect - The PHP Magazine for PHP Professionals

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Test Xbel - Le coin du fourreux - LAMP LINKS
start [JPSPAN]: "provides tools to “hook up” PHP and Javascript, for the purpose of fetching data from PHP into a web page which has already loaded, without reloading the entire page."
Slashdot | PHP & AJAX Presentation Online
Something Witty Goes Here » Ajax Gotchas: "Preventing Browser Caching of the URL: IE had no way of knowing that the retrieved document could by dynamic content that might vary over time.... var urlstr = "myserver.php?RANDOM=” + (Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date())) + rest of url…
15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog
Yahoo! Music Engine Plugins
DHTML Tutorial: "DHTML DOM Reference"
Demystifying Depression - Part I (version 1.1) || kuro5hin.org
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Tug's Blog: Web UI: What's behind AJAX? Simple use cases using XMLHttpRequest
Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications - discussion
Don Brown's Weblog: "Well, the first I know of anyways, and that is Ajax with JSON instead of XML. For Struts Flow, I just added a number guessing example application that uses Javascript in every area of functionality from the server to the client... I created a small tutorial of the above application."
Javascripts, small helpers to add some interactivity to your web site - TIPS
How to survive creative burnout - scottberkun.com
How to Search for MP3s using Google - Automated!
Drag & Drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS
Curiosity is bliss: "XMLHttpRequest Tracing" for AJAX debugging: "Here's a Greasemonkey user script to trace XMLHttpRequest calls in the javascript console. It logs the 'open' and 'send' calls, as well as the response status code and text." - COOL
CSS Drive: Gallery Archives, CSS Examples - START
Sarissa: "an ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs. It offers various XML related goodies like Document instantiation, XML loading from URLs or strings, XSLT transformations, XPath queries etc and comes especially handy for people doing what is lately known as "AJAX" development."
There and Back Again » Blog Archive » AJAX Hello World with JPSpan
XMLHttpRequest & Ajax Working Examples - Links and Resources, Fiftyfoureleven.com - START!
There and Back Again » Blog Archive » AJAX Hello World with Sajax
Whirlycott - Philip Jacob » Security in an AJAX World: "Another way involves using an authorization token embedded in the HTML of an web page intended to consume the XML in an AJAXy manner..."
JavaServer Pages(TM) v2.0 Syntax Reference
Asterisk on OpenWRT part 2 - Lest Blood Be Shed: "There has been a lot of interest in the geek-world about being able to have a complete telco (more than just a PBX) system on hardware that costs less than $80US. In that vein, it seems like Saint Joseph's College is the heart-beat of that movement and my blog which outlines a simplified how-to install the bugger is getting a lot of attention out in the blogosphere. Because of this (and some question I have received) I thought I would put together a more formal and informed 'howto' for installing Asterisk on a Linksys WRT GS box (I think it works for the G but I don't have one to test). This is the wiki entry for Asterisk on OpenWRT."
Nivi : Greasemonkey will blow up business models (as well as your mind) & mozdev.org - greasemonkey: index: "Learn how to use Greasemonkey, Find useful scripts"
mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - ILoveJackDaniels.com - COOL
Dive Into Greasemonkey: "is a free download"
Just A Guy - Adam Gurno » Tricking out the Hipster: "Enter the Hipster PDA. Not only does it solve the problems above, it’s easily an order of magnitude cheaper. After experiementing with it for some time, I was sold... Eventually I put two and two together and realized that I could print my own cards." (GTD)
GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you: "GTD Tiddly Wiki is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directly to 3x5 cards for use with the HipsterPDA."
Aslak Hellesoy's uncommon sense - Ajax with JavaScript Templates: "A second approach is to use XPath in JavaScript to pull out bits of pieces of the XML and modify small pieces of the DOM to fill them in... But wait - the template engine now has to sit inside the browser! And this is where I discovered JavaScript Templates... Now add AOP to Javascript and the Ajax approach gets even more powerful. An example approach is at: http://www.jroller.com/page/deep/20030701" - COOL!
xslt2Xforms - cross browser W3C Xforms processor: "Dev Links"
XPath in JavaScript: "Here is the 13th revision of an implementation of XPath 1.0 in JavaScript. It's not completely tested but it seems to work with the few tests I've been doing." - xpath.js"
mozdev.org - enigmail: index: "Enigmail is an extension to the mail client of Mozilla / Netscape and Mozilla Thunderbird which allows users to access the authentication and encryption features provided by GnuPG"
PGP tutorial & papamike.ca -- Using the GNU Privacy Guard & GnuPG Frequently Asked Questions - GnuPG.org & The GNU Privacy Handbook & Index of /gnupg_howto/english & Pretty Good Privacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "OpenPGP is now an open standard used by PGP, GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), Hushmail, Veridis, and others." & Some Apps: "GPGshell" & How to secure your emails with GnuPG and Enigmail
SKS OpenPGP Keyserver @ keys.se.linux.org
Ajaxian Blog: Ajax Summit: Eric Costello of Flickr Presentation, a.k.a. "Stewart is a fussie little guy": "Why move to Ajax from Flash?"
JSP best practices: "I use Struts' custom tag template library as a template mechanism. David Geary's article 'JSP Templates' provides a good starting point for looking at using templates with your JSPs."
java.net: Practical JSTL, Part 1: ""
Developing Enterprise Applications Using the J2EE Platform: "Tutorials & Code Camps"
Java BluePrints: Guidelines, patterns, and code for end-to-end applications
Designing Web Services with the J2EE(TM) 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies
iBatis java-beans sources and sql-map config files generator - COOL
Creating a Web Service using MyEclipse and WebLogic :: MyEclipse

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

AppleScript Info
[smoothouse.org]: Webjay wizard - deep and soulful house for funky people: "Webjay is the mother of music playlist generators: it allows you to create a playlist of MP3, RAM, WMA files, or can take any page, feed, playlist file and convert it to working playlists for RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Quicktime and even to XSPF for the Flash MusicPlayer. In the last case, you need to do a double URLencoding on URLs." - COOL!
XSPF Web Music Player - Plays MP3 on your website uses XSPF - XML Shareable Playlist Format, pronounced spiff. - COOL!
Are Rogue Programmers Running Rampant in IT?
Presentations HQ : Web Based Presentations
Keep an Open Eye » Viewletpolls: Non-Web Services: "The reality is that Nexaweb, Laszlo, Droplets, Macromedia and several others are providing right now robust tools for largely SOAP-free Web Services."
Open Source JMS
JMSML - XML-Based Mark-Up Language for BEA WebLogic JMS and JMX: "XML-Based Mark-Up Language, designed and developed to make Java Messaging Service (JMS) and Java Management Extensions (JMX) programming easy, by hiding all the JMS and JMX Java API complexity behind a few,simple, easy to use XML tags."
WebJMX Tag Library: "The WebJMX Tag Library is a project with the goal of producing a JSP tag library which allows any skilled JSP developer to produce a customized, branded, web based interface for JMX enabled 'MBeans'" - COOL!
XML-based Presentation Tools
Open Source JSP Tag Libraries - TableTag: "TableTag is JSP tag library intended to build simple data entry pages, like ASP.NET's DataGrid. It has plugable renderers for table, rows and columns, event driven data handling, and data feeding based on java.util.List."
Open Source JSP Tag Libraries
PHP: SimpleXML functions - Manual: "If you use PHP4 and miss the features of SimpleXML try MiniXML (http://minixml.psychogenic.com). MiniXML is a PHP class library for generating and parsing XML. MiniXML have similar abilities like creating XML files from Arrays and mporting XML files into Arrays. You can manipulate the XML files more easily than SimpleXML." - START
miniXML: "Example code"
ONLamp.com: Using PHP 5's SimpleXML
Searching and filtering with XPath - Practical PHP Programming
scripts@carrubbers | Php.XPath | Home: "a php class for searching an XML document using XPath, and making modifications using a DOM style API. Does not require the DOM XML PHP library"
FDS - Formatted DataSet: "The FormattedDataSet Java class is the easiest way to generate dynamic text (HTML, XML, WML, CSV, and more). The dynamic text is generated by using tabular data as input (SQL, ResultSets, 2 dimensional arrays and more)."
PetStore:Guide - PRADO Wiki: "The JPetStore database schema is different to that of the java blueprint, it is closer to the schema used ASP.NET's Pet Shop implementation"
Struttin' With Struts - Struts And iBATIS
Aaron Johnson: Using Betwixt, Struts and REST
Aaron Johnson: Top 15 Ant Best Practices - blog
Re: [VOTE] Accept iBATIS for Incubation -- PROPOSAL
Code Generation Library - Code Generation Library: "cglib is a powerful, high performance and quality Code Generation Library, It is used to extend JAVA classes and implements interfaces at runtime."
Raible Designs ~ We Build Web Apps: "AppFuse Videos"
GreaseMonkeyUserScripts - An Unnamed MoinMoin Wiki: "The Greasemonkey extension allows users to alter the content and behavior of any website through user scripts which work inside the browser. Many scripts are available for you to install, like the ones below... a nice post called Hacking the Web With JavaScript".