Friday, September 30, 2005

O'Reilly Network: What Is Greasemonkey: "Many user scripts are available at the Greasemonkey script repository. Here are some of my favorites" & -- Online Catalog: Greasemonkey Hacks, First Edition & Projects [dive into mark] Security Myths: 392 Steps to a Hardened Server & -- Online Catalog: Windows Server Hacks, First Edition -- Online Catalog: Digital Video Hacks, First Edition: "Sample hacks:
O'Reilly Network: What Is a BlackBerry
O'Reilly: What Is Web 2.0: "Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software, by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005" - NICE
O'Reilly: What Is Web 2.0
Newt Edge css: Hiding email address from spambots
The Open For Business Project - Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, ERP, CRM, POS: "For answers to your questions you might find the following documents useful: General Overview, Is OFBiz for Me?, Feature List, and Features Coming Soon. For more technical information, see the Documentation & Books page."
XFire - XMLBeans Integration: "XFire has some (experimental) capability to generate a service from a wsdl file. First you'll need to generate your xmlbeans from the wsdl file using the XMLBeans SchemaCompiler. Then you'll need to use XFire's XMLBeans generation ant task..."
Softpenter: "Sorry state of Web Services clients using java" & XFire - XMLBeans Client Generation: "Warning: This will probably not work for you. We are working hard on improved client support." & XFire - SOAP and REST Clients & XFire - Testing Your XFire Services & FishEye: history xfire/xfire/xfire-xmlbeans/src/test-schemas/WeatherForecast.wsdl
RIFE : Blogs : Entries for gbevin on Jul 08, 2005: XFire in and Axis out: "Since the Axis integration guide didn't really seem to provide me with an easier integration solution, I had a closer look at XFire... I'm very pleased with the end result too. All that's needed to setup a SOAP webservice in RIFE with XFire now are two properties, like this:..."
Jdbc Provider - Confluence: "You can configure connection pool either via Spring and a standalone pool, or use a flavour of DataSource (either standalone or locate it in JNDI)"
Free DNS, DNS, DDNS, Reliable DNS, Free Redirection, Cheap DNS - DNS MADE EASY

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Microsoft patterns & practices Home: patterns & practices Guidance: Reference Implementations: WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0 Sample Application: Preview release for the .NET Framework version 1.1
Microsoft patterns & practices Home: patterns & practices Guidance: Guides: Building Interoperable Web Services: WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
Microsoft patterns & practices Home: patterns & practices Guidance: Guides: Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE
Taking the Maven 2 Plunge
A P R E S S . C O M: "over 300 books indexed!"
A P R E S S . C O M: "over 300 books indexed!" What Is Quartz: "open source job-scheduling framework written entirely in Java and designed for use in both J2SE and J2EE applications. It offers great flexibility without sacrificing simplicity."
Born Geek: Firefox Extensions and Development Tutorials How eBay Uses Metadata to Enhance Its Web Services
Enterprise Library: "is a library of application blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges. Application blocks are a type of guidance, provided as source code that can be used 'as is,' extended, or modified by developers to use on enterprise development projects. Enterprise Library features new and updated versions of application blocks that were previously available as stand-alone application blocks. All Enterprise Library application blocks have been updated with a particular focus on consistency, extensibility, ease of use, and integration."
Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.
MySQL Gotchas
Click for a zip code picture by Google Maps
Revealicious - revealing the way you use "a set of graphic visualisations for your account that allow you to browse, search and select tags, as well as viewing posts matching them"
Tivo Video to DVD for Windows: "This document is written to help others backup their tivo video streams to DVD. I've had trouble finding good websites that documented peoples success in capturing video from their tivo."
Don Smith : Microsoft Web Services and Other Distributed Technologies Developer Center: "Now you have just one place to go. Nice! Oh, while you're checkin' out the updated site, be sure you have a look at Richard's new article on Developing Distributed Services Today."
Jason Lam's WebSite :: jasonlam604 ::: "J2ME & Gaming"
Overview of the Eclipse Web Tools Platform
thinktecture - WSCF 0.5 Walkthrough
Don Smith : Deciding local-or-remote at runtime: "BTW, Christian also tell me WsContractFirst 0.5 will support the creation of interfaces."
Web Services and other distributed technologies: Introduction to Building Windows Communication Foundation Services: "RPC or Messaging?"
On the road to Indigo : PDC05: Wow!
On the road to Indigo : "RPC" vs. Messaging in WCF
On the road to Indigo : In response ... Dear John & Majoring on the Minors
A transport of delight: "People often criticize HTTP's use for Web services. Beyond the REST argument, which I don't want to go into here, people worry about its ability to scale to handle the style of processing in back-end business systems.": Where HTTP Fails SOAP @ SOA WEB SERVICES JOURNAL
Don Smith : What document-oriented means to me: "Way back in January, Tim was postulating on what document-oriented really means. And since I have a viewpoint about this ..."
TheServerSide.NET - Architecture Insights from Tech-Ed 2005: "Although Microsoft hasn’t announced any plans to provide comprehensive support for the WSCF approach in its own tools, the growing number of architects and service implementers walking head-long into the messaging light remain hopeful that WSCF support will appear in future versions of Visual Studio. Weyer’s WSCF tool remains the only readily and freely-available tool providing support for messaging in Visual Studio and may remain the only game in town in the Microsoft space for the foreseeable future. The WSCF tool can be downloaded from the Thinktecture website."
On the road to Indigo : New Whitepaper: "Introduction to Building Windows Communication Foundation Services" (WCF)
Don Smith : What you can expect to find here: "Applied Integration Baseline - This is also huge, but more in the literal sense. What I mean is this is the largest amount of code we've ever released at one time. Oh no, don't be scared ... because we even wrote a separate application, we call the Narrator, whose job is to help make sense of it all. So what is this thing? Well, we're all familiar with sample applications ... I like to call this a sample enterprise. One of the most difficult things to do in an enterprise is integrate all of the siloed applications so they consistintly share commonalities across the org. This asset shows how to compose patterns to address complex integration requirements using SQL, BizTalk Server, IIS, and .NET. The result is a baseline architecture to build on as you iterate over the implementation. The version for .NET 1.1 is here, the version for .NET 2.0 is here, and the community is here. You may also want to check out a flash version of the Narrator - very good stuff. WS-I Basic Security Profile Reference Implementation - I'll spare you the description of who the WS-I is and if you've not heard of the BSP 1.0, you can read about it here. Well, this asset is basically the Microsoft version of the WS-I Sample Application."
Service Orientation Patterns: Home
Don Smith : Interested in secure, interoperable web services?: "Well, then you may want to tune into a webcast we're recording live on Thursday the 25th. You can find out more about the webcast here."
(Some links from XFire SOAP Versioning) Don Smith : December 2004 - Versioning Web Service Parameters & Dare Obasanjo's WebLog : RE: One parameter to rule them all: Part 2 & Don Smith : November 2004 - Posts - Rootkits and how to combat them
Travel Search Engines � Fifty (50!) Tools which can help you in Writing
How to Evaluate Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS) Programs
Whitedust - The Leading Independent Security News Portal
Don Smith : Principles of Web Service Design: Technical Articles: Principles of Service Design: Service Patterns and Anti-Patterns & Technical Articles: Principles of Service Design: Service Versioning - TIPS
Don Smith : Web Services Architecture Domain Model
Web Services - eBay documentation
Eclipse QuickStart Page: "Add Java VM startup options to improve GC: (see) -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=20M -XX:MaxNewSize=32M -XX:NewSize=32M -Xmx256m -Xms256m" & Raible Designs Comments: "It's only the Xverify:none parameter which has a noticeable effect on reducing startup time. On the java website I found that this parameter turns off bytecode verification (Fundamentals of Java Security), although the default is supposedly 'only verify classes loaded over the network'."
HousingMaps - powered by craigslist and Google Maps
Mike Tech Show: Mike Tech Show - Podcast - #30 - 09-24-05: "The Ultimate Portable Utilities for a USB Key" Eric's Writing - Eric Meyer on CSS
S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System: "S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a printer-friendly version as well. The markup used for the slides is very simple, highly semantic, and completely accessible. Anyone with even a smidgen of familiarity with HTML or XHTML can look at the markup and figure out how to adapt it to their particular needs. Anyone familiar with CSS can create their own slide show theme. It's totally simple, and it's totally standards-driven." & S5: An Introduction Slide Show - COOL
SoftPBX scalability skeptics, check this out. - The VoIP Weblog - _: .:Asterisk VoIP News:. SUCCESS - 512 Simultaneous Calls with Digital Recording

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

MSDN TV: Loosely Coupled Web Services: "Doug’s Slides & Code (zip file)"
Building Web Applications with Eclipse, WTP, and Derby
wtp community resources & wtp milestone specific community resources: Web Services Tutorials: "Creating a Java Web Service Client, Creating a Top-Down Java Web Service Skeleton from a WSDL Document, Testing a Web Service with the Web Services Explorer,..." - Updated for WTP 1.0M8
La Chose Interactive - Subversion: "SvnX is an open source GUI for most features of the svn client binary"
(All About ebay Sniping - How To Snipe)
Statistical programming with R: Part 1. Dabbling with a wealth of statistical facilities
Google Print: "Search the full text of books"
Get Real: "Skype: be afraid"
Table of Contents - Practical PHP Programming
JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tutorial Net.
Tom's Hardware Guide Mobile Devices: Connecting With Skype's Phone Service - Thanks To Skype, IP Telephony Keeps Forging Ahead
Tom's Hardware Guide PCs & HowTo: Pepping Up Windows - Introduction: "The good news is that there's hope for improving your Windows experience. There are many alternatives to these and other default Windows apps - many of them open source and freeware - that can help you pep up your Windows installation and boost your productivity, making life with Windows more bearable." - LINKS!
Crispy 0.6.0: "The new release adds a new example: Thesaurus lexicon (University of Leipzig, Germany), two Crispy extensions: Integration for the SpringFramework and for the HiveMind (jakarta) Framework, create a new server simulation for local Java object calls: net.sf.crispy.impl.local.MiniLocalObjectServer, more tests, documentaton and Crispy has it own Comic."

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Architect Corner: Getting Started on REST like WebServices: REST Servlet & RESTUtil : REST Client
» Java-XML Binders Compared: "In my oppinion, XMLBeans is favourite because of its rich and easy to understand API and the fact that I got it working immediately, without having to edit configuration files." - Jakarta Commons Online Bookshelf: NET: "TCP and UDP: the building blocks"
Article from Developing AJAX Applications the Easy Way: "Joe Walker has a new article on, called 'Developing AJAX Applications the Easy Way,' that uses DWR to create a multi-user web-based chat site in about 100 lines of code for both the client and the server."
MyEclipse Tips
interJAVAnet: Why do developers need an Enterprise Service Bus?
Mozilla Update :: Themes - Add Features to Mozilla Software
Garbage Collection : Weblog: "Crystal icons are the most beatiful icons ever seen, and Firefox looks great with this theme."
Howstuffworks "How VoIP Works"
broadband » Forums » Voice over IP » [PAP2] Unlocking Guide: "Follow these steps and your Linksys PAP2 will be unlocked. Provider settings do not get erased." : Getting Started: "Links for getting started with VoIP"
Java Service Wrapper - What is the Java Service Wrapper?: "Run as a Windows Service or UNIX Daemon"
VoIP and Social Software | B.Mann Consulting: "Here we go -- I just added a 'Skype' entry to the profile info on Bryght's test site. Check out user registration. See? A Skype field. I'll get Marc to add it to FOAFnet later."
Learn Spanish - Code Analysis with the Eclipse Profiler - TIPS
The Relational Data Model, Normalisation and effective Database Design - NICE
jPOS Home: "1.5.0 has been released" & » Blog Archive » Running jPOS-EE from Java Service Wrapper: "We have a couple of new modules in jPOS-EE that integrates Q2 with the excellent Java Service Wrapper. We provide implementations for Windows as well as Linux."
Gizmo SIP client hopes to break Skype silo | B.Mann Consulting
Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book | B.Mann Consulting
5 Tips for Closing a Deal
Use Stored Procedures for Java Persistence: "Find out why you should use stored procedures to build your Java persistence layer instead of embedded SQL, entity beans, or tools such as Hibernate. Then learn how to do it."
What DOES the world look like when every router is a SIP proxy? | B.Mann Consulting: "Alec Saunders is experimenting with SIPatH, a SIP proxy that runs on a $50 Linksys WRT-G router. Here's what his rules for the future of telecom are: 1. Your PSTN connectivity is outsourced to the lowest bidder. The only calls you pay for are calls that terminate on the PSTN. 2. Your 'telephone number' is simply a SIP address terminating on your local SIP proxy. To call me, you use your SIP client to reach - the SIP proxy I have at home. 3. The telephone network, as we know it, ceases to exist. Telephony is nothing more than an embedded application running on a common transport (Alec Saunders .LOG)... I'm still looking for a good PSTN termination provider in Canada... He also points out Mr. Blog, talking about running Asterisk on the same router (where Asterisk is a full-fledged IP-PBX)... On the topic of PSTN termination in Canada, we've been using babytel ( since August and have nothing but good things to say."
My non-appearance on CBC talking about VoIP | B.Mann Consulting: "There are a number of lower-priced, national competitors starting up such as, Yak,"
Skype Journal: Logitech’s New WebCam Family: "But the new Logitech QuickCam Fusion left me speechless. Two big breakthroughs made by this webcam family: 1. Light sensitivity 2. Wide angle view... At $99 it is a steal"
Skype Journal: Skype's Future with Ebay on Yi-Tan Weekly Tech Call: eBay - Events & Presentations
VoIP Blog and Podcast | by Erik Lagerway: Where's the beef !? -- VoIP, Instant Messaging and Video: conversation about the various IM clients out there and the one that that really pisses Chris and I off is the lack of interop.
VoIP Blog and Podcast | by Erik Lagerway: Canada set to become hot bed for VoIP: - Daily News - 9/27/2005
Service-oriented Architectures and the SOA Blueprints: "Tech Talk"
Message-Driven Architectures and SOA: "Tech Talk"
IBM Redbooks | Patterns: Integrating Enterprise Service Buses in a Service-Oriented Architecture
IBM Redbooks | The Solution Designer’s Guide to IBM On Demand Business Solutions: "for the technical professional who is preparing to take Test 817, IBM Certified for On Demand Business - Solution Designer. This publication offers sample test questions for Test 817. The information provided is designed to help the reader prepare for the test, including helpful tips for taking it."
Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2005
EclipsePlugins : details for the JadClipse Eclipse plugin (Code mngt): "It integrates Eclipse with JAD Java decompiler. It enables Eclipse with automatic decompilation of Java bytecodes via JAD for classes with no source code available."
JSEclipse :: Edit JavaScript with ease.: "JSEclipse is a freeware Javascript plug-in for the Eclipse environment. Designed to help web developers edit JavaScript files with ease, it has built in support for: Code completion for JavaScript function and classes..."
The Ancient Art of Programming » Service Oriented Architecture: 5 PARTS - "Another option is to generate service-side stubs out of the (WSDL) contract. This is mostly done using some sort of tool (WSDL2Java for Axis, WsContractFirst for .NET). Clearly, this approach fits more within our contract-first mantra. The basic idea is that such a tool generates interfaces, classes, and possible deployment descriptors out of the service contract... Web Services, on the other hand, are mostly based on XML. While is is possible to express an XML document in a OO language using something like DOM, there are some differences between XML and OO classes. The article Rethinking the Java SOAP Stack has an excellent summary on the conceptual differences between these two models..." - LINKS!
Web Services: Securing Web Services: WS-Security...
XFire > User's Guide > Web Service Design: Building Schemas for Change: "See A relaxing approach to XSD and a followup. Kawaguchi's DOs and DON'ts"
XFire > User's Guide > Versioning - Confluence: "This page attempts to cover basic versioning patterns in web services. A lot of these patterns can be mixed and matched to provide the best combination."
The Ancient Art of Programming » Java Interface != Web Service
The Ancient Art of Programming » XFire: "Note that you no longer need a separate service interface to define the contract of your web service; you do so with annotations. Take a look at JSR-181 if you’re interested."
Security Evaluation of Microsoft .NET Framework and IBM WebSphere - Executive Summary: Web Services - Credentials Mapping: "Best Practice [id=42]: User identities expressed in the SOAP header should be bound to identity store roles that exist in the application."
interJAVAnet: WebApps: "Here are some links on AJAX: Ajax for Java developers: Build dynamic Java applications, An Introduction To Ajax"
WSS protects SOAP messages: "The Web Services Security specification defines mechanisms to protect messages designed for use with Web services."
Raible Designs ~ We Build Web Apps: Open Source CMS Evaluation - Part I: Installation & Part II: Customization
Raible Designs ~ We Build Web Apps: Hibernate Relationships with XDoclet Tutorial: "I finally got around to finishing the Hibernate Relationships tutorial for AppFuse today. This initial version includes a howto for creating the UI with Struts." - COOL
broadband » Forums » Voice over IP » CallWave Unlimited VOIP for $3.95 a month:'s what's next for your cell phone - Mobile Call Screening and Transferring
Database Design and Reference Tables: "This article is about smart database design. I have been programming in SQL server for more than 8 years. I love the design and analysis phase of a project where you create new tables, views etc... The success of any software project depends on its initial design. Once a poorly designed database hits production, no one will dare to make changes to it!(and if the manager who was in charge is still around, he is not going to agree that it was a badly designed database)"
Auditing with SQL Profiler

Monday, September 26, 2005

Jamie Thomson - Life, the universe and SSIS! : BI offerings from the 3 big database players
patterns & practices: Enterprise Library: Home - Enterprise Library for .NET 2.0
Serialize objects with XStream
Spring Product Support | "Here is the demo app I use for my Spring presentations. This is a Spring MVC, Spring Service Technology, iBatis Data Layer application. Also attached is the service technology presentation I give with the application."
New project: CRISPY, invocation framework for Java: "Interesting, but I still prefer Spring's approach, which gives me everything I need... This is correct. I find the SpringFramework also very good. Crispy complements this framework by more remote technology (e.g. XML-RPC). The current version of Crispy has a integration to Spring. Other lightweight container as HiveMind (Jakarta) or PicoContainer (codehaus) can use Crispy for remote invocation. And of course, you can use Crispy pure in every application where you need remote services." & crispy - Crispy REST guide - INTERESTING
Jencks 1.0 Released: Spring based Message Driven POJOs: "Jencks is a lightweight JCA container which is easy to deploy inside Spring to provide Message Driven POJOs. In addition Jencks supports inbound and outbound messaging using APIs like JMS, JAX-RPC, JBI and JCA CCI as well as providing an XA based pooling mechanism for JDBC. e.g. here is how to use Outbound JMS"
Turn your world LDAP-tastic - START
A. Sundararajan's Weblog: "Mustang (Java SE 6) comes with jhat - Java Heap Analysis Tool. We have added more features to jhat as of build 53 (released on Sep, 22, 2005). jhat now comes with mechanism to query the heap. jhat supports OQL - Object Query Language -- a SQL-like language to query your Java heap! HAT always supported simple queries such as 'show all instances of class X' (include subclasses or not), 'show all referrers to a specific object', 'show all objects reachable from a specific object' etc. But, these pre-defined queries (supported by hyperlinks) may always be sufficient to a specific problem in your hand. That is where OQL helps."
RDT - Ruby Development Tools: Welcome
Build an eBay search engine: "Learn how to write a small application that allows users to execute ad hoc queries against eBay through eBay's SOAP API. The application uses the eBay Java SDK. The use case is targeted at a small subset of the API, but you can generally apply the principles." & Build a marketplace with the eBay SDK and Web services, Part 1: "Get your own marketplace started with the help of the eBay SDK and Web services. Over forty percent of eBay's listings come through API calls. eBay now has Windows and Java SDKs to wrap those APIs, making it even easier for you to build custom applications to access the eBay marketplace. This first paper in a series shows you how to list items for sale on eBay."
PHP, Perl, and Python Developer Center — eBay Developers Program: "Services_EBay is a PHP 5-only PEAR package that takes advantage of the latest features in PHP 5, such as iterators, to provide an easy-to-use interface upon the eBay API. It's still under development, so it's missing a few API calls, but those should be added soon. Read more about Services_Ebay on the O'Reilly Network."
Aaron Johnson: SOAP Archives: Update to embedded Axis application in Tomcat & Fun with Axis / SOAP, Java and Calendar & eBay Java / C# SOAP Examples... -- Online Catalog: eBay Hacks, Second Edition: "Sample Hacks:
Hack 6: Withhold Feedback (PDF)
Hack 15: Search for Selected Text (PDF)
Hack 32: Retract Your Bid Without Retracting Your Bid (PDF)
Hack 56: Frame Your Listings (PDF)
Hack 75: Protect Your Copyright (PDF)
Hack 87: Sell and Ship Internationally (PDF)
Hack 115: Automate Auction Revisions (PDF)"
Om Malik’s Broadband Blog » Google Made Opera Browser Free
Asterisk VoIP News - Asterisk VoIP, Asterisk PBX, Asterisk Help, VoIP Tips, VoIP News: "AstBill is not only a web-based, user-friendly billing interface to Asterisk. It is also a Asterisk configuration and management tool and a standardized implementation of Asterisk using REALTIME and static configuration as you please." Books: eBay(TM) Strategies : 10 Proven Methods to Maximize Your eBay Business: "After reading the top eBay books, below are my recommendations: ---Beginner with eBay and computers--- 1. The Official eBay Bible ---eBay Seller--- 1. Sell it on eBay 2. eBay Hacks ---Full-Time eBay Business (not for the casual seller)--- 1. eBay Strategies 2. eBay Business the Smart Way"
developertools: Home & codesamples: Documents & files: Releases & Code Examples — eBay Developers Program: "Warning: All code examples except those that use the SOAP API or Java SDK use the legacy schema. Any code written in the legacy schema will cease to function come June 1, 2006. We are in the process of updating this content so each example uses the new unified schema."
Ted Neward's Papers
streamtuner: "a stream directory browser. Through the use of a plugin system, it offers an intuitive GTK+ 2.0 interface to Internet radio directories such as SHOUTcast and Live365." & Unix Review > > Marcel's Linux Application of the Month
Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource!
VoIP User sipXphone
More on Scheme: "Here's the best way to get started:..." - TIPS!
Capturing The Error Description In A Stored Procedure: "Using DTS to Generate and Email Excel Reports"
The Blog Ride - Language Innovation: C# 3.0 explained
What you can do about spyware and other unwanted software
Become an Eclipse hotkey showoff
When Maven encounters Eclipse: "Maven is a powerful tool, but you need to integrate it into one of the popular integrated development environments (IDEs) to bring its power closer to hand and make your work easier, thus increasing your productivity and project quality. This tutorial provides a concrete example of how to make Maven and Eclipse collaborate." (Maven V1.0.2 & Eclipse V3.1 M5)
Jan in Malaysia: KILL OUTLOOK.EXE!: Outlook Shutdown Addin: "Are you frustrated like I am that Microsoft** Outlook* doesn't shutdown. When you exit Outlook does it stay running the background wasting system resources and making Windows shutdown's take forever? We'll if you are then you need Shutdown Addin" & download - COOL!
Learning PHP, Part 3: "This tutorial is Part 3 of a three-part series teaching you how to use PHP through building a simple workflow application. In this tutorial, you will learn about using HTTP authentication, streaming files, and how to create objects and exceptions."
ESB in Practice: "This article describes how to create a simple instance of an Enterprise Service Bus that performs transformation and routing, using IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6 Messaging Resources."
VoIP over Phone Wiring: "I have no complaints about my Vonage experience so far. The call quality is great. Getting voice mail messages in my email is a dream come true (if you leave one, I may actually listen to it now). I can send faxes using a traditional fax machine. I'm able to place calls using a 900 MHz cordless phone (I don't use 2.4 MHz because it interferes with my WiFi) or any other standard landline phone. The only thing that had me a little perplexed was how I could easily connect several phones the way I would in a normal landline configuration."
Writing Secure Web Applications: "Click here to access this presentation, including the audio, slides and transcripts."
VoIP over Phone Wiring
Approaches to Performance Testing & Tuning Your WebLogic Server with AutoPilot
Ajaxian: Yahoo! Mail Beta Review: "My friends over at Internet Stock Blog reported that The New Yahoo Mail is Far Superior to Gmail according to WSJ personal technology columnist Walter Mossberg."
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Spicy Tofu with Broccoli and Cashews
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Beef, Bacon and Mushroom Stew
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Fish Stick Soft Tacos
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Turkey Meatballs with Spaghetti
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Spicy Pork Stir Fry
WeightWatchers: Weight Watchers Recipe - Chicken Pot Pie
Threadless AJAX polling with Jetty 6.0 Continuations: "Web applications built with AJAX can place a significant burden on a java server. In order to receive asynchronous event, the AJAX client must poll the server. To avoid latency or busy loops, the server often holds onto a request waiting for an event or a timeout, before sending the response. Due to the synchronous nature of the servlet API, this normally requires a thread per user, which is not a solution that will scale to large numbers of users. Jetty 6 introduces Continuations, a mechanism that allows a servlet request to effectively be suspended and it's thread returned to the thread pool. The request is restarted when an asynchronous event has resumed the Continuation or once timeout has occurred. Java AJAX servers now have a mechanism to send asynchronous messages to the client with minimal latency and minimal thread usage."
JAG - Java Application Generator: Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - JAG 5.0: Spring and Hibernate 3 Annotations support
Scott Schram's Blog: The XStream library offers clean, easy XML serialization of POJOs.
IBM unveils new WebSphere product line: "lightweight, Java-based enterprise service bus (ESB) and a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) engine."
Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - Re: Is anyone using iBatis? - Reply Number 2: "We are using iBATIS and have it running in production for several applications - No issues at all and we are using Spring's DAO support of iBATIS. Works great and it's just as advertised. And there's even iBATIS for .NET and Ruby as well."
Ben Galbraith's Blog: C# 3.0: Relational Language Operatings, Type Inference, and More: "The real interesting action happened when Anders Hejlsberg and Don Box got up and demonstrated Microsoft's LINQ project. It turns out that in a future release of .NET (3.0), Microsoft will embed relational operators into the language itself. To understand what this means, check out this C# code:..." & Visual C# Developer Center : Future Versions
Building the ‘eBay’ of Web Services News - WebServices.Org & eBay Developer Education: Introduction to eBay Web Services webcast

Sunday, September 25, 2005

XQuery Primer written from Michael Kay: "Michael Key, author of Saxon and a series of books on XSL, has written a quick tutorial on XQuery for Stylus Studio called 'Learn XQuery in 10 Minutes.' The introduction says it's 'for all those people who really want to know what XQuery is, but don't have the time to find out.'"
Apache WSS4J: Davanum Srinivas' weblog: [ANN] Apache WSS4J 1.1.0 Released: "Web Service Security implementation."
Arun Gupta's Blog: Indigo setup on Vista Beta1
Microsoft Windows Vista Developer Center
Open-source projects intertwine for integration | CNET "partnership calls for close technical ties and code sharing among ServiceMix, Apache Synapse and Celtix, which is hosted at France-based consortium ObjectWeb."
developerWorks : Blogs : Bobby Woolf: "September IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal"
Open Source Java Reporting with JasperReports and iReport: "A number of other reporting tools are available, so how does JasperReports/iReport stack up to the others? Here are a couple of the main actors in the field: 1) Eclipse BIRT is a new, up-and-coming charting and reporting tool with a nice Eclipse plugin. Although a relative newcomer, it has some powerful reporting and charting functionalities. On the other hand, it is less mature than JasperReports, and it seems less well integrated with Java It also relies on internal JavaScript scripting for report enhancing. Integration with datasources other than a plain JDBC connection seems to be complicated as well. Nevertheless, it is worth a look 2) Business Objects/Crystal Reports is a powerful commercial BI/reporting solution with a slick graphical designer. A full-fledged Crystal Reports Server XI Edition license (20 users) costs around $7,500. The Crystal Reports IX Developer Edition, a lighter version more oriented towards Web application development, is available for around $595 per developer. Even in the latest version, Java integration seems to be limited however."
Using Java to Handle Custom WSDL Data Types: "What happens when neither the default WSDL type system nor the default encoding meet your application's needs? Don't worry, you can use custom data types and encoding formats in conjunction with Java to solve the problem... The WSDL2Java class below is an example of a simple WSDL-to-Java interpreter using XMLBeans..."
VoIP User Echo Test Server: "I think the echo was part of the sample files once. If not add into the extensions.conf..."
VoIP Blog - VoIP News, Gadgets: "Interview with Asterisk guru Mark Spencer"
VoIP Blog - VoIP News, Gadgets: "Ever want to boot up into Windows XP via a USB memory key? Well, now you can. According to Tom's Networking you can install a mini-version of Windows XP - just enough to get your up and running so you can restore from backup, access your files, or do whatever you have to do"
A simple illustration of why the Bells needn’t worry - The VoIP Weblog - _: "When is QoS going to hit the radar screens of ISPs and backbone carriers so the Internet can truly become the next-generation voice network we’ve been desiring? To read the details of this poor guy’s plight, check out the link below.": Vonage VoIP Forum - Vonage Customer Since 05/04 - Very Frustrated, LONG POST
O'Reilly Network: Eight Tips for Migrating to Enterprise VoIP Palm OS Emulator News Roundup: "August 23, 2005"
Nathan Pralle: "HooDaHek (hoo-dah-hek, as in 'who-the-heck?') is a collection of Asterisk AGI scripts, CGI scripts, and MySQL tables intended to implement your own in-house Caller ID database and notification services."
IPSoftware for Asterisk: IPSwitchBoard: "Operators Panel for the Asterisk PBX" Books: Mapping Hacks: "I have read some complaints that this book was printed before the Google Maps API became available" & Sample Hacks:

Hack 5: The Road Less Traveled by in MapQuest (PDF)
Hack 15: Zoom Right In on Your Neighborhood (PDF)
Hack 49: Get Your Tracklogs in Windows or Linux (PDF)
Hack 58: Don't Lose Your Tracklogs! (PDF)
Hack 97: Set Up an OpenGuide for Your Hometown (PDF)

Read an excerpt from this book on O'Reilly Network: Chapter 7: Names and Places, Chapter 16: Mapping Your Neighborhood" -- Online Catalog: Web Mapping Illustrated, First Edition: " Chapter 3: Converting and Viewing Maps (PDF)"
The Sun Certified Java Programmer Certification, Versions 1.2 and 1.4
Learn Business Blogging From Dave Taylor (Events)
eBay Sandbox-PayPal Checkout in Test Environment — eBay Developers Program
paypaltools: Home & eBay Developers Program: eBay Community Codebase Spotlight: PushCommerce
eBay Developers Program: Join the PayPal Solutions Directory: "get listed as a Website Payments Standard developer..."
Education Catalog — eBay Developers Program & eBay Developers Program: What is eBay Web Services?: "Technical Evangelist Alan Lewis discusses the differences between the SOAP API and XML API, the new unifed schema, data management, error handling, and more."
eBay Developers Program: 425 XML and SOAP Documentation Now Available
eBay Developers Program: eBay Community Codebase Spotlight: Net::eBay Perl Module
eBay Developers Program: Latest Versions of SDKs are Now Available
Personal Firewall Reviews: "Top Picks -- Norton & ZoneAlarm"

Saturday, September 24, 2005

XML Tutorial Schema -Complex Types: "The sub-elements can appear in any order: "
Raible Designs ~ We Build Web Apps: log.debug vs. logger.debug - which do you prefer?: "I typically declare a log variable for each class, such as this one in protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseAction.class);... A better design can be found in Spring's DaoSupport classes. They have a logger variable that all its subclasses can use - eliminating the need to initialize a log variable in each class: protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());"

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Palm Treo 700w (aka Treo 670) - Exclusive first look! - Engadget - "Windows Mobile-powered Treo"
Sun XML Instance Generator: "a Java tool to generate various XML instances from several kinds of schemas. It supports DTD, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, and a subset of W3C XML Schema Part"
Grid Web Services @ IU Extreme! Lab & WS/XSUL2: Web and XML Services Utility Library (Version 2): "XSUL services are just POJO that use classes generated by XmlBeans from WSDL/XML Schemas and implement interface generated from WSDL PortType (following best of IoC design principles no knowledge of WS/XSUL APIs is needed to implement services)"
NYSDEC Lake Erie Weekly Fishing Report: "Steelhead anglers continue to inquire about the poor runs of steelhead thus far in our Lake Erie tributaries. The answer is simple - warm temperatures and lack of rain. Most of the streams, despite rain from Katrina and the floods last week, remain very low and very warm. Even Cattaraugus Creek with its large drainage remains about 70F during the daytime and has just begun to flow a bit harder. With the lake still warm, steelhead have little incentive to move inshore to run creeks that are even warmer with little water to hide in. Despite this, there are a few more fish moving into Cattaraugus Creek, and anglers have caught jacks as far upstream as Gowanda. I do expect that the rain and cooler temperatures expected next week will bring in the first good runs of steelhead into the Catt when the creek settles down. There are some steelhead sneaking into the lower sections of 18 Mile, Canadaway, and Chautauqua Creeks, but do not expect any huge runs until their flows begin to pick up."
Mule - Mule JBI Examples
National Do Not Call Registry
PDC Recap: Applications and Communications Roadmap: Platform Presents and Futures
Spring-Loaded: "Ruby, meet Spring"
Dmitri Maximovich's Blog: Oracle nightmare? I think not yet.
EntepriseDB - Open source based relational database, PostgreSQL based database management software: "EnterpriseDB has taken the world’s most advanced open source database - PostgreSQL – and enhanced it so that most applications written for Oracle will run on EnterpriseDB without modification, protecting investments in applications. Meanwhile, EnterpriseDB also maintains full compatibility with native PostgreSQL." & Bill Roth's Blog: Oracle's nightmare:Open Source databases and WLS 9
IBM Redbooks | Introduction to Storage Infrastructure Simplification
IBM Redbooks | Secure Your email Server with Linux (PDF)
Spring Framework 1.2.5 Released | "This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues found in previous 1.2.x releases and introducing various minor new features."
Spring Live ~ Weblog: "Acegify your web.xml" & RollerWiki: Proposal_AcegiSecurity
XML Schema Tutorial

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ajax for Java developers: Build dynamic Java applications
FreeSSL Generate CSR SSL Certificate Create Certificate Signing Request: Generate CSR for SSL on Jakarta-Tomcat, Apache OpenSSL SSL Create CSR Certificate Signing Request, Generate CSR for Apache 2, ...
Welcome to "It's been a long time coming, but the wait was worthwhile, finally you are able to get security at the right price... Free!" & tips & TutorialsHowto - CAcert Wiki & Running your own CA - ArsLinuxWiki: "OpenCA ( is a full featured CA, but that also means it's fairly complicated." & OpenCA LiveCD
Google Directory - Computers > Security > Public Key Infrastructure & Internet > Protocols > SSL-TLS - START
SSL Certificates Guide, Free online SSL certificate security guide - SSL Comparison Chart
Secure SSL Certificate Services -'s Price $29.95/year
SSL Certificates & Free SSL Certificate:

A Free Certificate Authority is an attempt to establish a free certificate authority. Currently, their goal is to get their root certificate installed into the major browsers. They have established what is called a web of trust. This is an attempt to verify identity through assurers. Assurers are other individuals or organizations who have gone through the process of verifying their identity with the CAcert web of trust.

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Logemann Blog: "Its nice to see that James Strachan really likes the Spring Framework. Its a pleasure to see projects like ActiveMQ or Jenks complementing Spring in a perfect way..."
Garbage Collection : Weblog: "My notes on installing some useful unix tools"
Garbage Collection : Weblog: "Better HTML buttons... with images"
Garbage Collection : Weblog: "A watch dog against SSH login attacks"
Xyling Java Blog: 7 tips to improve Server Side Java Performance & J2EE Presentation layer (HTML) best practices - I
Xyling Java Blog: Open Source J2ME gaming book: "Jason Lam has started a very interesting project on the SourceForge. An open source book. An open source, free to use, J2ME book on gaming."
Running Room
Running Room Clinic Listings
glassbox-inspector: Glassbox Inspector Project Home Page: "Here's a screenshot of using the Java 5 JConsole to monitor the Spring Petclinic and Duke's Bookstore sample applications running in Tomcat 5.5 on a JRockIt 1.5.0_02 JVM..."
javatools: JavaTools Community Newsletter
XMI: Using C# to Capture UML Models
Get Familiar with J2SE 5.0 Collections
Using XML in Java Gets Easier with DOM4J
TheServerSide.NET - More Than One Way to Skin an App

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nanoweb - The PHP Web Server
Toyz Wiki: FrontPage: No-Brainer Investing with a 'Millionaire Next Door' calculator "Gwen Stefani - December 9, 2005"
Skype Journal: Can Skype Plug'n Play with Asterisk PBX
Ken Lee's Blog: SIP Service Logic Programming Models: "SIP Servlets is an extension to the J2EE HTTP Servlet APIs and container model, and has become an industry standard specification through the Java Community Process (JCP) as JSR 116, and unlike SIP CGI, is Java language-specific. SIP Servlets are used to develop applications which can process SIP signalling, such as telephony and presence applications.""Dion"): Application Monitoring with AspectJ, JMX, and GlassBox
Javalobby - Java J2EE Programming Forums - Java to XML to Java: "Enter JiBX which seems a lot cleaner and more flexible, you write a mapping specification which gets byte-code-engineered into your code, and wham, it's done. Very fast, too, apparently." Configuring Eclipse for Remote Debugging
ActiveMQ 4.0 Design Documents - Confluence
Rick Hightower's Sleepless Night in Tucson : Weblog: "I am in the process of reworking the Spring Framework Introduction paper (Spring Tutorial for development managers, architects and developers)." & TTS comments
Rick Hightower's Sleepless Night in Tucson : Weblog: "How do you pitch the Spring framework to a development manager?"
XFire IRC: UWYN Drone & Confluence: XMLBeans Integration, Example - Exposing a Document-Style Service that uses XMLBeans Your test-driven development community - News: "actiWATE is a freeware software platform intended to simplify the test automation process." Your test-driven development community - News: "actiWATE is a freeware software platform intended to simplify the test automation process."
Dear John (Column #3) - An XMLBeans Example: Address Book - NICE
Cafe au Lait Java News and Resources: "Sun has posted the fifth update release for Java 5.0 Tiger with dozens of assorted bug fixes"
I bla-bla-bla: My take on Weblogic XMLBeans: "Springframework tutorial has left me in such good spirits and gave me such a taste of adventure that I wanted to try some of the other projets out there. God knows there are tons of stuff that i have been excited about for a while now, i have a long list of them.. Yet, i come home and i am tired, and i start something, but if it doesn't work, or tutorial isn't well written or organized or lacks clarity, i give up.."
XMLBeans: An easy way to use XML in Java & Using XMLBeans to Implement Dynamic Configuration Files & Using XMLBeans in Web Service Clients and User Interfaces & Configuring XMLBeans & BEA XMLBeans Samples
EclipsePlugins : details for the Eclipse XMLBeans Eclipse plugin (Obsolete)
HomeSpontania: "high-quality video communication as easy as placing a voice call"
Today's Web Service Stack: ASMX 2.0 + WSE 3.0
Tom's Hardware Guide: Tom's Hard News: "the code-word 'Sparkle' had been leaked to reporters, with the signal that a suite of applications was coming along that would be a 'Flash killer.' This morning, the company formally unveiled its 'Expression' Web development suite, which more accurately appeared to be targeted at Macromedia's Studio suite, which is spearheaded by Dreamweaver and Fireworks." - demo
dataprobe iboot--Dataprobe iBoot Remote Reboot equipment
Products: "KVM Switches / Printer Sharing / Controller/Buffers"
Tom's Hardware Guide PCs & HowTo: Clutter Rescue: 2 Port KVM Switches - Clutter Rescue & Saving Space: 4 Port KVM Switches - A KVM Switch Saves Workstation Space
How To: Asterisk Answering Machine : TomsNetworking :: "Note: While I take the approach of editing configuration files to bend Asterisk to my purposes, you could also use the more user-friendly Asterisk@Home (AAH) to build your answering machine. See our previous article on AAH for more info"
Tom's Hardware Guide Business Reports: Microsoft promises world domination at PDC - Introduction: "Microsoft promises world domination at PDC "
52 Projects: A Not-To-Do List
Joe Walnes, XStream is nearing a release: "Q) Is there a way to write out the XML so that an attribute in an object is put in the xml as a value to an element rather than its own element? A) XStream is intended as a transparent serialization library rather than a mapping framework. If you need flexible control of how an object is stored as XML this would require mappings to be specified. XStream doesn't currently have a mechanism to specify mappings like this. If you want fine grained control of the resulting XML, I would recommend a product that is more suited to the job, such as Castor."
Put your Money where your Mouse Is: 6 Payment Gateways Reviewed [eCommerce]
Emil Kirschner: xstream & jdk1.5 annotations
Reporting Services forum
Newbie on DW: "I still use the Datawarehouse Toolkit and Data warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, both by Kimball et al. Although they're a bit 'old' now, I find that the approaches are still quite valid in many cases. Plus it gives you a technology neutral approach to warehousing, which can be helpful when being courted by ETL, OLAP, DB vendors. Having said that, I wouldn't look outside of SQL2K5 for my next DW project due to the improvements in SSIS (replaces DTS) and AS... We used Kimball's books recently and were also new to DW. We have been highly praised for our DW design by some very experienced DW people. Kimball is the way to go."
Go Local with Your Marketing Message
StartupNation: Blogs Create Brand and Site Traffic
The 28 Hour Day :-)
XML Attributes: Should you avoid using attributes?: "If you use attributes as containers for data, you end up with documents that are difficult to read and maintain. Try to use elements to describe data. Use attributes only to provide information that is not relevant to the data."
XStream – A More .Net Like XML Serialization Library for Java: "I’ve got a confession to make. My current client is a Java shop, not a .Net shop. Now, I’m “only” doing XML work here, so I don’t really have to do much Java coding, but knowing how the platform works is very important to creating an easy to use XML architecture. One of the first gotchas I ran across is the poor support for XML serialization in the Java framework."
Oracle Performance Tuning – Part 1
XMLBeans Tools: "inst2xsd (Instance to Schema Tool) - Generates XML schema from XML instance files."
Java(TM) Boutique - Converting XML to JavaBeans with XMLBeans
bindmark: BindMark home page: "A benchmark for Java XML data binding frameworks... This project follows and elaborates on previous posts from JiBX site, from Amis and from Currently, twenty one libraries have been evaluated (commercial libraries marked by asterisk): Beck, Betwixt, C24*, Castor, Eclipse EMF, Glue* (ElectricXML), Javolution, JAXB, JAXB 2.0, JaxMe, JiBX, JSX*, JXM, LiquidXML*, Relaxer, Skaringa, XMLBeans, XmlIO, XMLSpy*, XStream and Zeus. See this link for setup instructions."
Java Interview Questions - & J2EE Interview Questions & IT Questions & Java Interview Questions, Java Tutorials, J2ee Interview Questions, Struts Interview Questions, Webservices Interview Questions & & Xyling Java Blog: Some more - java interview questions: Java Interview Questions, Secrets Of The Masters: Core Java Interview Questions @ JAVA DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL, JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon: some java interview Questions - NICE
Setting a Project Based on an Existing ANT Build File @ ECLIPSE DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL
EclipseZone - How to install WTP 0.7 via the update site

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 Visualizing Network Traffic with Netflow and FlowScan Understanding MVC in PHP Problems in PCRE, the Linux Kernel, and SILC: "09/15/2005"
Aaron Johnson: PGP Encryption using Bouncy Castle - A tutorial about Bouncy Castle Crypto. Cryptography basics. Includes examples. - A tutorial about Bouncy Castle Crypto. Cryptography basics. Includes examples. General documentation & ARTICLES & BOOKS
the jackol�s den � htaccess Cheatsheet - Mikhail Esteves
Linux Online - Linux Courses Magnetic Stripe Reader: "Have you ever wondered what information is stored on the magnetic-striped cards in your wallet? Now you can find out. This project shows you how to make a magstripe reader for less than $40"
Book Excerpt: Murach's ASP.NET 2.0 Upgrader's Guide, C# Edition
A Crash Course on Custom ASP.NET Data-bound Controls: "Data-bound controls require a data source property and a set of string properties that link to particular columns of the data source. In addition, they need an Items collection property to track all the building blocks of the control's user interface. Finally, a well-done data-bound control supports styles and custom events."
Salvage Your Client-Side JavaScript Menus in ASP.NET Using XML/XSLT: "ASP.NET's server-based event-handling model has made working with many popular client-side JavaScript menu systems increasingly unpalatable in their current form. Fortunately, XML and XSLT provide a way out."
Spring Your Struts Apps Ahead: The Struts-to-Spring Migration: "Find out what it takes to migrate Struts applications to Spring MVC. You'll learn not only how to transform Struts applications into Spring MVC applications, but also the logical mapping between the two frameworks and how key Struts concepts relate to Spring MVC concepts."
:. Ontario Real Estate Association .:
Wrox::Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework:Book Information and Code Download - available Finally!
ASTRA Web Service Overview: ASTRA: How-to: Consume ASTRA Web Service from Java J2EE, ASTRA: How-to: Consume ASTRA Web Service from Microsoft.NET (using X509 client certificates") & University of Washington Certificate Authority
Web Services and other distributed technologies: WS-Security Interoperability Using WSE 2.0 and Sun JWSDP 1.4: "Hang on! What's Wrong with SSL?"
Using Java Secure Socket Extension and Java Cryptography Extension with Servlets and enterprise bean files & developerWorks : Java : IBM developer kits : Security
https setup: "Secure_HowTo that instructs how to setup jUDDI to utilise HTTPS & PKCS12Import utility that can be used for importing PKCS12 to a JKS keystore..."
JetPhoto - digital photo organizing and publishing software
Lavadora Project: "aims to deliver a plug-in for the Eclipse Platform which tries to mirror a functionality offered by commercial development environments (IDE's) in the area of Web Services" & Tutorial
Connecting Apache's Web Server to Multiple Instances of Tomcat | Linux Journal
» An Introduction To Ajax - great article on dev2dev
» AJAX Tag Library - Open Source project for easy use of AJAX mechanisms from JSPs
Configuring Security: "Overview of Web Services Security: To secure your WebLogic Web Service, you configure one or more of three conceptually different types of security: - Rich Internet Applications - News
Understanding the WS-I Test Tools
: Transcript: Using the WS-I Test Tools
Using the WS-I Test Tools with Java technology: "In this tutorial, we give you step-by-step instructions on how to use the Java version of the test tools to verify that a sample Web service conforms to the WS-I Basic Profile." (PDF)
Deliverables - Testing Tools: "designed to help developers determine whether their Web services are conformant with WS-I profile guidelines."
Security with Apache SOAP (Article): "Modify the Client code to use https and the certificates..."
blursoft Meta | the most advanced forum ever designed
WordPress Reference Centre
WordPress Plugins Database
O blog do Jazzy: "Wordpress+DokuWiki vs Drupal" - translation
43 Folders | Writing sensible email messages - Web Design Cheat Sheets: Illustrator, Photoshop, CSS, PHP, MySQL, mod_rewrite, Javascript,...
Unix System Programming with Standard ML
Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project Presentation Archive & "WTP Web Service Programming Examples from EclipseWorld Posted"
ECLIPSE DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL: JDJ/Eclipse Developer's Journal Exclusive: The Story of Web Tools Platform 0.7 @ ECLIPSE DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL

Monday, September 19, 2005

More on Google DS2 -- Blog Consulting & Professional Blogging a View from the Isle: "Yesterday I posted a mini-review of Google's new desktop search—Sorry Copernic, Google DS2 beta rocks!—and now24 hrs later, I'm even more impressed. "
Skype Journal: Skype - Chapter 2: "So beyond the obvious "Power of Three" in the beautifully presented eBay powerpoint what can we see?"
Skype Journal: Why interconnect your PBX to the Skype Network?
Skype Journal: Skype goes Hollywood with Voice Services
Skype Voice Services Program
Skype Journal: Skype announces Voice Services: "Skype partners with three platform partners Tellme, Voxeo and VoxPilot to create a voice content delivery system."
Skype Journal: Call Forwarding with Skype
Skype Journal: My Skype + Flickr mashup wishlist
Skype Journal: Skype Developers Show Off
Bill Roth's Blog: BEA's position on SOA
Eric Stahl's Blog: Developer Feedback on WebSphere Products
Hussein Badakhchani's Blog: Porsesh, a Java questionnaire engine: "Before I continue I should point out that I had a quick look around the internet for a free tool to do what Porsesh does but I did not find anything that I tought meet my needs. I did find socrates but it looked like over kill and there were no recent releases."
Todd Little's Blog: RMI/IIOP and reasonable EJB interfaces
Project Tracking With Trackit: "TrackIt is an open source web-based project tracking tool, similar to Mercury Test Director or Alassian JIRA. Unlike JIRA and Test Director, TrackIt is free to use for any project. Trackit is built with the Echo2 Framework, taking full advantage of its AJAX based rendering engine. In this article we will provide a getting started tutorial guide for Trackit."
dev2dev: Introduction to Trading Partner Integration, Part 1
IBM Redbooks | IBM Performance Management Tools (PDF)
IBM Redbooks | Patterns: Integrating Enterprise Service Buses in a Service-Oriented Architecture
IEBlog : Developer Toolbar for IE announced at PDC
Vasanth Dharmaraj's Blogs - Google explains George Bush's failure
Vasanth Dharmaraj's Blogs - New Eclipse Projects: DTP, STP and Mascara: "STP is Service Oriented Architecture Tools Platform. This will provide tools for creating and deploying services. This will also be able to deploy to and configure ESBs. Cool. I can not wait to see where this goes."
SynapseProposal - Incubator Wiki: "This project implements the patterns that are often called Enterprise Service Bus or Broker. Since these are somewhat contentious terms, we call Synapse a Web service mediation framework and define the aims of the Synapse as follows:..."