Friday, June 22, 2012

How to get Brightcove video with rtmpdump or rtmpexplorer: "Open rtmpexplorer, put the webpage link in it, play the video, rtmpsrv will detects the link and tries to download that!! So easy!" & RTMPExplorer 1 - Downloads: "RTMPExplorer is a GUI for rtmpsrv. This allows to download RTMP and RTMPE streams using freeware RTMPdump automatically. Requires RTMPDump and .NET Framework 4"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Duct Tape Marketing: Commit to Act Archive

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Home Valuation Map Using Google Fusion Tables - GeekEstate Blog
Google Earth Outreach: "Spreadsheet Mapper is a powerful tool for mapping up to 400 locations. If you have more points you want to put on the map, try the "Export to KML" feature in Google Fusion Tables (Fusion Mapper)"
The Content Marketer’s Guide to Visualizations
Facebook Timeline Made Easy Sales Letter | Justin Quick Marketing: - sales page, but it has nice FB changes overview
21 Tools to Unlock Your Creative Genius

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

2012 Blogging for Real Estate Planner | Ross Hair
Google Apps Help
WordPress › WP SES « WordPress Plugins: "redirects All outgoing WordPress emails through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) instead of local wp_mail function"
Free Google Apps, More Difficult to Find: "Google Apps is now in the same league as RealPlayer, which shows a small link to the free version, while using the rest of the page to promote a paid version. Just in case the link to the Google Apps Standard Edition goes away, here's how to sign up for free"
Sending verified emails through Amazon Simple Email Service with DKIM and PHPMailer
SEO Tools, Training Tips and Advice. Knowledge + Tools = SEO power: - links
Real Estate Champions - REALTOR PROfiling System - DISC test

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Sendgrid vs Postmark vs Amazon SES and other email/SMTP API providers? - Stack Overflow: "Here is a list of the ones currently being talked about:
& SendGrid Responds to Amazon's Simple Email Service | Hacker News: "To be fair, the price isn't just slightly lower - it is nearly an order of magnitude lower. Sending 500k messages a month with Amazon is $50, and with SendGrid it's $400."