Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Solaris Operating System - Data Sheet - Solaris Containers: "Solaris Containers and Logical Domains (LDoms) are part of Sun's comprehensive offering of virtualization technologies. Solaris Containers use virtualization to enable you to maintain the one-application-per-server deployment model, while at the same time sharing hardware resources. LDoms, in conjunction with the CoolThreads technology in Sun Fire UltraSPARC T1 servers, work at a systems virtualization level, allowing multiple operating systems to run simultaneously"

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wii Keyboard - Wii USB Support - Wii Keyboard Shortcuts - Wii Secrets: "Here is a full list of wireless wii keyboards that we know are compatible with the Wii."
Running multiple versions of Drupal on Windows | & Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 3: Build your development environment in Windows: "We are using Apache's virtual host functions to organize and maintain our Drupal installations. Virtual hosts provide an easy framework for developing multiple Drupal-based Web sites on the same system. Each site will have its own host name that is local to the development system and virtual host configuration file that references that host name." & Windows-specific guidelines | ApacheFriends XAMPP, WampServer 2 & MyEclipse :: View topic - Setting up WAMP as a deployable server 6.5: "I do this with PDT by creating a VirtualHost entry in my XAMPP server that points to the webroot of the PHP project. In your windows hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) create an additional entry for (I use {project}.draft.local, cookies are disabled on some browsers if the host name doesn't have have two dots when not com/net/org/edu/etc...). Turn on NameVirtualHost *:80 in your apache configuration, then create a VirtualHost entry like <virutalhost> with a ServerName entry using the name you specified in the hosts file. This also supports XDEBUG under PDT for source level debugging. Remember to disable the Zend optimizer in your php.ini and install xdebug as a Zend extension for this to work. You can get the latest xdebug dll from"
SharePoint Quick Start FAQ: Part IV & SharePoint workflow basics
Views Slideshow - Drupal Module Reviews and Ratings: "Must see! Drupaltherapy's Views + Views Slideshow Screencast"
SEO issues with Views 2 | "Edit your view and add an argument of type Node: nid. Set it to 'display all values', validator of 'Node', and argument type of 'Node ID'. Set 'Action to take if argument does not validate' to 'Hide view / Page not found (404)'. Update the argument and save the view. Now you should be able to visit 'frontpage' and see your view. 'frontpage/newpage' should show a valid node. 'frontpage/nopage' should throw a 404." & Handling custom 403 and 404 error pages in Drupal - Blog: "Customerror module skirts round the issues of having nodes as error pages. The module makes error handling pages available as custom paths inside Drupal. These aren’t nodes, so we have no issues there."
Flag - Drupal Module Reviews and Ratings: "Flag is a flexible flagging system that is completely customizable by the administrator. Using this module, the site administrator can provide any number of flags for nodes, comments, or users. Some possibilities include bookmarks, marking important, friends, or flag as offensive. With extensive views integration, you can create custom lists of popular content or keep tabs on important content. Flags may be per-user, meaning that each user can mark an item individually, or global, meaning that the item is either marked or it is not marked, and any user who changes that changes it for everyone."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Drupal Charting | Lullabot: "I created some numeric and text data using CCK fields and auto-filled them using the Devel Generate module, then tried to chart my data in various modules. There are three main types of charting that are supported by the Drupal modules, Google Charts, Open Flash Charts, and Fusion Charts."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Top 50 Web Rankings: Affiliate Networks - Website Magazine - Website Magazine: "Research for this report comes courtesy of, the Web’s largest provider of website popularity metrics and detailed website information on more than one million Internet destinations."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3-D modeling with SketchUp and Eclipse, Part 1: Creating the bridge between SketchUp and Eclipse
Cloud computing for the enterprise: Part 1: Capturing the cloud: "Examples of infrastructure services include IBM BlueHouse, VMWare, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure Platform, Sun ParaScale Cloud Storage,..."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Toronto - OWASP: During his A Laugh RIAt – Rich Internet Application Security presentation HP's Rafal told us about HP SWFScan (to securing Flash applications) & Flare (free ActionScript decompiler). To change an SWF, you may try Flasm or MTASC.
Toronto - OWASP: During his A Laugh RIAt – Rich Internet Application Security presentation HP's Rafal told us about HP SWFScan (to securing Flash applications) & Flare (free ActionScript decompiler)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Diagnose Critical Website Architecture Issues for SEO: "How flat is your site architecture?"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Geo and Geocode Modules Documentation Wiki | "What are the advantages of the Geo module over other Drupal GIS solutions? It stores GIS data in native form using spatial extensions on MySql and PostgreSQL (Oracle and SQLLite also have spatial extensions, but are not yet implemented in the Geo module)
o the spatial extensions allow you to do math on GIS data
+ is a point within a polygon?
+ do two linestrings intersect?
+ find the area of a polygon
o PostgreSQL has a much fuller set of GIS functions than MySql.
+ If you're doing anything 'serious', use PostgreSQL.
o can store points, linestrings, and polygons"
File Uploading and Managing |
Multi-step Forms in Drupal 6 using variable functions | pingVision
Seth Godin | The Difference Between a Freelancer and an Entrepreneur
What's Your Hook? - There's more to this Marketing Inspiration than simply making videos. I don't know of a better way to do this than this type of video: OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | The Art of the Tutorial: "This week I sat through eight hours of companies pitching themselves to a panel of experts at SXSW. It was a challenging experience because the companies had two minutes to explain what they do, and very few could. Indeed, in most cases the first question that the panelists asked was, “What exactly do you do again?” The same thing happens hundreds of thousands of times every day as people visit company websites. How many websites pass this simple test: “People can understand what the company does in two minutes or less”?"
Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques — Copyblogger

Thursday, April 09, 2009

SOA Testing: SOA Testing and Simulation of HL7 v3 messages using Schematrons: "In my discussions with engineers at Crosscheck Networks, I have come across an interesting use case in the health care industry where HL7 v3 - an ANSI health care standard modeling clinical, administrative, pharmacy, medical devices and imaging domains - is being deployed by the Dutch Government."
About HL7 & HL7 Tools, Utilities and Resources & XML to HL7 Translation
developerWorks: Cloud development: Storage made easy with S3:


Get products and technologies

Web Clinics - What's working now in optimization... (Audio archives)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Your Reputation Can Throttle Your Delivery - ClickZ - Print Article: "If you are an e-mail sender with a spotty or poor reputation, you should know by now that the big ISPs are more likely to block your e-mail or to deliver it to subscribers' bulk folders. Reputation is the key driver of inbox deliverability. A Return Path study found 77 percent of e-mail was blocked at the ISP level because of sender reputation problems, compared with 17 percent for content issues, and 6 percent for dubious URLs. But it can be hard to know what your reputation is. Aside from Return Path's proprietary Sender Score ranking service, reputation is hard to quantify."

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ageless Living with Dr. Oz: Secrets of the Blue Zone - "Dr. Oz goes deep inside the 'blue zones'…where people live longer than anyone else. What you can do now to live agelessly!"

Friday, April 03, 2009

SEO FireFox Addon of the Week: Add Notes to Google Analytics: "It enables users to add notes to site profiles in GA so that you could record your thoughts, plans and ideas... More useful Google analytics tips: