Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Track Google Keyword Rankings In Google Analytics - Guidelines - highly recommended by Steve Krug, author of Don't Make Me Think book
Behavioral Targeting & Google Analytics: How To Create Personas - Outsourcing and Delegating: "Tim even admitted in my recent interview with him (available here as a 25-minute audio podcast for your listening pleasure) to sleeping under cubicles and in his office." & Living The 4-Hour Work Week: Outsourcing My Life: "Last week I started the quest to outsource my life. I decided that waiting 20 days for Get Friday was longer than I wanted to wait so I turned to Elance..." & GetFriday and the Cost of Success: Exclusive Letter from the CEO: "New personal outsourcing services popped up to fill the demand, and the niche industry of personal outsourcing is now big business."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Feed Flipper: Free iTunes Podcast to RSS Converter (view on Google Sidewiki) - Feed Flipper is a free alternative to iTunes which converts an audio iTunes podcast into an RSS XML feed. The resulting URL (the Feed Flipper URL + your iTunes podcast URL) is then available to be subscribed to directly into your RSS feed reader of choice for ongoing podcast delivery.

Interesting Developments: Prioritizing Podcasts with Google Reader » from earth2marsh: "If you use iTunes, you can stop reading… but I have a Nokia N800 tablet, and Canola can’t handle the atom feed from Google Reader. Yahoo Pipes to the rescue"
2010 : A New Age For Search Marketers | Search Engine Journal: "What makes this change so important is that the future of search, whether it be Search “2.0″ or Caffeine oriented, is based on much more than the relevancy factors of content, links, queries and relevant infrastructure. This new “Search-o-morphis” brings factors into play which include site usability, site mobility, the presence of the site socially and also more and more offpage factors which go beyond traditional linking."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

YouTube - Google Analytics New Features Webinar: "We've recorded the webinar so you can share it with others or watch the webinar again on our Google Analytics YouTube Channel. We also wanted to update you on the Annotations feature. While all other features discussed in the webinar should be available in your accounts now, the Annotations feature will become available in January 2010"
Free Web proxy security tools software testers should get to know: "The two that I've found beneficial Burp Proxy and WebScarab... There's third proxy option called Paros Proxy. I've had mixed results with Paros but many others swear by it."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Official Google Blog: Making URLs shorter for Google Toolbar and FeedBurner & Introducing Google’s Own URL Shortener | Search Engine Journal: "Google is taking the URL shortening thingie on a different approach – via Feedburner and Google Toolbar."
The Local Search Engine Optimization Cheat List | Search Engine Journal: "This post is an effort to give you a clearly defined and easy to comprehend guide on the steps to optimize your business for local search: enjoy!"

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Guide to Hiring Voice-Over Talents and Voice Producers Online | Resource Center Voice123 - The Voice Over Marketplace - Voice Overs, Voice Actors, and Voice Talents
Google Analytics Blog: Holiday Bonus: More Great Features & Analytics Talk » Blog Archive » New Google Analytics Goals
Google Sends Out Decals with QR Codes | Search Engine Journal & QR Code - Google Favorite Places: "Make sure your phone can scan a QR code with its camera, either with an application that you download or via software that's already installed on your phone. To find out what application to use for your phone, we recommend doing a Google search for the model of your phone along with "QR reader." Some of the applications that we've found to work best include beetagg, neoreader, QuickMark and Barcode Scanner."" & Official Google Blog: Place Pages for Google Maps: There are places we remember!

Monday, December 07, 2009

#1138 (Crash when starting downloads...) - DownThemAll! - Trac: "In your Firefox profile folder there is a file called dta_queue.sqlite. Delete that file, and your dTa queue will be wiped clean."

Friday, December 04, 2009

Real Estate Champions - REALTOR PROfiling System - contact info is not mandatory to see the results

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Spatial DataBox: "The Toronto Flex User Group kindly allowed me to present on the topic of Google Maps for Flash & Map Mashups at yesterday evening's Shindig. (Click here for a copy of the presentation)."
gmaps-utility-library-dev - Project Hosting on Google Code - Nice collection!
Google Geo Developers Blog: Mapsicle 1.0: Annotating Street View Panoramas

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to Work with Google Services While Offline: Detailed Overview | Search Engine Journal: "To access all (but one) Google services listed here while not online you will need to install Gears FireFox addon which lets web applications interact naturally with your desktop and stores web data locally in a fully-searchable database."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Email Marketing - MarketingGenius Resources, Provided by & Genius Plug-in 3 for Outlook - Help - User Guide: "As the Genius Plug-in for Outlook embeds unique tracking information in each e-mail, it is not advisable to forward or resend a Genius e-mail. Instead, create templates for commonly used e-mails. Microsoft Support Article ID 258256 describes how to create and use e-mail templates." - Very interesting!

Friday, November 20, 2009

E-mail Marketing Framework | "Plugins for Campaign Monitor and MailChimp are already provided."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Twitter for Marketing & PR
Installing & Configuring the Activity Stream Module for Drupal 6.x | & Daily Twitter |
Design View - Flashy Graphs Sans Flash: "Let me introduce gRaphael -- Raphael's little brother. While 'Raph' is an all-round vector-drawing guy, gRaphael sticks to what he does best: drawing slick, animated, web-based graphs without the need for Flash." & Design View: "I'm sure some are already chorusing, 'What about using Flash?' Without wanting to delve into the time-honored flame wars of the pros and cons of Flash, there's at least one clear reason for preferring Raphaël/SVG. WebKit has very good support for Raphaël, meaning any Raphaël-based effects you create will work seamlessly for the ever-growing iPhone market. Currently, the iPhone, Android OS, and even Palm's groovy new Pre fail to support Flash in any way, and there are a lack of indications that this will change any time soon."

Monday, November 16, 2009

HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI
The 7 Harsh Realities of Social Media Marketing Discussion: Inbound Marketers - For Marketing Professionals | LinkedIn:
  1. No one is reading your blog
  2. You’ve got to give (some of) your best stuff away
  3. It will eat your life (if you let it)
  4. Social media hates selling
  5. What they say is a million times more important than what you say
  6. You don’t get to opt out
Inbound Marketers - For Marketing Professionals Group News | LinkedIn: 10 Overlooked Twitter Tweaks That Can Mean Big Things For Your Brand
Lullabot Podcast 80: Top 40 Drupal Modules Revisited | Lullabot: "this time with a list of 50+ 'must have' Drupal modules. Enjoy this epic 2 hour podcast!"
Google Code Blog: Google Analytics API on App Engine Treemap Visualization: All the code has been open sourced on Google Project hosting. I also wrote an article describing how this application works making it easy for developers to use this example as a starting point for new data visualizations and other Google Data projects... For the data retrieval part, this example uses the App Engine Java SDK and the Google Analytics Data Export API Java Client Library to retrieve data from Google Analytics. The example code implements both unsigned AuthSub and registered OAuth authorization methods... For the visualization part, I used the open-sourced Protovis SVG Visualization Library to create the Treemap. This JavaScript library is maintained by the Stanford Visualization Group and excels at creating brand new visualizations from a data set (in this case a boring HTML table). To handle all of the interactions, including rollover, tooltips and slider controls, I used JQuery. Here is the JavaScript source to the visualization part of the sample."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Shape2Earth: Shape2Earth: Getting Started: "does not require the purchase of any additional GIS software or licenses. The only things needed are Shape2Earth, Google Earth, MapWindow GIS (a free and open source program) and the shapefile data you want to view."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Buy Text Link Ads With These 101 Sneaky Tips On Paid Links | Search Engine Journal: "One thing I tried to demonstrate in this article is that you can take virtually every organic link building technique and achieve the same thing with money. You can earn links to your linkbait or you can buy them or both. You can develop relationships with bloggers, Wikipedia editors, hubpage curators etc… Or you can pay them."
YouTube - googleanalytics's Channel & Google Analytics Blog: Google Analytics Now More Powerful, Flexible And Intelligent: "Analytics Intelligence: We're launching the initial phase of an algorithmic driven Intelligence engine to Google Analytics. Analytics Intelligence will provide automatic alerts of significant changes in the data patterns of your site metrics and dimensions over daily, weekly and monthly periods. For instance, Intelligence could call out a 300% surge in visits from YouTube referrals last Tuesday or let you know bounce rates of visitors from Virginia dropped by 70% two weeks ago. Instead of you having to monitor reports and comb through data, Analytics Intelligence alerts you to the most significant information to pay attention to, saving you time and surfacing traffic insights that could affect your business. Now, you can spend your time actually taking action, instead of trying to figure out what needs to be done." & Dashboard Best Practice – Google Analytics Intelligence Report | Pointy Haired Dilbert: Charting & Excel Tips -

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Small Business Resource Center and Small Business Templates from Xerox - flyers, coupons, brochures, newsletters, postcards, business cards, letterhead, invoices and more: Small Business Templates
FireFox for SEOs: Working with Several FireFox Profiles (via 3+ FireFox Addons to Access the Page Text-Only Version)
SEJ Tools: The Advanced SEO Toolkit | Search Engine Journal: Research Any URL or Domain Page Rankings, Analyze Domain Basic Stats, Analyze On-Page Data, Manage and Monitor Your Link Building Campaign, Add and Manage Content, Monitor Your Reputation Across Numerous Sources, Monitor Your Brand Across Forums, Check Where Your Brand Name Should Be Reserved, Monitor Your Keyword Positions, Analyze Your Traffic Stats, Manage Reports and Users

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drupal Knows Best? The White House Debate Continues | techPresident: " We linked yesterday to a piece from Slate's Chris Wilson in which he made the case that White House's switch to the open-source content management system Drupal for its site and related projects was a horrible, miserable mistake. Now Conor McNamara, developer with the web firm DPCI, offers a point-by-point refutation of Wilson's main arguments, rooted in Drupal's admittedly unique way of doing things. Where Wilson says "Drupal knows best," for example, McNamara counters with, "No, Drupal is cautious about which users can do what, and with good reason." McNamara also more eloquently explores something we rambled on about yesterday: that whatever Drupal's challenges and quirks on the back end might be, what matters is the end users' experience with Worth a read."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prowl push notifications | "This is a Drupal module that provides support for Prowl, which is a push notification client for the iPhone. It relies upon ProwlPHP."
GoTwitr - Twitter Automation Site Built with Drupal | "Everything related to Twitter eats bandwidth, so we knew site optimization would be important. To keep overhead as low as possible, we used only the Drupal libraries that were absolutely necessary. Next we installed APC so our php would execute faster. Memcached was installed next, and we used the excellent Memcache module to integrate Memcached with Drupal. APC + Memcached = approximately 300% increase in speed."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to create a mobile version of my Drupal 5 and 6 site? & Mobile resources | & a Mobile Web Blog | Making mobile web sites with Drupal
Drigg - your Digg clone software, in Drupal: "For a test site, see: or" & Replace Drupal Planet and Drupal Talk with Drigg | & Drigg For Drupal 6 Under Development Again Thanks To Tony Mobily | Social CMS Buzz: "With popular sites like DesignBump and WPscoop both showing whats achievable with the Drigg system it’s no wonder more and more website owners are switching to Drigg or launching their new project based upon the system. You may also notice both of these sites upcoming pages are not crammed full of spam like every pligg install on the web including v1.0.0 installs, Drigg actually has protection from spam in the form of a few fantastic modules like Spam, AntiSpam and Troll which is a massive advantage over Pligg."

Monday, October 19, 2009

HDIV (HTTP Data Integrity Validator) - HDIV eliminates the risk originated by Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks using generic validations of the editable data and CSRF attacks using Anti-cross site request forgery token.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Small Business Tips and Ideas from Xerox: "Quick Tips for Document Design, Management and Workflow"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Microsoft Advertising Intelligence: "Visit the Microsoft Advertising Intelligence Community Forum to find out what people are saying about Advertising Intelligence. Also, pick-up tips, troubleshoot, share your feedback and connect with other users and members of the adCenter team. Learn more about Microsoft Advertising Intelligence: Advertising Intelligence Installation Guide (PDF, 212 KB), Frequently Asked Questions Guide (PDF, 365 KB), Advertising Intelligence Launch New Feature Guide (PDF, 936 KB), Advertising Intelligence Onesheet (PDF, 442 KB)."

Friday, October 09, 2009

Re: [pdt-dev] How to install 'org.eclipse.php_feature': "PDT 1 needs Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 2 needs Eclipse 3.4.
What you can do is:

* install one of the official Eclipse bundles ( manually (just unzipping somewhere in your filesystem) and then add PDT there
* install PDT 'all in one' ( also unzipping
* install using Pulse (

If you only need PHP IDE second method is the best. I use Ubuntu and always installed Eclipse with 1st method and never had problems with that."

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

HazteK Software Blog » New Application: Zune Playlist Converter
FoxySEO: A Quick Way to Access Multiple SEO Tools | Search Engine Journal
My Freelancer’s Toolbox | Mogdesign
Build iPhone Compatible Drupal Websites Using iWebkit: Part 2 | Sumit Kataria | CivicActions: "This second post in my series of tutorials on mobile themes for Drupal focuses on how to implement automatic user-agent detection and switch your base theme to a mobile theme."
Faceted Search | "provides a search API and a search interface for allowing users to browse content in such a way that they can rapidly get acquainted with the scope and nature of the content, and never feel lost in the data. More than a search interface, this is an information navigation and discovery tool." & Faceted Search vs Solr? |
Drupal v. SharePoint from a Developer's Viewpoint | Mediacurrent

Saturday, October 03, 2009

How to Subscribe to Your Twitter Stream with Google Reader | Search Engine Journal: "ReadTwit is a cool online tool that exports your Twitter stream into Google reader into a very neat way: it filters your twitter feed to links only, resolves link destinations and publishes the content as an RSS feed."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Drupal 6 video streaming roundup | "Is Drupal 6 ready to power an interactive, community based, user generated video site? I'd like to say yes, but I don't think I can really say for sure until I try. At the moment, Flash Video certainly looks like the most viable solution for video streaming within Drupal."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beginner's Guide to Using Command Line Switches: "When you're having problems with Outlook you may be told to start Outlook using a specific command line switch." blog: "Why Flash 10 is good for panoramas?"

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Official Google Blog: The DoubleClick Ad Exchange: growing the display advertising pie for everyone & Google Launches the DoubleClick Ad Exchange | Search Engine Journal: "if you’re a Google AdSense publisher you can check out how the DoubleClick Ad Exchange will affect you at the Inside AdSense blog. If you’re a Google AdWords advertiser, this is the link that you would want to check out. Other details about the DoubleClick Ad Exchange are enumerated on this PDF file and also at the Double Click Blog."
Online SEO Tools – the Ultimate Collection | Search Engine Journal

Friday, September 18, 2009

PDF and PS thumbnails with ImageMagick + ImageCache (WITHOUT iPaper) |
PPC Strategies from ROI Revolution - AdWords Strategies For Success:
Sync ACT! with your Google account and your phone | CompanionLink: "CompanionLink Professional has an Auto Synchronization feature that lets you set up specific time intervals for the sync to transparently occur. This is true hands-free sync without any user intervention" & Getting started with Google Calendar Sync - Google Calendar Help & Google Sync on your mobile phone
Google Lets You Tell Them Which URL Parameters To Ignore: "A new feature has appeared in the Site Configuration Settings Sections of Google Webmaster Tools. The setting, called Parameter Handling, enables site owners to specify up to 15 parameters that Google should ignore when crawling and indexing the site."

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Webinar: Tips on Migrating a Legacy-Based CMS to Drupal | Mediacurrent: "This webinar is symbolic of Mediacurrent's ongoing commitment to further evangelize Drupal. In the last few months, we have released a white paper, wrote a case study that appeared on, and are the lead organizers for the largest Drupalcamp to date in the Southeast USA."
Drupal Ingredients for your Website Dish, or Modules You Should Use on Every Site - Drupalcon Paris | Opensource, Nonprofits, and Web 2.0 - Video session on modules you might consider using when you build a Drupal site. This was kind of the followup to the session at Drupalcamp Colorado.
Drupal 5: Add Google Lead Conversion Tracking to registration page: "Here is how to implement this in your own module to add tracking to virtually any page" & How does AdWords Conversion Tracking code work once I've implemented it on to my pages? - AdWords Help & AdWords Learning Center: "If you're an AdWords advertiser, Google Advertising Professional, or just interested in learning more about AdWords, you can use our free training to sharpen your AdWords knowledge"
DrupalCampLA Website Case Study | DrupalCampLA 2009 & Building a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009 | "As mentioned above, all you will need to get your own camp/conference site setup is included in this friendly package*. Included is a readme file that will explain how to setup the site. It's basically the same as setting up a normal Drupal site except you'll want to import the database file we've included so that all of our views/content types/settings are ready to go!"

Monday, September 07, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Research Niche Questions with Hunch | Search Engine Journal: "There was a post a while ago discussing how and why to explore which questions people ask in your niche. We have agreed that it is invaluable information which is necessary to collect and analyze. So here’s another tool to add to your arsenal: Hunch. Here’s what you can do with it: 1) Browse related questions and answers; 2) Get more research and post ideas with inter-mediate questions; 3) Browse related topics to broaden the scope" & These Fun Keyword Tools Will Answer All Your Questions | Search Engine Journal

Thursday, August 27, 2009 relaunch | "The beginnings of a mobile site. I'm a big fan of the iPhone and have made a start on using iWebKit as a base" & » Revolutionary Wordpress Theme for the iPhone / iPod Touch Marius: "The iWebKit-Framework is a small set of CSS and image files that concentrates on building a website in a way so that it looks just like an iPhone or iPod Touch Application. The whole thing’s appearance is pretty sexy, you can take a look at the downloads and get the framework plus some example HTML files for testing."
Google Adwords Optimization: "Summary of how to optimize your Adwords Campaigns
  • Never stop optimizing your Adwords Campaigns.
  • Regularly look for new keywords to add to your Ad Groups.
  • Split Ad Groups up to allow more targeted ad copy and landing pages.
  • Use different match type bids to create a 'bid stack'.
  • Always be testing your ad text and landing pages to find higher clickthrough and conversion rates.
  • Judge keywords after 200 page impressions.
  • Judge landing pages after 200 clickthroughs.
  • Cull keywords that you can’t get better than 1% clickthrough and conversion rates for.
  • Use location targeting to show your ads only in relevant parts of the country.
  • Run Search Query Reports to find new keywords to bid on.
  • Schedule your Campaign to be on when customers respond."

Monday, August 17, 2009

ClickZ: Rehab for Your Sender Reputation Part 1 and Part 2 & Delivery Reports: What They Mean, How to Read Them: "Seedbox-monitoring services, such as Pivotal Veracity and Return Path, also report delivery performance, but differently from your ESP." & Get Into the Feedback Loop & The Right Way to Trim Inactives

Friday, August 14, 2009

Drupal Community Collaborating on Project Mercury Amazon EC2 Image | Chapter Three: "As we all know, Amazon's EC2 service is really beginning to mature as a web platform. Acquia is using it for their managed hosting, and many other companies have proven that with the right architecture and setup, "the Cloud" is more than just a buzzword."
How to create and maintain your own cache table in Drupal | Mikkel Høgh
Wordpress Security Guide – Part 2 | JTPRATT's Blogging Mistakes: "Wordpress Exploit Scanner"
Tweaking MySQL Server via Getting Drupal Install Optimized on VPS: "Memory and disk space is what made me move away from Slicehost and switch to Amazon EC2 instead. You pay quite a bit more for a small EC2 instance (per month about $80 USD for EC2 instead of $20 USD for Slicehost) but you get a lot more bang for your buck. For one, the memory on EC2 is for a standard Linux instance 1.7Gb compared to the 256Mb on Slicehost. This makes a huge difference if you want to do something "useful" and not just play around. Next, on EC2 you get -out of the box- 160Gb of storage. On Slicehost you only 10Gb!!! At the time, the application I was building didn't need CPU, just decent memory and lots of disk space. Even Slicehost's $800 USD monster package wouldn't fit. To me, EC2 is in the long run just a much better solution, especially if you reserve your instance."
LaRouchePAC Podcasts - 87 years old Larouche thinks like a Renesance man and acts like FREE Man!
InfoQ: Supporting Advanced User Interaction Patterns in jBPM
InfoQ: OSGi for Application Developers

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Twitterface: A viral marketing concept: "We could turn their favourite social networking application into an interface to their favourite online service providers... all an online service provider needs to do is poll Twitter for replies to its own account and simply parse the results..."
I can haz some Google love? A simple Drupal internal linking strategy. | Chris Shattuck:
  1. Installed the Related Content module
  2. Installed the Vocabulary Index module
  3. Installed the Clean Pagination module
  4. Used the monthly archive view
Example of using Selenium to automate Drupal configuration changes across several servers | Chris Shattuck
Transparent Nice Menus Tutorial | "This tutorial will show how to add semi transparency to nice menus backgrounds and then to adapt Garland theme to add a background image to the right sidebar."
Event Registration with Ubercart | DrupalEasy: "Often, when selling event admissions, it is desirable for the registrant to be able to fill out a profile during the checkout process that can be posted on the site once the transaction is complete. The UC Node Checkout module was built for this purpose. This is the way last year's Do It With Drupal conference handled registrations - with these exact modules."
Getting Started with the Blueprint Theme | DrupalEasy: "What advantage does this give you as a Drupal theme developer? First and foremost, it cuts down on your development time by virtually guaranteeing that (providing you use the Blueprint CSS as designed) cross-browser CSS 'float' issues are a thing of the past. Need a page layout that breaks up an entire page into any number of blocks? No need to get the Panels module involved, it's easy to do with Blueprint. You can Panel-fy pages without all the overhead (or learning curve)." & Case Study: Building and Theming a 3,000 Article Site in 37 Days. | DrupalEasy: "Once we had the theming complete and the data imported, the final task was to create a dynamic slideshow for the home page of the site. A main requirement of the slideshow was that it needed to be easily updated by a non-programmer via the administrative area. We decided to use the Views Slideshow module to handle the user interface. The images in each slide came from an ImageField. We then built a view that filtered by the 'sticky' tag and used Views Slideshow for its display style."
On Drupal Performance: Testing with Apache Benchmark | DrupalEasy: "How do I speed up my site?"
How Many PPC Ads Should You Test?: "The next problem is: how many conversions per ad do you need to be sure your results are reliable? I’d love to avoid getting into “statistical confidence” here- I’ve found online tools that make it easier to judge this according to clicks for CTR, but I haven’t found a free tool that helps you with statistical confidence for conversion rate or for ROAS."
20+ Must-Have FireFox Search Plugins for SEOs & 3 New Cool Twitter Search FireFox Addons
At Optimizing PPC campaigns to boost conversions/ROI clinic several participants wanted to know more about using forms and keyword insertion: PPC Q&A: forms, landing pages, keyword insertion and copy

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

SOAP implementation | "This screencast is the best one I found to introduce you to writing a services module... There actually is handbook entry on Services and how to use it - It does not have an example on SOAP Server but there's one I wrote on using REST Server so I'm assuming they are similar." &
Third Party Video Integration | "The following modules integrate third party video with Drupal, such as YouTube or Blip.TV. Modules included may automatically parse URLs and/or embed code to determine the provider to store and display, and may or may not display thumbnails, autoplay, and other features (outlined below)"
File Uploading and Managing |
Drupal Tutorials - Great jQuery plugins for Drupal |

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start:
  1. SEOmoz | Rewriting the Beginner's Guide - The Outline
  2. Search Engine Marketing Glossary - SEO & SEM Industry Dictionary
  3. Free Hobo Google SEO For Beginners (PDF EBook)
  4. The Most Powerful SEO Tactic: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
  5. SEOmoz | The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet
  6. Online SEO Tools - the Ultimate Collection
  7. SEO FAQ - Search Engine Optimization Frequently Asked Questions - High Rankings
  8. 21 Essential SEO Tips & Techniques
  9. SEOmoz | Whiteboard Friday - The SEO Fundamentals Pyramid
  10. 12 Steps to Complete Search Engine Domination - From Zero to Hero in Just 6 Months
  11. Other SEO Learning Resources:

Assessing the Enterprise 2.0 marketplace in 2009: Robust and crowded | Enterprise Web 2.0 | "There are over 70 major products on this list — many of them entire software platforms in their own right — with a wide range of Web 2.0 capabilities including blogs, wikis, forums, community, social networks, and social messaging. Every attempt was made to be inclusive while still adhering to the spirit of “emergent, freeform, social collaboration” tools. Also, a product had to be compelling and capable in order to appear on this list at all; all of the offerings that made the cut are solid products in my opinion. Literally hundreds of candidates did not make the cut." - JPG MAP

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Migrating the Drupal way (Parts I to IV) | Acquia: "we will create a basic node object and save it in our Drupal database using node_save()" & Programmatic CCK node creation from CSV files using node_save() | & scripts for direct DB creation of nodes? | & Quick-and-dirty CCK imports | Lullabot & Programmatically Create, Insert, and Update CCK Nodes | doug | CivicActions: "The correct way to insert and update nodes is with drupal_execute, rather than node_submit because it handles form alter and form validation." & What is the Content Construction Kit? A View from the Database. | Lullabot
Stack Overflow

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Session fixation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Solution: Store session identifiers in HTTP cookies: The web server configuration must be modified to protect against this vulnerability..."
Top 3 Google Gadgets to SEO Your iGoogle Home Page & Online SEO Tools - the Ultimate Collection & 5 Add-ons That Turn Firefox Into a Suped-up SEO Machine & 3 Tools to Compare Google and Bing Search Results
Foxyrank - to recognize outgoing link strengths and the Google PageRank of the current website. Internal and external links are distinguished.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

SUPER ©: "If you need a simple, yet very efficient tool to convert (encode) or play any Multimedia file, without reading manuals or spending long hours training, then SUPER © is all you need."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Enterprise Application Integration, and Spring: Video
Microsoft Bing Search Launches Early Preview: "xRank is one of the tabs that most interested me. When heading to you will be presented with the most popular and gaining searches performed on Bing. This looks all so much familiar.. does Google Trend ring a bell?"
Google Shares Best Practices for Making the Web Faster: "Some of the Tools featured on the site are:
  • Google’s own Firefox/Firebug add-on called Page Speed
  • AOL’s tool for measuring and analyzing web page performance called Page Test
  • Yahoo’s Firefox Add-On, YSlow which analyzes web pages and suggest ways to improve perfomance

The site also contains various tutorials such as GZIP compression, HTTP caching, web graphics optimization, PHP performance tips, and more. Proceedings of various Tech Events/Talk sponsored by Google were also included on the site."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Connecting OpenSSO IDP with SimpleSAMLphp SP | Waylon Kenning Blog & Tips about an OpenSSO getting started tutorial (technology) & ISE OpenSSO Tutorials - Identity Suite Essentials -
Sonar: "enables you to collect, analyze and report metrics on source code. Sonar not only offers consolidated reporting on and across projects throughout time, but it becomes the central place to manage code quality"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

SAML and Drupal | Willy Dobbe: "If you do not think that OpenID or LDAP is a good solution for you identity management solution, you might want to take a look at SAML." & Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation | B. Mann Consulting: "Related to this is the Google Apps Authentication module, which lets you use your Drupal database as an authentication source for Google Apps -- the for pay, Enterprise or Education edition. This is a SAML v2.0 IdP implementation as far as I know..."
video Hacker-proof your code: Advanced Drupal Security | DrupalCon DC: "Demos, explanations and how to avoid: Cross-site scripting attacks, Cross-site request forgery, SQL injection, Menu access checks, Node access checks"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Taxonomy Access Control (TAC): Controlling Access to Content by Configuring Groups as Roles | "This tutorial describes an alternative, probably cleaner, solution for groups using the core taxonomy module and the contributed taxonomy_access modules. When building a site you must consider future changes and upgrades to next Drupal releases. Therefore it is better to use as much as possible from the Drupal core and as few as possible contributed modules."
video How To: Multisites vs. Multiple Sites | | Drupal Tutorials

Monday, June 15, 2009

CAS | Drupal module to allow single sign-on with CAS (via Drupal in Education -- BoF notes |
HOW TO: theme gmap popup - easy as pie... | to Print Driving Directions

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mapping with Drupal: GMap, Location & Views | "You can use views to create maps that only show particular content types for example, or only display nodes near a particular location. You can expose filters to the user, so they can filter what is displayed on the map (see the great brewers map example). Some of the views integration is a bit buggy, so search the issues queue for gmap if you are having problems." & Google Maps API in 6.x using Blocks and CCK Field | "I then use 'Views' to allow me to create custom node maps. For example, all nodes in a specific region/province" & How do I display a GMAP for a Location CCK field ? | : "style GMap: make sure you select "choose long/lat fields" for data source under style options, and select latitude and longitude fields bellow. (my default was Location.module)" & Take a look at this for Views + proximity searching using Google Maps API + Location: Proximity search views-filter - broken, or missing?? |
Search engine optimization (SEO) for Views |
Custom RSS Feed in Drupal | tribute media: "If you like to create a custom RSS feed in Drupal, it is pretty simple. You just need to load the Views module and make sure that you have a content type that you want to have a feed for."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

iMacros for Firefox - Script your Firefox Web Browser: "This powerful tool has countless applications. You can use it to fill in forms that stretch across multiple pages, to automatically log into a site and perform specific activities, or even to extract data from a site and save it as a CSV file. It's particularly useful for web developers looking to test the performance and functionality of their sites. Macros can be edited, controlled with JavaScript and combined with other extensions."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Announcing Geo June | Advantage Labs & Drupal as a GeoCMS | DrupalCon DC (webcast): "The Geo API provides a pluggable backend for OpenGIS geospatial data types. It supports PostGIS and MySQL Spatial extensions. It also supports importing Shapefiles and using them for CCK fields and Views."

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Federated Single Sign-On for Google Apps in OpenSSO & Federated Single Sign-On for Salesforce in OpenSSO & opensso: Content: "OpenSSO Extensions is an incubator for modules that build on the access control, single sign-on and federation technology in OpenSSO, but are not part of the core project. For example, currently there are developers working on an OpenID identity provider and a PHP client sdk."
Understanding OAuth : Complete Tutorial |

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Event Registration with Ubercart | DrupalEasy & Just Racing UK - Selling an Event with Drupal, Ubercart, Views, Dates and some glue & Advanced Ubercart Usage | DrupalCon DC: "Current stores use Ubercart to sell audio content, recurring fan club memberships, node access, store credit, and event registrations." & Ubercart Event Registration | OpenConcept Consulting Inc. & Paid event | Ubercart: "uc_event turns an event content type (from the event module) into an Ubercart product"

Friday, June 05, 2009

It felt good to see that other SEO professionals share my view that SEO and Web Accessibility come Hand in Hand! I was lucky in 2003 when I was sent to Wells Fargo to help them create Online Banking Website compliant with Section 508 Web Accessibility standards (Federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Compliance Act). Section 508 is predecessor of & and very similar in nature to new Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Here is detailed side-by-side comparison how my 508 expertise maps into WCAG 2.0.
Firefox Accessibility Extension Documentation: Overview and Installation: "Test dynamically generated web content" (via 5 Tools for On-page Image Usage Analysis).

Thursday, June 04, 2009

nextMEDIA-Source: Google increasingly battles Facebook in search: "As people search out advice online for everyday, personal decisions, the standard list of links served up by Google is not seen as intimate or trustworthy. For decisions such as choosing a restaurant or a day care provider, social networking sites or known review sites have an advantage, said Google Group Product Manager Ken Tokusei. Such sites offer information from friends or acquaintances, and Tokusei said users tend to trust that information more. This puts Google's results at a disadvantage. 'We haven't gotten to the point where results are seen as if they come from someone you know,' said Tokusei."
iPhoney: Test Your Site for iPhone Compatibility: "iPhoney is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for use with iPhone. It gives you a canvas on which to test the visual quality of your designs."

Monday, June 01, 2009

Calais | "The Calais Web Service automatically creates rich semantic metadata for the content you submit – in well under a second. Using natural language processing, machine learning and other methods, Calais analyzes your document and finds the entities within it. But, Calais goes well beyond classic entity identification and returns the facts and events hidden within your text as well." & Introduction to Calais: "The format passed back is in an open, semantic web-compatible format (Resource Description Framework or RDF) which then allows you to form intelligent relationships between articles based on the subject matter."

Friday, May 29, 2009

How To: Drupal Workflows & Automation | | Drupal Tutorials: "This Drupal Rules module video has been extremely helpful in “blowing out” my mind to the almost limitless possibilities of Drupal"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Security and Drupal Presentation Slides from Drupalcon DC | Cracking Drupal & Wiley::Cracking Drupal: A Drop in the Bucket: "The first book to reveal the vulnerabilities and security issues that exist in the sites that have been built with Drupal and how to prevent them" - book excerpt Chapter 1: PDF "That Horrible Sinking Feeling"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Improving Drupal's Performance with Quercus. PHP in Java. Jetty. MySQL | Drupal Development Blog: "Quercus is Caucho Technology's 100% Java implementation of PHP 5 released under the Open Source GPL license. Quercus comes with many PHP modules and extensions like PDF, PDO, MySQL, and JSON. Quercus allows for tight integration of Java services with PHP scripts, so using PHP with JMS or Grails is a quick and painless endeavor."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Drupal vs. Joomla: a frank comparison from an IBM consultant | Drupal Themes by TopNotchThemes: "
  • Use Joomla if you want to get nice looking site up quickly and can deal with a slower system, rigid content categorization and limited design/configuration options.

  • Use Drupal if you want high performance, scalability, good content management and significant design flexibility. But, be prepared to spend a lot of time/money to get the site to look professional."
Top 10 Drupal modules for every website plus 25 most essential Drupal modules & Ultimate Drupal Tutorial Collection | Mogdesign: "Drupal screencasts and podcasts:

Videos and slides at
Drupal video repositories
PlanetDrupal TV
DrupaLove videos
45 Screencasts to Get You Kicking Ass with Drupal
Mastering Drupal
Geeks&God podcasts
Lullabot podcasts
Video Tutorials & Training at Powerful CMS
Learn By The Drop
Mustardseed video podcasts
Got Drupal
Drupal Therapy
Volacci SEO podcast
Videotutorialzone - Drupal
The Coding Pad
Awakened Voice
Webmaster tips Drupal Tutorials"

What Killed Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby, Too | Software Development Videos: "Keynote presentation given at RailConf 2009 by Robert Martin"
How to Choose Drupal Themes: Top Drupal Themes, 25 beautiful Drupal themes, A Review of Drupal 6 Starter Themes & Check out a few Drupal setup related tutorials from TopNotchThemes and listen to Drupal Voices 26: Stephanie Pakrul on Top Notch Themes | Lullabot & Here are some more Premium Templates for Drupal & Artisteer - drupal theme generator

Friday, May 22, 2009

Drupal has a module to integrate with MailChimp email marketing provider and has stated using it. MailChimp features look quite good, but I still wonder how they decided to go with it when there are much bigger players on the market? & Here is one useful page on MailChimp website: How Spam Filters Think (and how to avoid them) | - "How can you tell if your campaign ended up in recipients' junk folders? For starters, look at your open rate. If it suddenly dropped from your average, you probably have a spam filter problem. If you're new to email marketing, 20-30% is a rough open rate average. An abnormally high bounce rate is another indicator. Look through your hard bounces, and read the SMTP replies. Spam filters sometimes leave little clues about why they blocked your campaign (See: How to read your bounceback headers from our knowledge base). Most established email marketing services (like MailChimp) have been accepted into feedback loops with ISPs like AOL, Netzero, MSN, Hotmail, and more (See: "Getting in the Feedback Loop at"). Whenever a recipient on their network reports an email as spam, an alert is sent to the sending server. MailChimp receives those alerts and stores them under your account, so you'll know how many people reported your campaign as spam"
Looking for a FREE replacement for - Software and Applications - FiringSquad Forums & Online Trust Alliance - Resources: "Sender Verification Tool to Test SPF / Sender ID Records"
MyFonts: Creative Characters interview with Ray Larabie, May 2009: "Typodermic foundry is one of MyFonts’ most successful type libraries, although hundreds of his freeware fonts are still out there:" Larabie - Free Fonts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to Change the World: Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn & LinkedIn Tips and Tweaks: Do More with your LinkedIn Account
Drupal Voices 35: Margaret Rosas on a Public Radio Install Profile | Lullabot: "Margaret Rosas of Quiddities talks about her Knight Foundation-funded installation profile for Public Radio Stations called Radio Engage. Some of the modules mentioned are the Station module, Feed API, and Organic Groups -- with a full module list for the Install Profile that can be found here."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to Get Your Mail Past the Inbox Bouncers - ClickZ: "Once the ISP verifies your identification through authentication, it applies what it knows about your sender reputation (mainly, how many spam complaints your e-mail generates) to determine whether to send your e-mail to the bulk folder, the inbox, or the virtual wastebasket. Unauthenticated e-mail is more likely to be rejected or sent to a bulk folder. All senders should use multiple authentication protocols, because ISPs use different protocols, including SPF, Sender ID, DomainKeys, and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). Authenticating your e-mail several different ways means your message is more likely to get recognized no matter which protocol the receiving ISP uses."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kindle Publishing for Blogs: "Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs is a fast and easy self-publishing tool that lets you upload your blog for sale in the Kindle Store."
Canadian Developer Connection : Installing PHP on Windows Using the Web Platform Installer 2.0 Beta: "Web Platform Installer is, as the website puts it, “a free tool that makes it simple to download, install and keep up-to-date with the latest components of the Microsoft Web Platform”. Yes, this is stuff you can do yourself, but I’m all for tools that automate away drudgery." by Joey deVilla (see his Personal Blog)
WordPress SEO - Yoast - Tweaking Websites & 40 WordPress Optimisation Tips presentation slides & DIY SEO: The Wrap-up - Step By Step Instructions on SEO You Can Do Yourself Today | vAssistant Services: "This is the ninth and final post in our DIY SEO for WordPress series."
Drupal to Wordpress: The Good, The Bad and the Exploited | CenterNetworks: "The admin panel has been one of my biggest frustrations with Drupal. The Drupal admin feels like it was developed by a developer while the Wordpress admin feels like it was developed by an end-user. With thousands of posts, it was just difficult to manage. We have a variety of excellent contributors and I’d love to be able to let them post their own stories but never was able to get it working in Drupal. Actually I could have easily created an account for each contributor but the usability was at a point that I feared that their stories might never get posted correctly. The other two major factors that influenced my decision were that the admin can handle timed postings and auto-save. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve lost over the last two years because I accidentally clicked something and lost the entire post" & What’s An Exploit Worth To Your Google Traffic? | HTMLCenter Web Development Blog: "Earlier this month CenterNetworks was converted from Drupal to Wordpress. Part of the conversion resulted in several of the CN sites getting hit with an exploit."
Getting a head start on ITIL | Business - InfoWorld: "Organizations that refuse to accept it will either dissolve, get outsourced, or end up being controlled by external entities such as CFOs, business units, and so on. IT needs to rethink the ways in which it contributes to the business -- and how it manages itself." & Web Performance Matters - Journal - ITIL Crash Course

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Usability of menus | "A recent article by Jakob Nielsen on usability of menus ('Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well', Make a Mega Drop-Down Menu with jQuery It would be great if this technique was made into a module."
Structured data is the new search engine optimization | Dries Buytaert: "Two days ago, Google announced "Rich Snippets", a move that is sure to shake up the SEO industry, and cause hundreds of thousands of people to reconsider their skepticism of the semantic web... Initially, Google's adoption of RDFa will disrupt the current approaches to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). With Google entering the RDFa game, the words 'semantic markup' will get redefined. Every webmaster wanting to improve click-through rates, reduce bounce rates, and improve conversation rates, can no longer ignore RDFa or Microformats. Structured data is the new SEO."
Comparison of Lightbox-type modules | "There are various modules in Drupal which provide 'lightbox' type functionality. These modules usually use JavaScript to overlay images on the current page when clicked upon, which has the advantage of being able to show users the large version of a thumbnail image while keeping them on the same page. However, there are a number of these modules available, each quite similar but some have more features, while others are more lightweight or have better browser support. This article attempts to do a comparison between these modules to allow you to choose which one best suits your needs. For the purposes of this comparison, the 'lightbox' type functionality where content can be displayed in a container overlayed on the current page, whether it be for images, iframed content or videos, shall be referred to as a 'lightbox'."
Rogers High-Speed Internet | Understanding The Usage Tool on "If you reach 75% and 100% of your monthly usage, you will receive an online notification." Starting an Online Business in a Down Economy - Starting an Online Business, 65 Indispensable Websites for Business Owners, ...
Free Canadian Payroll Calculator: "WinTax provides users with an easy way to calculate taxes on regular salary, bonus, retroactive pay and commission. Calculations include CPP, EI, Federal tax and Provincial tax (including Quebec)."

Friday, May 15, 2009

SearchFit : SEO and Social Media Friendly Shopping Cart: "Shopping cart platforms are numerous. It is so hard to choose the one that could fit all your needs. SEJ has picked the one that is one of the best to deliver search engine and social media optimization features - SearchFit... Avoid duplicate content problem resulting from pagination by adjusting the link text of your pagination links... Google base integration... SearchFit allows you to publish your products to your social media page or profile right from your SearchFit backend. You can create different product groups for Facebook, MySpace, Orkut... The software supports over 20 social networks using the OpenSocial platform and custom integrations." & Ecommerce User Interface - Using JQuery with SearchFit : Shopping Cart Software Blog - Ecommerce Articles - Online Marketing Software
Spring Professional | SpringSource

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Analyzing Your Competitor’s Backlinking Strategies: "a quick practical guide to exploring your competitor’s link building techniques..." & SEOmoz | How to Use Search Engines & Web Data to Conduct Competitive Brand Analysis: "let me point out that I have good cause not to trust any data from Alexa, QuantCast or Compete, and I would suggest that savvy brand analysts stay away from these services until they prove themselves to have greater accuracy."