Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Selecting Your SEO Competition : Thinking Young: "To find those new sites with great potential I search Google and analyze the results using SEOquake FireFox plugin. This tool lets me see all necessary information within Google results page and what is more I can sort results by any of the set parameters..."
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Hackers Release Google Vulnerability Scanner: "The Goolag Scanner is a standalone Windows GUI-based application, and is grounded in Google scanning technology developed by a well-known hacker that goes by the name “Johnny I Hack Stuff.” Goolag is open-source and freely available for download under the GNU Affero public license."
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Email Newsletter Software for Web Designers - Campaign Monitor: "Campaign Monitor is built for designers who can create great looking emails for themselves and their clients, but need software to send each campaign, track the results and manage their subscribers." & Campaign Monitor and Drupal start hanging out - Campaign Monitor Blog: "For those of you familiar with the incredibly popular Drupal content management system, Campaign Monitor customer Alexis Bellido recently put together a free Drupal module that makes it easy to integrate Campaign Monitor into any form on a Drupal managed site. Install the module then drop in your API key and List ID and you're done."
Holiday cottages on Drupal - Dan Karran's blog: "with the addition of the image module, a customised version of the zen theme and a heavily customised availability module to drive the calendars. Also featured is a location map thanks to data from the OpenStreetMap project."
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Content Network Exposed: Unofficial Google Analytics Blog: "The report is called Placement Performance and it is an invaluable tool to help you get the most out of the content network. It reveals which sites are making you money and which sites are costing you money. The AdWords Help Center outlines exactly how to create this report. You should create a Report Template so it's easy to run again..."
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Yahoo Releases Zimbra 5.0 Featuring BlackBerry Support: "Yahoo’s open-source alternative to Microsoft Exchange Server - Zimbra - has just released version 5.0 of their collaboration suite. If you recall, Zimbra was acquired by Yahoo in September 2007. This latest release includes some much-needed upgrades, including support for RIM’s BlackBerry devices, and improvements to their browser-based email client... BlackBerry addicts out there may be especially pleased with this last improvement: Zimbra has now released a version of their server that works with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, making them only the fourth company to develop compatibility with the BlackBerry server. Even more impressive is that Zimbra is the first one to do it without direct help from RIM."
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Introducing the ApacheSolr search module | Drupalcon Boston 2008: "Drupal’s interface to the Java based Solr search framework. Solr search will blow your mind. Not only is it faster than Drupal core search, it has more features. Features include faceted search, spelling suggestions, and in the near future keyword extraction."
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Google Advertising Professionals: Program & Support - What are the exam specifics? & AdWords Learning Center & Re-Upping Your Google Adwords Certification | WebProNews: "Some of the things I learned while studying in the Adwords learning center and taking practice quizes:... Secondly, take all the practice quizzes... More resources for learning about effective PPC marketing with Google Adwords:
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Friday, February 01, 2008
Yahoo Opens to OpenID Beta Testing: "Yahoo’s OpenID Provider service lets all 250+ million global Yahoo Network members sign into any site which offers OpenID 2.0, simply by using their Yahoo ID." & OpenID Site Directory
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