Sunday, May 27, 2007

Google Map does not show - JS error |
Some tweaks for a Drupal WoW guild site | leafish_paul: "built initially on Drupal 4.7 and recently upgraded to Drupal 5.1. It provides guild membership management via user accounts and roles, forums with public and private access, raid listings with sign-ups and other groovy stuff like private messaging, image galleries and a links/resources directory. For managing raids and sign-ups we use a CCK type called ‘raid’ which includes fields for:
  • Date using the Date API;
  • Instance as a drop-down list (see the attached instance_list.txt for the values we use);
  • Notes for anything else, eg what the goals of the run are.
A slighty tweaked Sign Up module allows guild members to sign-up for raid nodes. We also use the Calendar module along with trusty Views to provide both a Upcoming Raids List and a Raids Calendar."
Parrot virtual machine, Pint, Plumhead, phc compiler and Drupal | The Baheyeldin Dynasty
Defensive Geocoding Continued… | Development Seed Blog: "I’m working now to integrate Geonames into the module, which will hopefully help expand its accuracy geocoding international points. There is already an effort to get Geonames into the location module." & GeoNames: Postal Codes Canada

Saturday, May 26, 2007

MyEclipse Tips & Tricks: Getting Started With EJB 3Platform: "Many users are looking for a way to get started developing EJB 3 projects in the new MyEclipse 5.5. With this all-new tutorial, you can get up and running in no time. Just be sure you have the latest version of MyEclipse installed (5.5) before you start!"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

SWF Charts | DevBee: "The following sample charts are based on those from the PHP/SWF Charts Gallery page. The first sample graph consists of the following code saved as a PHP node:... I've pointed out XML/SWF Charts to many people, and nobody ever seems to think it's as cool as I do. I wanted a graphing solutions for another module I've been trying to get going: Reports. That module is a bit boring without nice graphs. But the typical solutions for graphs (one of the several PHP Graph libs out there (such as JPGraph) require additional server installation and configuration and also generate additional server load. This solution doesn't." & SWF Charts | "A wrapper for XML/SWF Charts. API that allows generation of very nice, colorful Flash graphs/charts." - Web charts and graphs from dynamic data & Live and interactive chart updates without reloading the web page!
Database Scalability and Drupal |
Drupal Module Highlight - Handy Filters For Churches and Businesses |
Drupal - Bryght Support: "How Do I?" & General

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Death to Visio Site Maps! How Clear Ink uses Drupal for Information Architecture, Prototyping, and Project Management | Clear Night Sky
Social Statistics for Drupal
It's all about the apps; PHP has them, Java never will | Roland Tanglao's Weblog
Drupal Podcast No. 40: Top 40 Projects | Lullabot & Gold stars for Drupal contrib modules -- and how to get one | B.Mann Consulting
Geographic archives at Dan Karran's blog: "I love finding new sites that use the Drupal KML module, and seeing what they're doing with it. The great thing about it is that it can be used for absolutely anything that has associated location information, so every site out there can be a site about something completely different to the previous one... The site I discovered today is an Ontario real estate website, listing houses for sale and their locations, but also events and other such things. Not only are they able to add a 'kml' link to each relevant page, allowing the user to click through to Google Earth and see the location, but they are also able to have people find their properties through Google Earth itself..."
Performance and Scalability Roundup | pingVision