Thursday, November 30, 2006
Apache Harmony - Open Source Java SE: "A compatible, independent implementation of the Java SE 5 JDK under the Apache License v2"
Calculating System Parameters for UNIX and Linux: "This document explains how you can calculate the best parameters for your system. It is divided into two sections:
- Determine Memory and Disk Requirements—calculate memory requirements, swap space, disk requirements, maximum buffers, maximum users, and maximum database size.
- Configure UNIX Kernel Parameters—set values for tunable UNIX parameters and other platform-specific memory management issues."
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Brian Tracy International: "Free e-book: “Be a Sales Superstar” 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets"
OpenID and your digital identity | CMS Report: "More specifically, he discusses the use of a Drupal module for adding OpenID support in his post, Converting your site to OpenID."
Automatically Publishing and Setting a Term to Implement Taxonomy Access Control | pingVision: "The Snippet (see online) & Snippet Usage: If you have the Devel Module installed you can simply enter this into your Execute PHP Code Page/Block. Otherwise you'll need to enter it into a Drupal page, select the PHP input format, and then preview it. If you have more nodes than the limit number then you will need to preview multiple times."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Going incognito on the Internet - HP Small and Medium Business: "In Canada, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) requires organizations to disclose to you what personal information they collect, why they collect it, what they intend to do with it and how they protect it. However, it’s still prudent to investigate all options in order to ensure your privacy online." & Public Proxy Servers
Sample Chapter from Microsoft® Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling by Wayne L. Winston: "Chapter 10: Functions for Personal Financial Decisions: The PV, FV, PMT, PPMT, and IPMT Functions"
International PHP Magazine::News::WS-Addressing for Ext/soap: "it was only recently that I worked with one requiring it in addition to WS-Security. It's not very difficult to implement, but I threw together a library for anyone else that might need to leverage it"
Monday, November 27, 2006
install profile | "GeoDrupal will be an install profile for the upcoming Drupal (probably v5.0) that creates a Geospatial Content Management System (GeoCMS) out of the box."
Real Estate Marketing Blog : Blogging is All Local: "The number #1 reason realty bloggers do not make money is that they comment on larger geographies and issues that are outside the scope of their marketplace."
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Search404 module breaks verification | - Use META tags instead of HTML file to manage Google site verification! I've modified page.tpl.php directly.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Drupal: Using imagecache with Views and CCK imagefields | - Drupal Development, Customization and Consulting: "A while ago, Angela Byron of Lullabot wrote an article comparing Image and Image Exact Sizes with CCK Imagefield and Imagcache. The examples given in the article are clear, but if you are using views, you will need to do some more stuff to get what you want."
Friday, November 24, 2006
OpenOffice extension rivals SharePoint: "O3Spaces works by providing users a single web-based team environment, with built-in search capabilities and an optional Java-based Desktop Assistant. Its search functionality is said to work across PDF, ODF, and Microsoft Office document formats."
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Excel Tutorial on Linear Regression & Linear Correlation and Regression Analysis - Excel for Business Statistics & Perform a regression analysis - Help and How-to - Microsoft Office Online: "You can download sample files that relate to excerpts from Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out from Downloads on Microsoft Office Online. This article uses the files Analysis.xls and Home Price Estimator.xls" & Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling: Books: Wayne L. Winston: "Non-Traditional Uses of Excel: Many of his chapters have fairly sophisticated subjects, 'Incorporating Qualitative Factors into Multiple Regression.' In this chapter he then looks at multiple factors that might go into predicting things like predicting sales, predicting the Presidential race - with fairly surprising results." & CORRELATION AND REGRESSION - Regression analysis using Microsoft Excel section from THE REALLY EASY STATISTICS SITE
Google search for regression "real estate" data:
- Real Estate Data Set/JMP Simple Linear Regression
- Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education: Mass Appraisal: An Introduction to Multiple Regression Analysis for Real Estate Valuation
- Regression: Fitting Functions to Data: Linear and Exponential Regression miscellaneous on-line topics for Finite Mathematics and Calculus Applied to the Real World: "We start with an attempt to construct a linear demand function. Suppose that your market research of real estate investments reveals the following sales figures for new homes of different prices over the past year."
- SpringerLink - Journal of Real Estate Literature: Article: Spatial Autoregression Techniques for Real Estate Data
Articles by Dr. Neil Gunther a recognized expert on performance management and capacity planning: Evaluating Scalability Parameters: A Fitting End: "Regression Analysis: The simplest way to perform the regression fit in EXCEL is to make a scatter plot of the transformed data in Table 3..." - TIPS!
The Statistics Homepage - Electronic Statistics Textbook: Glossary, Selected Topics in Graphical Analytic Techniques, Multiple Regression ("See also Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining Techniques, the General Stepwise Regression chapter, and the General Linear Models chapter.)" - The only Internet Resource about Statistics Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica
Prentice Hall Book excerpts: Ten Tips for Effective Capacity Planning, The Ten Cardinal Rules of Capacity Planning, A Step-By-Step Approach to Capacity Planning in Client/Server Systems (by the author of Capacity Planning for Web Performance)
BEA: The Art of Capacity Planning: "In a finely tuned system, the CPU utilization (at steady state) is usually in the 90-95% range. While throughput won't increase with the addition of more load, response times, on the other hand, will increase as more clients are added. The throughput at this point determines the capacity of the hardware." & WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning > Capacity Planning
IBM Redbooks | Performance Management for IBM eServer iSeries and pSeries: A Systems Management Guide: "The topics in this IBM Redbook support the growing need and recommendation to treat IBM Performance Management as a fundamental yet critical component of a systems management strategy. It explains how you can make the PM offering a part of your systems management strategy, how you use the interactive offerings, and how you navigate in the components of the offering. Whether you have one system, a network of many systems, or several stand-alone systems, the PM offerings provide reports and graphics that allow you to:
- Quickly identify systems or logical partitions that are resource constrained
- Balance the resources on an logically partitioned system
- Evaluate resource constraints during peak production windows
- Analyze day-to-day job scheduling
- Evaluate growth options by passing the PM data to the Workload Estimator"
Small Business - Course Content: "Performing Calculations on Data Using Microsoft® Office Excel 2003"
Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO » Seeing nofollow links: "The ChromEdit extension I mention below is stale and doesn’t work with Firefox 1.5. Someone has made a version for FF1.5 though; it’s called ChromEdit Plus... You might need to restart Firefox once more, but when you do, this link should have a pink background, and a dotted red line around it..."
Democamp 11 | walkah: "Last night, I attended DemoCampToronto11 and enjoyed the ... well... mixed bag of goodies presented. The selenium demo made me make a note to myself to revisit that as a testing framework."
Procrastinate with Scheduled Actions | Barry Jaspan: "The Scheduled Actions module allows you to tell Drupal to perform some action (publish a node, send an email) at a later time... To use Scheduled Actions, you must first install the Actions module and the Scheduled Actions module..."
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Adrian Cockcroft's Blog: October 2005: Help! I've lost my memory! Updated Sunworld Column: "This remains one of the most frequently asked questions of all time. The original answer is still true for many Unix variants. However while writing his book on Solaris Internals, Richard McDougall worked out how to fix Solaris to make it work better, and to make this aparrent problem go away. The result was one of the most significant performance improvements in Solaris 8, but the first edition of his book was written before Solaris 8 came out, so doesn't describe the
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Is there an alternate to news_page module | "You would need to get your RSS feed items in to Drupal as nodes first. There's plenty of modules kicking around to do this one way or another. An overview of solutions is listed at DrupalFeedParsing" - TIP!
Is news_page module functionality inbuilt in drupal 5 | "Did you set access control for viewing news page module correctly..i believe you need to set - allow access to news page and news page feed for atleast 1 user otherwise you might get this error" - TIP
Monday, November 20, 2006
Laptop Repair Help » Toshiba Satellite M35X and Satellite A75 power jack and battery charge problem "Hi all, it looks like Toshiba issued a 12-months warranty extension for Satellite A70, A75, M30X and M35X notebook computer and it’s effective November 7, 2006. For more details check out the following links" & Toshiba Settlement Website: "There are three forms of relief for Class Members: a Warranty Extension, a $25 Cash Payment or $50 Credit Voucher for use on, and a $35 Credit Voucher for use on To find out which benefit(s) you qualify for and how to obtain these benefits, please refer to sections 8 through 13 of the Notice. If, after reviewing the Notice, you believe you are entitled to one or more $25 cash payment(s) and/or $50 credit voucher(s), you have the option of filing your claim electronically on this website. You do not need to file a claim for Warranty Extension or the $35 credit voucher; if eligible, you will automatically receive these benefits. Claim Forms must be postmarked or filed electronically on or before March 9, 2007."" & Toshiba Settlement Website: "There are three forms of relief for Class Members: a Warranty Extension, a $25 Cash Payment or $50 Credit Voucher for use on, and a $35 Credit Voucher for use on To find out which benefit(s) you qualify for and how to obtain these benefits, please refer to sections 8 through 13 of the Notice. If, after reviewing the Notice, you believe you are entitled to one or more $25 cash payment(s) and/or $50 credit voucher(s), you have the option of filing your claim electronically on this website. You do not need to file a claim for Warranty Extension or the $35 credit voucher; if eligible, you will automatically receive these benefits. Claim Forms must be postmarked or filed electronically on or before March 9, 2007." -- Software Infrastructure Bottlenecks in J2EE: "Scalability is one of the most important non-functional requirements of a system. But there could be several bottlenecks within a system, which might prevent it from being scalable. In this article, we try to analyze the case in which the software infrastructure becomes a bottleneck, long before any of the hardware resources (such as CPU, memory, disk space, and network speed) are fully consumed. This is a tricky problem whose solution is explored below..."
Little's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In queueing theory, Little's result, theorem, or law says: The average number of customers in a stable system (over some time interval) is equal to their average arrival rate, multiplied by their average time in the system."
Downloads for Capacity Planning for Web Services & CS625/725 - Metrics and Performance / Topics in Metrics and Performance: "Chapter 8: SysMod.XLS, Examples 8.6 and 8.7... " & Capacity Planning for Web Performance: metrics, models, and methods: "Updated downloads: The following spreadsheets are updated and improved versions of the ones that come with the book's CD-ROM: SysMod.xls, OpenQN.xls, and ClosedQN.xls." - These workbooks come with the books:
- "Performance by Design: computer capacity planning by example"
- "Capacity Planning for Web Services: metrics, models, and methods"
- "Scaling for E-Business: technologies, models, performance, and capacity planning"
The Guerrilla Manual: Hit-and-Run Tactics You Can Use on Your Boss or Throw Around in a Tiger Team Meeting: "The following distillations are taken from my Guerrilla Capacity Planning (GCaP) classes and will also appear in the new book of the same name." See also: Guerrilla Capacity Planning - Large A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services & Supplementary Class Materials - Make sure to check out Class Notes ( file contains HUGE amount of useful info)! & Analyzing Computer System Performance with Perl::PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick) book & PDQ Software Distribution
Sunday, November 19, 2006
What to choose: Flexinode versus CCK! | "Out of the box, click-n-run, with little extra demands Flexinode might be the best option for you on a small site. For a development project CCK, for complex configurations and for coupling with external applications CCK is a better option."
Drupal Module: Technorati Link Count Widget | "Technorati, a search engine for blogs, recently formally launched a widget for tracking links that can be added to posts."
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO » Review: Custom Search Engine: "Most custom search engines (whether it be Google’s free sitesearch or Yahoo! Search Builder) only let you select one site to search, or you can offer websearch. Even Rollyo only lets you search over 25 sites."
SEO Book Free Search Engine Optimization Videos: "My first video offers keyword research tips (and more specifically about using my keyword research tool)"
Thursday, November 16, 2006
IBM Sizing Guides - Tool kit: "The sizing guide toolkit consists of the eServer Workload Estimator program and optional example and documentation files that give you full authoring control to create, test and run a Sizing Guide customized for your Application. Once downloaded, you can develop a Guide right on your personal system." & IBM Sizing Guides
Performance and Capacity Management: "The Sun Capacity Management service can help you evaluate your server environment and develop a plan to help you meet your current and future business needs. You can improve utilization of your current assets by developing a model that uncovers congestion, thereby predicting shortfalls. This service is designed to build a solid foundation for the cost-efficient operation and effective management of your network computing environment."
Directory of Niche Sites -- ResearchBuzz: "Development Guide and Directory, at, lists niche sites with guidelines on how to become listed in them."
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Provisionator on Drupal CVS | D'Arcy Norman dot net: "PS. Man, does CVS suck! I've been using SVN for source code management for over a year. Feels like being dropped back in MS-DOS or something now that I'm using CVS again. Ick."
10 Things I Wish I Had Never Believed | "#3) Emotional people are weak, vulnerable, and easily manipulated - It’s the exact opposite. Strong emotions are a source of strength and power. The stronger your emotions and the better your ability to focus your emotion, the more creative and powerful you are. Denying your emotions creates weakness and vulnerability."
Adopting Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Enterprise: SOA Practitioners Guide and other documents:
- "Part 1: Why Services-Oriented Architecture? - This guide provides a high-level summary of SOA.
- Part 2: SOA Reference Architecture - This guide covers the SOA Reference Architecture, which provides a worked design of an enterprise-wide SOA implementation with detailed architecture diagrams, component descriptions, detailed requirements, design patterns, opinions about standards, patterns on regulation compliance, standards templates and potential code assets from members.
- Part 3: Introduction to Services Lifecycle — This guide introduces the Services Lifecycle and provides a detailed process for services management though the service lifecycle, from inception through to retirement or repurposing of the services. It also contains an appendix that includes organization and governance best practices, templates, comments on key SOA standards, and recommended links for more information."
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Howto: Request Link Exchanges » Work Boxers: "But how do I find people to exchange with? Thanks to webmaster forums, there’s a wealth of information posted by other users looking to exchange links. By hitting the webmaster forums, you’re eliminating people who won’t even consider your link. Some webmaster forums that provide a link exchange forum include:
- Digitalpoint (my personal favorite)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Build multiserving Java applications, Part 1: "In this tutorial series, you'll learn how to build Web applications that can serve wireless clients according to client capabilities. This concept is called multiserving, and it's useful in pervasive computing applications. Wireless Universal Resource File (WURFL), an open source project at, uses XML to describe the capabilities of wireless devices. This tutorial focuses on exploring and using WURFL, beginning with the concept of multiserving and seeing how WURFL enables multiserving by providing an XML format to express the capabilities of wireless devices."
TermExtractor Demo @ Linguistic Computing Laboratory (LCL): "helps a web community to extract and validate relevant domain terms in their interest domain, by submitting an archive of domain-related documents in any format"
Google Directory - Arts > Writers Resources > Software: 8) WhiteSmoke Text Enrichment - Instant, full-text analysis solution, providing context-related language enrichment...
Helping the Search Engines Index This Web Site... | The Smorgasbord: "I didn't get nearly as many hits as I should have. I got only one hit for the keyword 'wii'. But using our Drupal site search gets more than 2 pages of results! The one link I found had PHPSESSID and a bunch of code after the URL as well. Apparently, this is supposed to be fixed in Drupal 4.7.3, but for some reason, only search crawlers get URL's appended with the PHPSESSID..." & How to Impersonate Googlebot using Firefox see what Googlebot sees
Service links | "enables admins to add links to a number of social bookmarking sites, blog search sites etc. Includes sites are, Digg, Reddit,, Newsvine, Furl, Google, Yahoo, Technorati, IceRocket and PubSub."
Drupal and FeedBurner | Rogue Wolves: "I recently decided to play around with FeedBurner and get some useful stats on my RSS feed. If you ever wanted to know how many people subscribe to your feed, what they use, and track hits then you should check out FeedBurner." & Publicize :: Chicklet Chooser: "Promote your FeedBurner feed directly on your website! Place HTML that Chicklet Chooser automatically generates for you in your site templates to help users easily subscribe to your feed."
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Talk SEO ... Search Engine Optimization Techniques and Search Engine Marketing Industry Discussion Forums at JimWorld (via Pagerank Explained Correctly with Examples) & Google Webmaster Help Center - Webmaster Guidelines - My site’s ranking in Google & Official Google Webmaster Central Blog & Google Groups: Google Webmaster Help: "pagerank 0"
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Basic Java Performance Lingo > Measurement Terminology: Throughput curves: Brick and mortar store vs. Typical web site (From Gennaro Cuomo, 'A Methodology for Production Performance Tuning,' an IBM WebSphere Standard/Advanced White Paper)"
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Audio Playlists In A Flash Player | Angry Donuts: "An example is here. As you can see it can work as a page or a block (though that player is a bit large as a block. Or if you prefer the Drupal 5 version. I checked this into the Views Bonus Pack tho of course it’ll take up to 8 hours for the tarball to regenerate. You can check out from CVS. It requires the audio module and this flash player."
Losing Page Rank with Two Site URLs | Workbench & Photo Matt » WordPress no-www & www or no www - a Page Rank issue [Archive] - StatCounter Free Invisible Web Tracker and Counter: "However the PageRank value is not being updated regularly, it takes like several months and then their database is getting updated. But I believe that the value changes more often but it is not being seen until the next PR update."
SEOmoz | Articles >> Search Engine Ranking Factors & Link building tips for high Google rankings | Google Success SEO SEM Tips: "Many SEO companies will keep their link building techniques a top secret - especially how they use competitive intelligence. SEOMOZ recently published two exhaustive articles on link buidling. I recommend you to have look at them: Long List of Competitive Link Searches, Competitive intelligence in Link Building" & SEOmoz Blog | Long List of Link Searches
How Often Should I Submit My Website To The Search Engines?: "Major Internet Directories" & Submitting a Site to The Open Directory Project
FSOSS Slides | Bryght - Why Drupal Can Kick Your CMS' Ass: "For those who missed it and/or are interested: the slides from my talk are available here and video is available here."
Friday, November 03, 2006
Drupalcon Brussels 2006 | Dominik Lukeš . Net: "This page summarizes my activities at this year's Drupalcon 06. Here are the audio files from the presentations I attended:..."
Thursday, November 02, 2006
ca4it Accounting Firms: "CA4IT has prepared a comprehensive List of Video FAQ's that we update on an on-going basis. It ensures that every client is advised of all relevant financial or tax matters that have come to our attention throughout the year."
Java – Achieve J2EE-PHP Interoperability: "The Zend Platform's PHP/Java Bridge provides the ability for PHP developers to create applications that interact with Java objects. Using the overloading capabilities just mentioned, Java objects can be instantiated and manipulated from within PHP scripts as if they were native PHP objects."
David Herron's Blog: Quick test of Resin's PHP support -- using Drupal: "the potential big win of using a PHP implementation written in Java"
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