Friday, June 30, 2006
DrupalCon - Theme Development presentation - - Steven Wittens: "The presentation was filmed, the video is available through BitTorrent. For info on how to play the Ogg Theora files, check these instructions. The other presentations are linked on" & Theme developer's guide |
CIOC Homepage - Community Information Online Consortium & CIOC Gateway: "search the databases of different community information centres (CICs) across Ontario at the same time." & Community Information and Volunteer Centre - York Region: COLLISION REPORTING CENTRES,...
IPC - A Mini Guide to Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act & Access And Privacy Office: "This website is accessible to all but is primarily designed to help our clients fulfill their responsibilities as institutions governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Clients of the Office include ministries and agencies of the Ontario government and municipalities and local boards throughout Ontario."
Thursday, June 29, 2006
TEDTalks (audio, video): "hosts some of the world's most fascinating people": Al Gore, Tony Robbins,...
25 To Do Lists to Stay Productive: "Google Calendar To Do List - Firefox users can setup this neat Greasemonkey script that adds a to do list to your Google Calendar account. Firefox and Greasemonkey extension required."
Overcoming Depression: "If you want to change your outer reality, you must first change your inner reality." health ideas - Cold Local Brews for Beer Loving Canucks - Visitor: "Light beers usually have about 100 calories. And there are plenty of Canadian brands to choose from. Labatt makes Labatt Blue Light (108 calories, 4% alcohol), and Labatt Lite (108 calories, 4% alcohol). Molson brews Canadian Light (109 calories, 3.9% alcohol) and Export Light (112 calories, 4% alcohol) a lager with a maltier taste. 'Moose light' or Moosehead Light (115 calories, 4% alcohol) is made—surprise—by Moosehead, which also makes the lesser known, lighter-bodied Alpine Light (115 calories, 4% alcohol). And Sleeman, a mid-sized brewer from Ontario produces a fresh, regional option, Sleeman Premium Light (95 calories, 4% alcohol)... Another choice is the recent flurry low-carb beers. According to the University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter, 'Low-carb beers are simply the old light beers with a new label and ad campaign.' Though this may be true, low-carb beers are still low-alcohol, which makes them a safe bet. For example, try: Molson Ultra (2.5 carbs, 97 calories, 4.5% alcohol); Labatt Sterling (2.5 grams carbs, 88 calories, 4% alcohol), or Sleeman Clear (2.5 grams carbs, 90 calories; 4% alcohol)... Some beer lovers may still worry about the taste factor. Canada's premier beer connoisseur Stephen Beaumont (founder of the Web site suggests that real connoisseurs stick to low-alcohol options made by smaller brewers, such as Ontario's Wellington Arkell which makes a tradition British best bitter with a sweet malt taste but less alcohol (4.0%). Another choice is British Columbia's Spinnaker's brewery, which makes Doc Hadfield India Pale Ale, an English-style beer with 3.5% alcohol."
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sys Admin > August 2006 • Volume 15 • Number 8 has focus on security: "Web Server Vulnerability Assessments: Using NiktoRAT to Analyze Nikto Reports... Extrusion Detection with Aanval and Bleeding Edge Snort..."
Unix Review > Book Review: Software Security: Building Security In: "McGraw’s process is based on Seven Touchpoints (for a visual, see, which include:
- Code review
- Architectural risk analysis
- Penetration testing
- Risk-based security testing
- Abuse cases
- Security requirements
- Security operations
Drupal Image Uploading | D'Arcy Norman dot net & Image | "Images could be posted individualy to the front page, included in stories or grouped in galleries." & Modules | by Category
alphaWorks : IBM Web Ontology Manager : Overview: "Web-based tool for managing ontologies expressed in Web Ontology Language (OWL)."
Google Groups: Google Maps API: Google Icons: "There's a list of Google images at it may not be completely up to date. There's some third party icon sets listed here"
Google Groups: Google Maps API: how to draw curve line followed by roads: "Curves must be given point by point for API. You can do mathematics to calculate those points or you can find them manually. There are sites that make manual editing easier. Like this one:" GLiner
Google Groups: Google Maps API: converting rss feed with zip into google maps: "A way that almost works is Which uses the excellent RSS to GeoRSS converter here: which just so happens to have a KML output, suitable for reading by Google Maps. Unfortunately it doesn't manage to locate many locations; and doesn't understand the country/zip contained therein, perhaps you could use the geonames geocoder, ( ) to embed lat/long (via georss : ) into your feed. That would mostly likely be the most compatible way to get others to be able to display your feed 'geographically'. The above tricks can then be used as the RSS to GeoRSS converter to convert GeoRSS to KML and display on Google Maps. So if you did embed GeoRSS into your feed, the first link I posted would magically work! Another possible way would be to output KML directly from your site, this can contain a tag that you can embed your zip and country into, which you could then most likely leave the geocoding upto Google Maps/ Google Earth."
Koders Blog » Blog Archive » Integrating Code Search: Two Simple Approaches: "In essence, makes its search results available in RSS format. For example, you can get code that contains the terms “xml” and “reader” by using the following query: Detailed specifications can be found here:" > OpenSearch: "OpenSearch is a set of simple formats for the sharing of search results. Any website that has a search feature can make their results available in OpenSearch format. Other tools can then read those search results."
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
ArcGIS extension. KMLer: "the ArcGIS 9 extension for professional work with Google Earth. We recommend to use this module with free Typeconvert extension." & Typeconvert FAQ & Google Earth Community: KMLer 1.2 "Deployment & Requirements"
InfoQ - WinFS Officially Dropped: "On the WinFS team blog on Friday, Quentin Clark blogged that WinFS, the new relational filestore would no longer be shipped as a separate product, instead, parts of it will make it into other projects:..."
Monday, June 26, 2006
Google Earth Blog: "News Roundup:
- You can watch a video of the Google Geo Developer Day announcements here thanks to Google Video. This includes the major announcements made at the Googleplex on June 12th. This video also includes the showcase presentations by Mike Pegg of GoogleMapsMania, and by myself of Google Earth Blog. Thanks to GEC's PhilVerney for pointing this out to me.
- Valery Hronusov from Russia's Academy of Science has been busily producing all kinds of new things again: He has released KMLer 1.2, an extension for creating visualizations from ESRI's ArcGIS software, which includes support for the recently released KLM 2.1 specification (including level of detail).
- Valery has also discovered you can drag and drop or select multiple KML/KMZ files to open in the CTRL-O/open window for GE V4.
- And finally, Valery and his associates have produced a fantastic collection of aviation related information including airways, navigation points, and airspaces for the entire world. I will be doing a special write-up on this one soon."
Dupeless 2: Track down duplicates and recover valuable disk space: "It will scan your disks and show all the duplicate files it can find, grouped on the criteria you want: files with the same names and sizes, files with the same sizes (even with different names), and files with the same names, sizes and dates. Your searches can rely on just the file names and sizes to look for duplicates or you can perform a more exhaustive search using the content comparison options. You can even perform content comparisons on files after you've completed a search."
Themes | Drupal ecommerce: "Here is a good thread about theming for beginners:"
Drupal Tutorial - How to use Drupal CMS, Drupal installation, Drupal themes and modules, Drupal hosting : "Yet, after reading the tutoruial, you will need to spend several hours administering Drupal to become familiar with how things work."
DrupalCamp Toronto Presentation: Building Drupal Community Sites | - Drupal Development, Customization and Consulting [PDF] & BarCamp / DrupalCampToronto: "Useful Links:,,,"
How To Create a Dynamic Web 2.0 Brochure Site in an Hour | Bryght Support & Use Bryght to create a dynamic site in an hour--maybe less! -- A View from the Isle: "Frankly and speaking as someone who has designed and launched dozens of websites over almost ten years, if you're considering a new website or maybe redesigning your website you should really give Bryght a look. Reading this HowTo you might think, no way, it can't be this simple, can it? Yes. Yes it is. In fact Bryght has even unveiled several cool new templates so not only can you have a website in an hour, but it will be a nice looking website in an hour. This is all without needing a designer!" [Drupal]
CivicSpace Theme | "designed to help community organizers quickly develop a new style and layout for their site."
Drupal sites and how they were implemented | "We can just pick sites from here: or here: You should look at the site recipes section in the handbook - plus a few other "tips/tricks" sections in various parts of the handbook for specific areas. You should also do a search within the forums which have a few other writeups. With that in mind, i'd definitely like to see more "how did you do that" answers in the handbooks/forums..." & drupal sites network | drupal powered sites showcase and directory & examples of good Drupal sites | Drupal ecommerce & Example Drupal Education Sites - ENGL 505 & Site configuration challenge: corporate brochure |
Sunday, June 25, 2006
MultiSite (mobile and standard site with Drupal) lessons learned | & mobile Edition of a Drupal site | & 4.7 Mobile Theme | & mobile/pda friendly theme (derivative) | & Useful resource for Drupallers building websites for mobile and wireless access | "here's the blurb from" & SMS Gateway |
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Web Development: Drupal Modules "You can also download many user contributed modules from the Drupal site that are not pre-shipped in the standard distribution. You can see the full list of modules at: Here are some modules that we found interesting:..."
Friday, June 23, 2006
Bookmarks Portlet version 0.2 released - Mark McLaren's Weblog: "Database and resource access enabled with the Spring Framework..."
Google Directory - Business > Real Estate > News and Media points to (among many other): REM - Online version of the monthly publication for the Canadian real estate industry & Jurock Real Estate Insider - Real estate investment news and analysis of the Canadian real estate market
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Skype Journal: Has Skype Dropped SkypeMe and Adopted Call Me?: "Skype recently announced a new set of website buttons."
Let site visitors leave a voicemail for you » Digital Inspiration: "You'll be able to record and play voice messages from your friends on MySpace, Xanga, Blogger, LiveJournal, or any other site you use to keep in touch with people you care about."
Mapstraction - a javascript library to hide differences between mapping APIs.: "a library which provides a common API for Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft's javascript mapping APIs to enable switching from one to another as smoothly as possible. Mapstraction additionally fills some holes each provider's current offerings (taking advantage of existing open source solutions where possible) to normalise the feature set across platforms. In the future, Mapstraction will also talk to OpenStreetMap for people who want to build maps without restrictions on derived works." (via Brain Off » nestoria: "I’ve been advising them a bit on how to implement geographic search and integration of various geodata sources, and it’s great to be associated with them.")
Dev Thoughts » Blog Archive » JMX meets Log4J & TechKriti- Chetan's Blog: Spring ,JMX and Weblogic MBeans & AMIS Technology blog » Blog Archive » Modify Spring Beans and Log4j levels on a running server with JMX and JConsole & Spring Framework : Spring's corner : JMX notifications with Spring - SWiK & Spring Framework : Spring's corner : JMX notifications with Spring (2) - SWiK
Dev Thoughts » Blog Archive » JMX meets Log4J & TechKriti- Chetan's Blog: Spring ,JMX and Weblogic MBeans & AMIS Technology blog » Blog Archive » Modify Spring Beans and Log4j levels on a running server with JMX and JConsole & Spring Framework : Spring's corner : JMX notifications with Spring - SWiK & Spring Framework : Spring's corner : JMX notifications with Spring (2) - SWiK
j2eechapters: Chapter 6 - Logging Service: "Another requirement in enterprise systems is the capability to turn logging on and off on demand. Suppose that your J2EE application is in production and all of a sudden you start seeing error messages. Since the application was deployed with the logging turned off, you cannot turn on the logging without stopping the server. Most of the times that is not an option at all. If you have deployed your web application in exploded format (i.e. not as a WAR, but as a directory in a vendor specified location), Log4J comes with a “configureAndWatch” facility. In this scenario a thread with a configurable delay runs and checks if the configuration file for changes since last load and reloads if necessary. Again this is not an option when you have deployed web applications as WAR. Enter JMX. JMX is SNMP equivalent for the Java platform. Using JMX, you can expose application components and attributes to external management tools by creating Java classes called MBeans (managed beans). Figure 6.10 shows the JMX environment. Management tools access MBeans through JMX agents. JMX Agents have protocol adapters that make the MBeans available to SNMP, HTTP etc... Developing a JMX Configurator for Log4J..."
ObjectSource LLC - J2EE Consulting, Mentoring and Training: "Put Struts to work with a FREE book on Struts Best Practices"
Event Module iCalendar Feed - How does that work? | & Event module & iCal, icalnendar & webcal | "The only browser I've used that recognizes AND displays webcal links is OSX Safari/iCal." & Basecamp Forum / How to configure Firefox to handle webcal:// ?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Bryght Admin Guide | Bryght Support : "The material here is also broadly applicable to most Drupal and CivicSpace sites." & How To's | Bryght Support & PRINTABLE BOOK
Mambo Vs. Drupal: | Nick Lewis: The Blog & Drupal Vs Joomla (where Joomla Fails and Major Drawbacks....... a discussion ) & Joomla! vs Drupal - Joomla Forums - & Joomla! vs Drupal [Archive] - Joomla Forums - "Drupal has cleaner code and is easier to intergrate with other systems has been my personal experience. Mambo/Joomla has been much more user/newbie friendly for the most part." & Raible Designs | MacBook Pro Power Management Issues: "Based on that discovery, as well as the overwhelming number of pro-Drupal comments I received, I moved on to implementing Drupal... The brochure site in an hour tutorial was extremely helpful for me to get started with an About page, Contact Us page, and Press Releases."
Polylines on Google Maps tutorial: "Prerequisites: * An Apache webserver running PHP and MySQL (other webserver with PHP and MySQL will probabely do as well). * A table in your database with a geometry field. I have opted to not use the spatial capabilities of MySQL, but supply the data in the OGC WKT format instead. This is a text-based representation of the geometry, defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium. If your MySQL database does support the spatial extensions, you'll see that a geometry column returned 'as text' is in the exact same format, so you would only have to change the query a bit, none of the additional programming is affected..."
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
gmap | "Google Maps API has added the ability to Geocode (translate addresses into lat/long's). I am trying to figure out how I should incorporate it into the GMap.module..." & Google Maps API Documentation: "Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coodinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739), which you can use to place markers or position the map based on street addresses in your database or addresses supplied by users. The Google Maps API includes a geocoder that can be accessed via HTTP request or directly from within the JavaScript... Geocoder Examples: You can access the Maps API geocoder directly by sending HTTP requests to Google, or you can use the GClientGeocoder object to send those requests from within the Javascript. Whether you make the geocoding calls from your server or the user's browser is up to you. If you have a fairly stable database of addresses (e.g. a list of properties for sale), we recommend that you geocode them once using the HTTP request method and cache the coordinates in your own database. This means your site will be faster for your users and also uses up less of your daily quota of geocode requests. However, if you don't have access to server-side scripting, you can send geocode requests from the JavaScript..."
Geocoding Etc.: Make your own KML (for Google Earth): "KML is pretty cool. It lets you do some amazing things, with a very simple XML based syntax. The great thing about it, is unlike popular GIS formats like an ESRI shapefile, both the data and the rendering information are stored in the KML. This means when you send your KML file to your buddy, he can open it up in Google Earth and immediately visualize it in the same way you do. With classic GIS data, your buddy would need to set up his own rendering parameters, which probably are going to end up different than what you are looking at..."
Google Earth and KML 2.1 use the COLLADA interchange format for 3D geometry and textures - Anything Geospatial ( The GIS, mapping, mashup, and geospatial weblog - see for even more! - by Glenn Letham: "COLLADA is an open standard for that defines an XML-based schema for 3D authoring applications to freely exchange digital assets without loss of information. If you check out the textured 3D sample file in their KML 2.1tutorials you will see that they include both the COLLADA .dae file and the textures in a compressed zip file."
Yahoo! Maps Web Services - Simple API Reference Manual: "The XML used by the Yahoo! Maps Simple API is based on geoRSS 2.0. A good reference on the web is at A geoRSS file contains a channel element that can contain multiple item elements."
Most popular handbook pages | & Drupal Handbooks | "The latest version of the Drupal Handbooks in PDF format can be found here."
Land Information Ontario -- Home: "New: Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange Membership Fees Eliminated" & LIO - Ontario Parcel: "a standardized, Ontario-wide, geospatial database of assessment, ownership and Crown parcels of land. The Ontario Parcel database was developed through a partnership between Teranet Enterprises Inc., the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources."
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada: 2005 Geomatics Policy Workshop, Toronto, Ontario: Presentations and Workshop Report
Student Transportation Services of York Region: "a collaborative venture of the York Catholic District School Board and the York Region District School Board developed to provide efficient and safe transportation to students in York Region."
Monday, June 19, 2006
Just wanted to compare different search engines for local Real Estate agents: 3) The worst results are on Yahoo! Directory: Canada > Ontario > York > Richmond Hill > Real Estate in the Yahoo! Directory 2) is not bad Open Directory - Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: R: Richmond Hill: Business and Economy: Real Estate 1) Google Directory - Regional > North America > Canada > Ontario > Localities > R > Richmond Hill > Business and Economy > Real Estate gives the best local results and includes Page Rank info. (I can now define goals for my wife's web site :-)
Joomla, Mambo, Drupal, OS Commerce Web Design - How to Make a Killer Real Estate Website: "“there is one type of site that is becoming increasingly difficult to list: local real estate agents.” The writer went on to explain that this was because most real estate sites nowadays were just bad, and for a number of reasons..."
eBay Developers Program: Killer Buyer App Session, eBay Developers Program: Easy Money, eBay Developers Program: Tools for Creating a Community - "The presentation slides available from the Developers Conference site" Day 1 & Day 2
eBay Developers Program: Skype API Competition Winners: Auto add Skype me to eBay auctions, eBay Bid Advisor, eBay IVR
See useful GeoTagging Tools on Flickr: GeoTagging Flickr: "GMiF v4.0 - Powered by Google Maps API v2.0. Download: flickr.gmap.user.js. Visit Yuan.CC Maps as well for more geotagged Flickr fun!"
Rendering roads on Google Maps using Java and PostGIS - Mark McLaren's Weblog: "I will now describe the process I took from KML file to a fully working (if not quite production ready) Google Maps powered road renderer. It is not a particularly difficult process but there are quite a few steps involved. Whilst conducting my investigations I found that somebody had achieved something similar to this using PHP and output to SVG format (see: Dynamic Loading of Vector Geodata for SVG Mapping Applications Using Postgis, PHP and getURL()/XMLHttpRequest())... The first stage in getting this data into the PostGIS database was to convert it from KML into GML. Since both KML and GML are both XML formats there are a couple of XSL styles floating around on the net that I could have used (e.g. Styling KML to GML)... Once you have something that validates, then you can load it up into a GML aware renderer and see what you get. Quantum GIS (QGIS) is free and is able to render GML files... The next step is to get the GML into the PostGIS database. There is a GIS toolkit called FWTools which include a utility called ogr2ogr which can be used to convert between different GIS formats (much like GPSBabel does for GPS systems)... The next step is to create a servlet that will serve up only the relevant portions of the road data for Google Maps to render... I started my servlet with the examples of using Java clients with PostGIS. For the Google Maps part I modified the Event Listeners example from the Google Maps API Documentation to pass the bounding box co-ordinates of the current browser view... You could also just use GeoServer to do the PostGIS -> GML step (using WFS a standard protocol for getting GML). GeoServer can also overlay on google maps, as well as produce KML from the same database. You can also get data from Oracle, DB2, ArcSDE, Shapefiles, ect. and produce it as GML (and it'll automatically make the right XML schema for you). Perhaps soon someone will contribute a KML datastore, and it could do all this automatically."
Stanford SecuriBench "is a set of open source real-life programs to be used as a testing ground for static and dynamic security tools. Release .91a focuses on Web-based applications written in Java. These applications suffer from a variety of vulnerabilities including: * SQL injection attacks * Cross-site scripting attacks * HTTP splitting attacks * Path traversal attacks, and potentially many others. All the benchmarks are Java J2EE applications that can be run on a Web server."
Sunday, June 18, 2006
You got your A9 images in my Googlemaps!: "As of 11/01/05 this script is broken. Google changed their Maps structure - I need to fix this (sorry). " : Public marks with tag gmaps: Add maps to property listings, Tales from GNIKville: "Adding maps to real estate application"
Googling Magazine: Google Maps Archives (e.g. PHP GoogleMapAPI: "Features include auto-geocode lookups, geocode caching, map directions, adding markers and polylines by address or geocoordinates, sidebar generation, and many more.") & Hacks Archives & Tips Archives - START
GeoURL To Google Maps using the Official API: Part II - Mark McLaren's Weblog: "Previously, I showed how to display the blogs in your immediate vicinity using GeoURL and Google Maps with the Official Google Maps API. I received a comment following this from Ask Bjørn Hansen who runs the GeoURL site. Ask suggested that it would be really good if you could make it so that as you scroll around the map it automatically updates the display showing the blogs in that vicinity. I took this as a bit of a challenge (I occasionally like the odd challenge) and I like to play with AJAXy stuff at the moment with it being flavour of the month."
Brain Off » OpenStreetMap knows the way to San Jose: "OpenStreetMap bases its data completely on open and free data sources"
» Simple advice for securing your home wireless LAN | George Ou | "When I wrote this previous blog 'Hack most wireless LANs in minutes!' which mostly focused on insecure corporate wireless LANs, it seemed to generate more questions than answers which is typical every time I go in to this topic. Many of the comments and questions were based on home security so I answered them as best I could which prompted even more questions. So to clear this up once and for all, I offer the following advice..."
Saturday, June 17, 2006
How to burn a DVD folder with DVD Decrypter: "Folder2Iso - Needed to make an ISO image from a folder; DVD Decrypter - We will use this excellent freeware DVD ripper to burn the ISO image to a DVDR."
Friday, June 16, 2006
OpenLayers: Quick Tutorial: "Putting a map in a web page is easy with OpenLayers. This tutorial is primarily for people who simply want to put a free map on their web page as quickly as possible. If you're a JavaScript developer, you might want to look at the OpenLayers JavaScript API as well."
Home - GeoServer - Confluence: "Geoserver is a fully functional open source WFS-T and WMS server that follows the OGC open standards." & MapServer: "an Open Source development environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications. MapServer is not a full-featured GIS system, nor does it aspire to be. Instead, MapServer excels at rendering spatial data (maps, images, and vector data) for the web."
Geo Informatics: "Open Source and Open Standards in Geospatial Technologies... In 2006 it is possible to identify many open source geospatial software projects and point to the newly formed Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) which aims to formalize some of the efforts... The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) develops consensus on "blueprints" for software APIs... There are more than a dozen approved OpenGIS Specification open standards implemented in hundreds of packages and products.
6/13/2006: Google Maps API Official Blog: Geocoding at last! & Google Maps API Documentation: "Geocoder Examples"
Fantastico - cPanel - Webmaster Stop: "Fantastico is just how the name implies it’s fantastic. It’s one of the more popular 3rd party add-ons that can be purchased and added to cPanel. Fantastico is probable one of the most advanced script installer we’ve ever seen. Currently it can install a large amount and array of scripts, ranging from bulletin boards to content management systems." & Upgrading from version 4.6.5 to 4.7 using Fantastico |
Greasemonkey scripts at TorontoMLS Google Maps - Highlight addresses in TorontoMLS for GoogleMaps; MLScaSQFT - - calculate square footage for a real estate listing on the fly;...
The Marsh Report: Real Estate Links: "Information Services:
- - Teranet Inc ...Ontario land registry data.
- - Maporama ...mapping & GIS services.
- - Maps & aerial photos of North America
- - Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
- - Canada Newswire press releases
- - Statistics Canada ...national economic & demographic data.
- - Canada 411 ...telephone directory, address search."
Thursday, June 15, 2006
RECO Public Site: "The Real Estate Council of Ontario is responsible for administering the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA 2002) and associated regulations on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Government Services. RECO regulates the activity of trade in real estate in public interest." & RECO MyWeb
Sex Offender Registry and Sex Crime Search, News and Discussion: Ontario Sex Offender Registry & Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services: "The public does not have access to the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. It is a database that provides police services with important information that improves their ability to investigate sex-related crimes as well as monitor and locate sex offenders in the community."
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Google Groups: Google Maps API: Sex offender database: "My little experiment with the API was to create a map of level 3 sex offenders in my area code 14607 in New York. The site: The information is pulled fromm the publically accessable state sex-offender database. The NYS db has a poor (webpage slapped on mainframe) interface. Their db also offers no way of visualizing where offenders actually live in one, comprehensive map. The zip code boundaries was generated from the US Census site: Using the ASCII datafiles. The header indicates the relation between zipcodes and segment numbers in the main file. For each segment in the main file, the first lat/long represents the center of the zip code. The other lat/longs form a polyline for the zipcode... (1) Click 'ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)'..." & Google Groups: Google Maps API: find the state from lat and lon coordinates: "I used to parse e00 files in perl (using the geo::e00 package)" & Geo-E00-0.05: "The aim of this module is to allow the user to read E00 files. ARC, LAB, PAL, CNT, INFO sections are currently supported."
ArcWeb Services: "provides a Web services platform for developers looking to integrate mapping, GIS content and capabilities into applications or ArcGIS—on demand." & ArcWeb Showcase: Real Estate Application
ESRI Canada - Downloads: "Data & Data Models:
The Geography Network Canada is an online resource for finding and sharing Canadian geographic content, including maps and data from many of our country's leading providers. -
The Geography Network is an online resource for finding and accessing a variety of ESRI data products and services as well maps and data from many leading providers. - Data Models
Access industry specific data models to simplify the process of project implementation. - GIS for Canada
GIS for Canada is a vision of how different levels of governments can work together to collect and share geographic information or data layers for the entire country."
GIS-Importing: "Definition of GIS - Arc/Info Export Format - Arc/Info - ArcView - MapInfo - Atlas GIS - Idrisi - Spans" & Download ArcExplorer and Access ArcExplorer Web: User Guide & MapInfo Professional - Demo/Download & ARC/INFO tutorial Home Page
This directory contains 1:2 million scale National Atlas digital base map data for Canada - Geographic Extent: Ontario: "The data was produced by the GeoAccess Division, formerly the National Atlas Information Service (NAIS), of Geomatics Canada... Data Format: uncompressed ARC/INFO .e00 (.e00) Data Type: 2D layered vector data" & City Recreation: "CANADA LAND INVENTORY LEVEL-II UTM DIGITAL DATA LAND CAPABILITY FOR RECREATION - Map Scale: 1:50,000" & NATIONAL-SCALE ONTARIO LAND COVER DATA BASE: TECHNICAL NOTES [92 Ontario Land Cover maps as PKZIPed ArcExport (E00) files with corresponding README file, in latitude/longitude coordinates, in a \LatLon sub-directory], USER'S MANUAL
Gmacker, Map It: "Firefox extension that allows you to find directions from google maps based on publicly listed phone numbers." & Google Maps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia & HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map - Engadget (all via Essential Resources for Google Maps -
GMapEZ -- Home: "Want to put a Google map on your web page? With GMapEZ there's no JavaScript to write and nothing to download, so you're ready to..." (via Google Maps on Your Website | creativebits)
Google Groups: Google Maps API: converting an ESRI shape file: "(see" & Google Groups: Google Maps API: ESRI shapefiles: "A suite of free GIS software called FWTools available at: Ok guys [PHP] script is ready. Note that it uses XMaps to shade the polygons, but this can be easily done via regular GMap polylines. Example is here: (for Bill's data). Download is here: I got a method to work (finally) to add polygons to Google Maps. I am by no stretch of the imagination a programmer. Keeping that in mind, the basic process is: 1. Link to xmaps.1b.js at (its an uber useful extension for the Google API) 2. Create (or use existing) polygon in ArcMap. Be sure to set the data frame coordinate system to WGS 84 (View --> Data Fram Properties --> Coordinate System --> Predefined --> Geographic Coordinate Systems --> World --> WGS 84) 3. Convert Verticies to Points (AcrToolbox --> Data Management Tools --> Features --> Feature Verticies to Points) 4. Add XY Coords - there are scripts to do this in 8.x (check out and a built in funcion (ArcToolbox --> Data Management Tools --> Features --> Add XY Coordinates) in 9.x. 5. In ArcCatalog, create a new empty personal geodatabase 6. Back in ArcMap, export the TABLE of the verticies to the geodatabase, not the shapfile. 7. Upload the geodatabase to your web server. 8. Use an asp file to create xml. For this example, Polytable is the name of the geodatabase I created in step 4. Harris is the name of the table I exported into it. Copy and paste this section and save as an *.asp. Upload to your web server... 9. Then upload said xml to the web server too. See for the output. The test website I've been playing with is Here is a link where you can directly upload a polyline shapefiles (WGS84) and see it displayed on a Googlemap: Upload ESRI shapefiles to GoogleMaps" - START! (for Bill's data). Download is here: I got a method to work (finally) to add polygons to Google Maps. I am by no stretch of the imagination a programmer. Keeping that in mind, the basic process is: 1. Link to xmaps.1b.js at (its an uber useful extension for the Google API) 2. Create (or use existing) polygon in ArcMap. Be sure to set the data frame coordinate system to WGS 84 (View --> Data Fram Properties --> Coordinate System --> Predefined --> Geographic Coordinate Systems --> World --> WGS 84) 3. Convert Verticies to Points (AcrToolbox --> Data Management Tools --> Features --> Feature Verticies to Points) 4. Add XY Coords - there are scripts to do this in 8.x (check out and a built in funcion (ArcToolbox --> Data Management Tools --> Features --> Add XY Coordinates) in 9.x. 5. In ArcCatalog, create a new empty personal geodatabase 6. Back in ArcMap, export the TABLE of the verticies to the geodatabase, not the shapfile. 7. Upload the geodatabase to your web server. 8. Use an asp file to create xml. For this example, Polytable is the name of the geodatabase I created in step 4. Harris is the name of the table I exported into it. Copy and paste this section and save as an *.asp. Upload to your web server... 9. Then upload said xml to the web server too. See for the output. The test website I've been playing with is Here is a link where you can directly upload a polyline shapefiles (WGS84) and see it displayed on a Googlemap: Upload ESRI shapefiles to GoogleMaps" - START!
Google Maps GPX Viewer & GMap: GPX Route Plotting Demo: "View page source, gmapgpx.js, and the InfoWindow stylesheet to see how it works" & Gmap GPS Track Plotting: "The GPX handling is provided by the functions in gmapgpx.js and the color conversion is done in colors.js." - COOL
Geotag Images and Create Google Maps or Export KML/KMZ Files to Google Earth: "You don't need a Digital Camera with a built-in GPS" & Using XSL to Transform Google Earth (KML) and GPX to Google Maps API - Mark McLaren's Weblog (via kml to Google maps API xslt thread on Google Groups: Google Maps API)
Enterprise .NET Community: .NET 2.0 vs. IBM WebSphere 6.0: "Data-Driven Web Application Server Performance Comparison"
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Drupal Podcast No. 15: Gordon Heydon | Lullabot: "about the latest release of the ecommerce package"
Google Press Center: Press Release (June 12, 2006): "KML for Google Maps: A new feature of Google Maps enables the display of KML (Keyhole Markup Language, the file format used by Google Earth and other applications to share geographic information) on Google Maps. This innovation enables data created in Google Earth to be viewed in a web browser as a simple mash-up. Requiring no computer programming expertise, KML for Google Maps makes the sharing of geographic information even easier." & Google Code: Google Earth KML Tutorial & KMLMap - GoogleMapki: "a snippet of code that enables adding markers from location-specific KML feeds to a Google Map" & Google Groups : Google Maps API: Polygons, KML, and Google Earth: "Type this link into Google Maps search box... it was a polygon created by simple coding:" & Google Groups : Google Maps API: KMZ to Google Maps: "To make it work with Google Maps paste this into the search form at"
Welcome to YorkExplorer - Maps, Locator, Atlas & YorkCatalogue: "Explore York Region Geospatial Metadata Information" & Town of Richmond Hill - RHmaps Map Library: Map Center (5.0) - THANKS
GeoCommunity: Free GIS and CAD Software, SpatialNews, the leading GIS, LBS, and Geospatial technology news resource: "GIS Viewing Tools You Shouldn't Be Without!", ZIP Codes and postal code data providers, freebies, and resources: Canada Zip Code Query Tool,...
Luhn algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia & Anatomy of Credit Card Numbers: "The final digit of your credit card number is a check digit, akin to a checksum. The algorithm used to arrive at the proper check digit is called the Luhn algorithm, after IBM scientist Hans Peter Luhn"
Current Methods & Tools - Continuous Integration article led me to: Ship it! A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects: Books: Jared Richardson,William A Gwaltney: "a collection of tips that show the tools and techniques a successful project team has to use, and how to use them well. You'll get quick, easy-to-follow advice on modern practices: which to use, and when they should be applied." & Excerpts & Software Resources on the Web & Jared's Weblog
Eclipse plugin development tools for Java, JSP, XML, Struts, HTML, CSS and EJB :: MyEclipse: "How do I get debugging in WebLogic 8 to work?" & Help - Eclipse Platform: Remote Server Debugging Quickstart
Monday, June 12, 2006
Yahoo! Maps Web Services - Geocoding API: "Finding Latitudes and Longitudes" - see Example (via Google Maps API links: "Links to examples of various useful things and documentation")
Obeo: "effectively captivate the imaginations of those consumers searching for Real Estate online." & - Map-based search and publishing for real estate
Noelios » Will Java EE 5 bring REST to Java?: "JavaOne 2006 has finally seen its first presentations about REST..."
Restlet: "Bring the simplicity and efficiency of the REST architectural style to Java developers" & [#SPR-976] REST Support in Spring Remoting - Spring Framework (via Enterprise Java Community: News : Restlet, a REST framework for Java) - NICE
JMagallanes: "an end user application for Olap and Dynamic Reports written in Java/J2EE. It combines static reports (based on JasperReports), a Swing pivot table for OLAP analysis, and charts (based on JFreeChart). It reads from many data sources as SQL, Excel, XML, and others, and produces many outputs as PDF, XML, and application specific files for later off-line visualization of reports."
Google Maps Mania: Google Maps US/Canada Phone Book Mashups: Google Stalk (it is using Canadian Reverse Phone Number Search service)
Google Groups: Google Maps API: Seeking comments on new real estate / maps / earth mash-up, Anyone working on a Real Estate listing implementation of the API?, API for Real Estate (will lead you to: Main Page - GoogleMapki: "This is meant to be a forum for sharing ideas, implementations, and help for the Google Maps API" & Google Maps API Tutorial)
Lint4j Overview - Lint4j: "The checks that are implemented represent the most common problems that were found while implementing products designed for performance and scalability, such as VisiBroker for Java (the CORBA ORB from Borland, and the basis for the Borland J2EE container), the WebObjects application server from Apple Computer, the OpenEJB container, the OpenORB CORBA implementation, and the JBoss J2EE application server. In addition, numerous of the problems described in the following books are detected:
- Java Pitfalls, by Daconta, Monk, Keller, and Bohnenberger, Wiley 2000
- Effective Java Programming Guide, by Joshua Bloch, Addison-Wesley 2001
- Bug Patterns in Java, by Eric Allen, APress 2002
- Java 2, Performance and idiom guide, Craig Larmann, and Rhett Guthrie, Prentice-Hall, 2000
- The Java Language Specification, 2nd edition, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha"
worldKit :: easy web mapping :: Home: "Light weight GIS. It's a SWF based app, configured by XML, data fed by RSS."
GMapsPHP - Devco Wiki: "The basic idea is to have data in a XML file that contains coordinates, text, images and hyperlinks rendered onto a Google Map."
Gmaps + Views: A happy hack | "I won handily: The how-to is posted on this handbook page." - COOL
Screencast: Drupal Mashup Machine | "Watch this screencast to learn how to use Drupal to create Google Maps mashups of virtually any arbitrary data or content with no coding in minutes. For the example shown in this screencast I took a csv file of crime data provided by the San Francisco government and turned it into a usable google maps mashup in about 10 minutes."
Pragmatic GIS: "You'll learn how to find the vast amounts of free geographic data that's out there and how to bring it all together. Although this data is free, it's scattered across the web on a variety of different sites, in a variety of incompatible formats. You'll see how to convert it among several popular formats---including plain text, ESRI Shapefiles, and Geography Markup Language (GML)."
GMap Module | "The module also supports viewing nodes by taxonomy using the local rss feeds with location information. For a demo of that see:" & Updated Googlemap.module - multiple maps/feeds/custom icons/lines |
ablog » Ruby (on Rails) for Java: not for long?: "Java Web-tier continues to lag behind what other languages/frameworks can offer such as Ruby/Ruby on Rails, PHP, and maybe Python. However, the above dynamic Java-based scripting languages may eventually provide the “shot in the arm” that Java’s Web tier urgently needs"
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
GeoGratis: "User's may connect to using FTP software in 'active' mode."
SitePoint Blogs » FireBug 0.4 includes JavaScript Debugger: "For an excellent overview of FireBug's diverse feature set, check out the video of FireBug developer Joe Hewitt's recent presentation"
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Integrate PHP & Java - PHP / Java Bridge: "When the back-end is running in a J2EE environment, session sharing between PHP and JSP is always possible. Clustering and load balancing is available if the J2EE environment supports these features." & Application Reuse through Portal Frameworks
Integrate PHP & Java - PHP / Java Bridge: "When the back-end is running in a J2EE environment, session sharing between PHP and JSP is always possible. Clustering and load balancing is available if the J2EE environment supports these features."
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
InfoQ - Simple JAVA and .NET SOA interoperability: "A discussion on REST and a simple, low dependency solution to interop between Java and .Net over the wire... Java is not so lucky. It has no built in tools for XML serialization: however there is an open source tool called XStream that is perfect for the job"
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
TopLink JPA: "The Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 specification includes an additional persistence specification called the Java Persistence API... TopLink Essentials is the open-source community edition of Oracle's TopLink product. It provides the JPA functionality for the EJB 3.0"
Spring Live ~ Weblog: "It's pretty cool to see you can take EJB3 beans and run them in Tomcat as Spring beans."
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