Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Ubuntu wraps up a super year: "'Why is Ubuntu rising ahead of competing Linux distros? What features make it a good distribution for family use -- not just for Mom and Dad, but for children of all ages?... One of Ubuntu's editions is Edubuntu, a Linux desktop designed especially for kids,' he continues. 'Edubuntu bills itself as an operating system chock full of educational software and games, desktop publishing applications, and even painting and 3D rendering software -- all free of charge, courtesy of the devoted Linux community. If Edubuntu takes off, it could be a boon for everybody ...'"
Asterisk VoIP News: OpenSER v1.0.1 released | Daily News about Asterisk, VoIP and PBX Platforms: "a project spawned from FhG FOKUS SIP Express Router (SER). The reason for this new venture is the lack of progressing and contributions to the SER project from the other SER team members as well as the reticience to new contributions from project's community members."
Eclipse Plug-ins for Rational products & IBM Team programming with Rational ClearCase [via EclipsePlugins : comment(s) on the Rational ClearCase Plugin for Eclipse Eclipse plugin (SCM)] & Online Help: Establishing source control: Getting started: "The following links provide information about getting started with the ClearCase SCM Adapter..." & Add-ins -- A comprehensive set of Add-ins for IBM Rational ClearCase
PDFlib GmbH - Products:PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly & pdflib : PDFlib developers
Using Third Party EJBs with MyEclipse & WebLogic [Closed :: MyEclipse & Help - Eclipse Platform: "MyEclipse J2EE Enterprise Application Projects - Quickstart" & Creating WebLogic Server Applications: "Developing Multiple-EAR Projects Using the Split Development Directory"
A. Sundararajan's Weblog: "With Mustang (Java SE 6), there are atleast 4 ways to get histogram of Java heap" - TIP
A. Sundararajan's Weblog: My experiments with attach-on-demand (scripting way!): "Mustang (java SE 6) has support for Scripting (javax.script API) and includes JavaScript engine in it. There are many ways to use scripting - one very important way is exploratory programming. You can play with new Java APIs without having to write complete Java programs (i.e., avoid "compile" step in the edit/compile/run cycle). You can use jrunscript - command line script shell to explore Java APIs."
Mark Rittman's Oracle Weblog: Data Warehouses: How Does Yours Compare? Here's how to find out!: "To help our developers and product management team please download and run the DW measurement script kit from OTN which is available from the following link: Oracle Development Data Warehouse Survey"
New object-to-service mapping article posted: "The main goal of this tutorial is to map POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) to the data hidden behind the services... The tutorial is split into two parts. In the first one, we show how to read data from Salesforce.com. In the second part, we explain how to create, update and delete Salesforce.com objects..."
BEA Workshop Studio debuts Eclipse Tools for EJB3/Spring: "development environment integrated with Eclipse"
OSWorkflow 2.8 Released: "Primary changes include improved Spring integration, improved Hibernate support, improvements to the Workflow Designer..."
Java 6 scripting article from OCIWeb: "Paul Jensen has written an article called 'Scripting Support in Mustang' covering some of the APIs used to interact with scripting languages in the next revision of Java SE, including invocation of scriptlets (meaning 'fragments of scripting code'), storage of variables for scriptlets, and use of function invocations." - NICE
Monday, February 27, 2006
Slashdot | Beyond Java: "Having read Bruce's Bitter Java and Better, Faster, Lighter Java, I was intrigued to see what he would have to say about moving beyond Java. In short: If you're a hard-core Java (or to a lesser extent, C#) developer who thinks Ruby is something that goes on a ring, Pythons will bite you, and Smalltalk is something you have to do at parties, you are in for a rude awakening.' Read the rest of Cory's review."
Java Competence Network: J2EE design decisions -- Learn how to discern which design patterns and frameworks would work best for your enterprise applications: "In this article, an excerpt from POJOs in Action (Manning Publications, January 2006), Chris Richardson presents five questions developers must ask themselves when designing enterprise applications."
James Strachan's Weblog: New years resolution; learn about messaging (JMS/MOM): "BTW if you don't wanna spend time learning the JMS API then just stick to POJOs and let Lingo do the hard work for you... One minor nit with the original article is that Ajax can work very nicely with a JMS provider too - using queues and topics from Ajax"
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Headius: Making Progress on Rails: "I've been making good progress on my end of the Rails-on-JRuby work."
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Fiddler HTTP Debugger - Fiddler: "proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet"
Jive Software: Asterisk-IM Project: "integrates the Asterisk PBX and Wildfire XMPP (Jabber) server to create a unified communication platform for telephony and instant messaging. Asterisk-IM is easily deployed as a plugin for Wildfire and is fully supported in the Spark IM client. Read more about Asterisk-IM's architecture or find out more about client compatability."
Jencks - Home: "Jencks is a lightweight JCA container which is easy to deploy inside Spring to provide Message Driven POJOs." & Jencks - Message Driven POJOs: "Avoiding coupling your code to the JMS API - If you would rather avoid using the JMS MessageListener interface altogether you could use Spring Remoting with Jencks using the Lingo library. Lingo is an implementation of Spring Remoting which adds remoting onto any POJO model. Lingo then takes care of all of the JMS code on both the client side and server side for you; marshalling things into and out of JMS Messages for you. See the Lingo JCA example..."
TheServerSide: Websphere Community Edition available for download: "Sun Java System App Server - a J2EE 1.4 compliant App Server shipped over a year ago and is now in it's 4th release. It has had over 3 million downloads to date so it is already pretty widely adopted. It is completely FREE - docs, admin console, tutorials, forums, eveything - FREE, FREE, FREE. Full product support is available from Sun at additional cost. It has all the features you would expect - full browser based console, command line and JMX API. It has features above and beyond J2EE 1.4 - including WS-Security support and JavaServer Faces. It is the only FREE application server to have a SPECjAppServer2004 performance score and currently has the lowest price/performance of any other submission. So it is NOT just a developer platform - it is great for deployment / production as well. Give it a try; you can download it from here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/download.html#sdk... Ibm has been replaced its parts from open source projects. Ibm is proud to use Apache web server and label it as 'IBM Http server'. The Jmx implementation of Websphere 5 was Ibm's, but it is replaced by open source MX4J for websphere 6. Ibm's home grow parts come with huge cost, low quality... JBoss' JMX console is included in every build of the app server. It always has. This, however, is far from a comparable administration tool (at least relative to commercial vendors like IBM & BEA). JBoss offers their customers a management solution built from technology they license from Hyperic... There is also our Web Console that is based on our JMX console and allows you to receive alerts, monitor, and graph any JMX attribute. This is free and open source (for like years now)..."
Spring Live ~ Weblog: "Running Spring and Hibernate on Geronimo 1.0" & Springframework.org: IBM implicitly supports Spring Framework via WAS CE - Geronimo: "Simply unzip geronimo-tomcat-j2ee-1.0.zip, and find spring-1.2.5.jar inside..." & Spring Framework : Spring's corner : Jencks in action - SWiK: "Jencks is very close to the Geronimo and Spring projects. As a matter of fact, it provides dedicated FactoryBean to configure resources of the connector and transaction modules of Geronimo." & techno.blog("Dion"): GeronoSpring: Developers can use Spring and claim EJB 3
WebSphere Application Server Community Edition: IBM Software - Optional Fee-based IBM Support Offerings & IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Get started with WebSphere Application Server Community Edition & WebSphere migrations: Migrate from Apache Tomcat to WebSphere Application Server Community Edition & Frequently Asked Questions & WASCE is built on: Apache Tomcat, Apache Geronimo - J2EE server project, Tranql - Home - an open source Apache 2.0 licenced framework for building persistence engines, ActiveMQ - open source JMS 1.1 provider, Apache LDAP Directory Server & WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Documentation Project - Documentation Home
Windows Deployment and Resource Kits: Windows Server 2003, Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000
developerWorks : Blogs : Bobby Woolf: "WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V1 system administration -- Articles on WAS CE" in January 2006: IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal - Archive (PDF)
Carlos Sanchez's Weblog - Analyzing jar dependencies: "I discovered this cool utility, jaranalyzer. It analyzes a bunch of jars and gives you either an xml or a dot file, that you can process with Graphviz."
Raible Designs ~ Script.aculo.us vs. Dojo: "For the last week or so, I've been hearing more and more about Dojo. It's mostly because I've been listening to podcasts, but also because it's integrated into both WebWork 2.2 and Tapestry 4.0 (via Tacos). In AppFuse 1.9, we added Script.aculo.us as one of our Ajax-enabling libraries."
Raible Designs ~ DisplayTag 1.1 Released!: "This release is pretty huge IMO. You can now do external sorting and paging, which should eliminate any performance concerns with using this library. Another nice feature is portlet support."
Friday, February 24, 2006
Client and Server Stub Generation from WSDL - XFire - Confluence: "Note this is Java 5.0 only at this point since it takes advantage of the JSR 181 annotations and JAXB 2.0... You can also use XMLBeans as the binding instead of JAXB 2.0. Simply set the binding paramter on the task..."
JMX - ActiveMQ - Confluence: "4.x or later has extensive support for JMX to allow you to monitor and control the behaviour of the broker."
Ajaxian » Creating sortable lists with PHP and AJAX: "phpRiot has posted a tutorial that pairs PHP and Ajax together (the perfect combination?) to create sortable lists."
My friend Dragana Solarov has published some nice photos on TrekEarth! I love this one: Old & New Photo
developerWorks : IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal - Contents February 2006 : Issue 9.1 (PDF) - NICE
Access to SQL Server: Getting Started with Access Projects: "In the first article, I demonstrated how to use the Upsizing Wizard to create a new SQL Server database from an Access database. In the second article I describe how to link an Access database to an existing SQL Server database. In this article I cover how to get started using Access Projects."
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Aspects Blog: A Practical Guide to Using an Aspect Library (part I): "With the arrival of AspectJ 5 and the Spring 2.0 milestone builds, many of you will be working with AspectJ-based aspect libraries for the first time. This article is a practical guide to get you up and running as quickly as possible and with the least amount of hassle. I'll cover development and unit testing, integration testing and deployment, continuous integration, and production builds... As a running example, I'm going to use the aspect library that ships with Spring 2.0: spring-aspects.jar. This library contains an aspect that supports dependency injection of domain objects, following the principles I outlined in the developerWorks article Dependency Injection with AspectJ and Spring."
Raible's Wiki: AppFuseXFireOpenLaszlo: "This is a tech demo showing how to load a list of users via Laszlo/SOAP from a AppFuse application. It contains NO security relevant stuff like authentication." - Links: Chapter 43. SOAP, The Eclipse IDE for Laszlo
ablog » Linux Filesystem Layout: "I did find this link though The Filesytem Hierarchy Standard document. This is a great resource for learning about traditional UNIX filesytems, but it still didn’t mention /misc... A simple RPM command got me the answer: rpm -q --whatprovides /misc"
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Using Ghost 8 to deploy XP & How to Set up and Use Automated System Recovery in Windows XP: "ASR is a two–part system of recovery: ASR backup and ASR restore." & Back Up and Recover Your Information: "Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Backup." & Windows XP Backup Made Easy
Monday, February 20, 2006
OdeProposal - Incubator Wiki - Orchestration Director Engine (via James Strachan's Weblog: "With both Sybase and Intallio (PXE) donating their BPEL implementations to Apache together with a complete JBI stack being there too its looking like Apache will become the main place for open source BPEL.")
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Getting Started: "If you want to quickly get a feeling of Cactus, there is a 20 minutes tutorial that take you through running your first Cactus test using Tomcat."
dev2dev Forums: how do i get a list of httpsessions currently active in container: "Dmitry Namiot: There is a session admin filter in JSOS: http://www.servletsuite.com/servlets.htm as well as an appropriate taglib" (Live tag); Vinod Mehra: "If you have session monitoring turned on in weblogic.xml: <container-descriptor> <session-monitoring-enabled>false</session-monitoring-enabled> ... then you should be able to lookup the runtime mbeans (ServletSessionRuntimeMBean). This is what the admin console also uses" (WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference: Interface ServletSessionRuntimeMBean, ServletSessionRuntimeMBean - BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference); Vinod Mehra: "I replied to this question in another email thread... Re: Session Expiration using MBeans" - TIPS
Automate resource configuration on WebLogic Server: "Resource configuration using WLST and Ant on WebLogic Server... The code samples featured with this article have been compiled and tested on J2SE 1.4.2_03 and WebLogic 8.1., and are valid for WebLogic 7.0, 8.1, and 9.0." (October 10, 2005) & Using Ant Tasks to Configure a WebLogic Server Domain & Programming Topics: "Using Ant Tasks to Create Compile Scripts"
Upgrading WebLogic Web Services: Upgrading a 7.0 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1: "The Ant task generates the 8.1 Web Services EAR file in the staging directory which can then deploy on WebLogic Server."
WebLogic Platform 8.1 Migration: "Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1" (Upgrade Planning Guide, WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide, Migrating to WebLogic JRockit) & BEA WebLogic Server and WebLogic Express 8.1 Download Documentation: "J2EE 1.3 Compatibility - BEA WebLogic Server is one hundred percent J2EE 1.3 compatible across all operating system platforms for a given WebLogic Server release... API Compatibility - WebLogic Server 6.1 and 7.0 applications deployed on WebLogic Server 8.1 will function without modification. Exceptions to this rule include cases where API behavior was changed in order to conform to a specification or to fix incorrect behavior." & WebLogic Server 7.0 Features and Changes WebLogic Server implements J2EE 1.3 technologies... In WebLogic Server 7.0SP5, the Oracle 10g ( version of the Oracle Thin driver was added to the release and is now the default version of the Oracle Thin driver." & BEA Downloads: "All of our software downloads come with a free developer license that allows you to use our products while developing and prototyping your applications." - MIGRATION START
The GNOME Journal: GStreamer 0.10 - What's in it for the Users: "A lot of work has been put into Real Time Protocol (RTP) support for GStreamer. This makes it a much more suitable foundation for Voice Over IP (VOIP) and videoconferencing applications. There is even an effort afoot to port Ekiga (formerly GNOME Meeting) to GStreamer this year. The Farsight project is also working in this area, aiming to support all instant messenger, VoIP and videoconferencing systems."
Friday, February 17, 2006
MemeStorm » Refreshable log4j configuration files: "you can change the error level without redeploying... We do this in production apps all the time. Not at 1 second intervals like you have. We set it to 1/2 hour intervals. This way if we have a problem in prod that we can’t trace, we can increase debugging without redeploying. It’s a handy feature. The extra thread hasn’t ever hurt us." - TIP!
Spring Live ~ Weblog: Book Update Status: "While Spring 2.0 doesn't bring anything that requires new chapters - I believe it does simplify things in many areas - and noting these throughout would be a good idea. For example, the AOP chapter is probably going to require a complete re-write. See Adrian Colyer's blog for a summary of what's new in Spring 2.0's support for AOP. He also noted (in a message to the mailing list) that the testcases in org.springframework.aop.aspectj package are a great place to look for examples."
SpringDependencyInjectionWithEjb3 - Spring IDE - Trac: "For now this approach is JBoss specific. Basically you need to implement an JBoss EJB 3 service extension to load the application context"
Spring-Loaded: "Example Code From Spring Dallas User Group... To make it work, you'll need the Spring 2.0"
the kdonald blog: "Bob is brilliant but the value of Spring goes way beyond its IoC implementation... see SpringIntroduction.pdf"
Google Directory - Computers > Software > Data Administration > Data Modeling: 1) fabFORCE.net - DBDesigner 4 - Open source visual database designer for MySQL for Windows and Linux KDE/Gnome. 2) Computer Associates - AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler - Data modeling solution that can help you create and maintain databases, data warehouses and enterprise data models. 3) Datanamic - DeZign for databases is a visual data modeling tool that can generate SQL scripts for most leading databases.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Eclipse plugin development tools for Java, JSP, XML, Struts, HTML, CSS and EJB :: MyEclipse: "What does a properly configured WebLogic 8.1 app. server look like?"
ARI 0.06 | Littlejohn Consulting: "call monitor page – new features include column sorting and filter small duration calls in addition to the ability to listen to call monitor recordings"
Building Report-enabled Applications with the New ReportViewer Controls (Part 1 of 2): "To understand how the report viewers simplify integrating RS with your applications, recall that the Report Server provides two communication façades (HTTP Handler and Web service) hosted by Internet Information Server (IIS)"
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
DBAsupport.com : Oracle 10g Central : Project Raptor – Oracle's New Tool for DBAs and Developers: "Oracle hopes its new Raptor product will do the same to the Toads of today. The features and functions – all for free – that ship with Raptor will likely give Quest Software's Toad product a run for its money. Oracle has been lacking a sophisticated tool like Raptor since, well, forever... The TOAD Freeware version may be used for a maximum of five (5) users within Licensee's organization and expires each sixty (60) days, after which you will need to download and install the product again."
Apache - Application Server Integration: "Integrating Apache 2.x with BEA Weblogic 8.1" & Using Web Server Plug-Ins With WebLogic Server (WLS 7.0) & Installing and Configuring the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In (WLS 8.1) & dev2dev Forums: "General apache 2.2 modules are not compatible with modules 2.0. WLS plugin is for apache 2.0"
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
magpiebrain - A Weblogic Primer: "You can access an admin server either by its web front end, or directly via JMX (as WLShell and the Ant weblogic tasks do)"
Ajaxian » Selenium IDE 0.7 Released: "Firefox plugin which allows you to drive functional tests of your web application"
PBX: Wall Street and VoIP- Our Future: "A lot of the information is dry of course in their 19 page report, but its definitely a good investor tool to read for $175"
GnuWin32 & Unix utilities for Win32: "Bash shell and general utilities" & Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities
Configuring WebLogic jDriver for Oracle: "Setting Up the Environment for Using WebLogic jDriver for Oracle" (Oracle Client Version: 8.1.7, 9.0.1, 9.2.0)
Monday, February 13, 2006
BEA Systems Viewlets: "Flash-enabled animated tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions to help clarify common installation, configuration, and other application procedures."
Configuring Eclipse for Remote Debugging a WebLogic Java Application @ ECLIPSE DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL (WebLogic 8.1 Application Server)
Events Canada Webcast: "Toronto.Com attracts over 700,000 unique visitors per month, and offers comprehensive and searchable access to business and event listings. Originally built in 1997, the Java/J2EE technology foundation for the site was expensive and time-consuming to maintain, and limited TorStar Digital’s ability to share content and functionality between Toronto.Com and other properties"
Vasanth Dharmaraj's Blogs - Deepest Sender: Another Firefox blogging extension: "I had blogged about Performacing For Firefox earlier. Today I found another blogging client that runs inside Firefox. Deepest Sender"
Microsoft killed the Blackberry Star: "In fact, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software costs $3999 just for 20 licenses (even 1 user license is a whopping $2999). On the other hand, Microsoft's Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) for Windows Mobile 5.0 features direct integration between Exchange Server 2003 and more importantly this integration also eliminates the need for business customers to add another server or pay additional client access license (CAL) fees and an ongoing data service fee to third parties. In other words, if you already own a Microsoft Exchange Server, you already have the capability for push email capabilities for FREE."
Sunday, February 12, 2006
memcached: a distributed memory object caching system: "to enhance the speed of LiveJournal.com, a site which was already doing 20 million+ dynamic page views per day for 1 million users with a bunch of webservers and a bunch of database servers. memcached dropped the database load to almost nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource utilization, and faster access to the databases on a memcache miss."
Flow (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "a mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing, characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity."
Asterisk VoIP News: Asterisk native sounds now available! | Daily News about Asterisk, VoIP and PBX Platforms: "As I promised at eTel last week, I have finished up work on my 'Asterisk Native Sounds' project. Here's a little diddy from astlinux.org:..."
Core Java Technologies Technical Tips: "The March 16, 2004 Tech Tip Best Practices in Exception Handling described several best practices for handling exceptions. In this tip you'll learn about an additional way of handling exceptions, that is, through the UncaughtExceptionHandler, which was added in J2SE 5.0."
Wireless HotSpot HowTo | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials: "On windows you may try this to tftp tftp -i PUT openwrt-wrt54gs-jffs2.bin"
HowTo configure Grandstream SIP phone with sipX - SIPfoundry sipx, The Open Source SIP PBX for Linux - Calivia: Grandstream GXP-2000 Enterprise Phones... Resetting to Factory Defaults
GXP-2000 (Grandstream hardphone): "UPGRADING FIRMWARE VIA TFTP" using SolarWinds.Net Free TFTP Server
CentOS on the Web: Mirror List, Index of /centos/4.2 packages, e.g. lynx-2.8.5-18.2.i386.rpm (under /updates/i386/RPMS)
GXP-2000 - voip-info.org: "This Wiki page has expanded rapidly in the last two or three months, and has successfully encouraged Grandstream to implement several feature requests and fix several bugs. Unfortunately, this expansion has made this page cluttered and harder to navigate for those who are simply looking for some basic information about the latest status of this product. In an effort to add some organization to this page, I have moved all of the legacy firmware notes to another page: GXP-2000 Legacy Firmware Notes." & Grandstream Networks Customer Services: "Firmware Upgrade"
LAMS installation on CentOS 4 (RHEL 4): "I have spent some time getting LAMS (Learning Activity Management System) to work on a CentOS 4 Linux platform. The actual procedure turned out to be quite straightforward, but was complicated along the way by confusing documentation and mistakes I made. The reason I chose CentOS 4 at the time was mainly because it had mysql 4 pre-installed, which Fedora Core 3 did not. I did not realise that the LAMS installer Redhat script would take care of everything for me so went about things the 'hard way' by following the custom installation procedure in the LAMS documentation. This blog is a historical document and explains the process I went through..."
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sometimes I wonder... Other times I know.: Local Communication Services Explained: "As promised. Here is a small tutorial/walkthrough/explanation of local communication services. There are probably other write-ups available, I just felt compelled to write this one up. This applies to Windows Workflow Foundation Beta1 and is still subject to change"
Windows Workflow Foundation Web: The Official Microsoft Windows Workflow Site: "Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 2 is now available for download on MSDN as part of the WinFx January CTP"
Dental Aspects: "A major concern for parents of thumbsuckers is that their child will end up with the Thumbsucker's mouth..."
Panasonic Youth » Blog Archive » Eight More Essential Books for Developers: "Thanks to the mention at Javalobby, I had a great response with tons of feedback to my post on essential books for Java developers."
Ruby on Rails to Basecamp (Signal vs. Noise): "I’ve compiled a Getting Started list of references. If you want to know more about the Rails framework, have a look at the overview presentation..."
Intelligent Enterprise Magazine: Slowly Changing Dimensions Are Not Always as Easy as 1, 2, 3 (by Margy Ross and Ralph Kimball): "Unlike most OLTP systems, a major objective of a data warehouse is to track history. So, accounting for change is one of the analyst's most important responsibilities. A sales force region reassignment is a good example of a business change that may require you to alter the dimensional data warehouse. We'll discuss how to apply the right technique to account for the change historically. Hang on to your hats — this is not an easy topic."
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Darren Jefford : Windows Workflow Foundation: "A key point is that you can host Windows Workflow in any host (ASP.NET, WinForms, Console App….), and you can completely re-skin the designer tool and even host the designer in your own app if you don’t want to design workflow inside Visual Studio which is the default. BizTalk Orchestration let you define “sequential workflow” in that it would always follow a pre-determined path, you can do this in Windows Workflow but you can also define State Machine Workflows which are more suited to workflow involving manual human steps."
Windows Workflow Foundation Web: The Official Microsoft Windows Workflow Site: Sample Applications: "These sample applications show how to utilize Windows Workflow Foundation in simple, scenario-based examples: Help Desk Support - Windows Forms & ASP.NET Web Forms Applications, Expense Reporting Sequential Workflow, Order Processing State Machine Workflow"
Working with Windows Workflow Foundation in ASP.NET: "Using Windows WF, you can create processor flow-based workflows and host them in any type of .NET application. ASP.NET developers face a unique set of issues that can benefit from workflows, such as maintaining state and page navigation."
Amazon.com: My Job Went to India : 52 Ways to Save Your Job (Pragmatic Programmers): Books: Chad Fowler: "There are valuable tidbits in here that are common sense to some, but I am amazed with how many people I know that don't follow them. Even if they are all common sense this book helps these ideas crystallize in your psyche. Here are some of my favorites:..."
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
NationMaster.com - Where Stats Come Alive!: "a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease."
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Pegtop PStart: "a simple tray tool to start user defined applications. Designed to run portable applications (like portable Firefox & Thunderbird), you can start anything runnable from USB key devices or removable disks."
CakePHP : A Rapid Development Framework :: Home: "Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility."
VoipSpeak - AMP: Using Users and Devices: "In this article, we are going under the hood of AMP and looking at the ability to separate users and devices. This setup is useful for roaming users (users that change locations a lot) or for locations that run multiple shifts with different users sharing the same desk."
Dystopics » The Mysteries of X-GOOGLE-TOKEN and why it matters: "This is basically the foundation of a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution by Google!"
Nerd Vittles » Finally … Installing Asterisk@Home on Your Windows PC for Free: Here’s How: "The remaining piece you’ll need to get started is Asterisk@Home 2.5 packaged as a VMware application. Lucky for all of us, the fine folks at vmwarez.com have done all of that for you. Just download the 600MB ZIP file from here, unzip it, and run VMware Player with the 1.5GB VMDK version of Asterisk@Home. Once it’s running, follow along in our Asterisk@Home 2.5 Tutorial beginning at Securing Your Passwords and then moving on to Basic System Configuration to get Asterisk configured and working. The only difference from installing this natively using the AAH 2.5 ISO image is you don’t have to endure the knuckle drill of installing Linux and WebMin, updating the OS, and compiling Asterisk. The vmwarez folks have done the heavy lifting for you."
FON: WiFi everywhere!: "a Global Community of people who share WiFi. Share your WiFi broadband access at home/work and enjoy WiFi all over the world! FON, small cost, great benefit!" & FON Blog
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "PIPEDA is a Canadian group of data protection directives that limit trade with nations not providing privacy protection equivalent to the EU directives."
Welcome to µTorrent: "Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent is currently undergoing alpha testing for protocol encryption (to be compatible with Azureus) and peer exchange."
Monday, February 06, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Toronto Asterisk Users Group: "My review of ETel, the O'Reilly Emerging Telecommunications Conference"
Toronto Asterisk Users Group: VMware to make server product free: "There is also an opensource alternative called 'Xen'. It requires a slightly customized kernel, but RedHat is incorporating Xen into future releases of Fedora and RHE, and I imagine other distros are as well."
Toronto Asterisk Users Group: Upgrading A@H 2.2 to A@H 2.4: "Asterisk@Home 2.5 was released today. You may want to download the 2.5 tarball instead of attempting your upgrade to 2.4, as there were some issues in 2.4 that are supposed to be fixed in 2.5."
DeStar - OpenFacts: "a web front end for the open source PBX Asterisk. This wiki aims to provide help for the DeStar community, The official page of the project is http://destar.berlios.de" (via asterisk@uc.org: "A number of companies are starting to use it as their base, as an example, Xorcom is replacing AMP(what they currently use) with Destar. as AMP seems to be more Fedora friendly, destar is clearly being mostly developed on Debian/Ubuntu. Also alot of people I know in the solid state/voip appliance communities seem to be getting interested in it.")
DialogPalette - Home: "a powerful and easy to use integrated development environment for visually creating telephonic IVR applications running on the Asterisk open-source software PBX" (Screenshots & Links) - COOL
Sipura Technology, Inc. - SPA User Guide (SipuraSPAUserGuidev2.0.9.pdf): "SPA-3000 Configuration..."
Asterisk configuration from database - voip-info.org: "This is useful since it allows easy creation of web-based UIs. There are different approaches to storing users in a database. A Tutorial on how to install and configure Asterisk Realtime can be found here" (for Asterisk v1.2)
Asterisk cmd SetCIDNum - voip-info.org: "Set Caller*ID Number on a call to a new value, while preserving the original Caller*ID name. This is useful for providing additional information to the called party..."
Asterisk tips voicemail live - voip-info.org: "Answering machine mimic: Listen while caller is leaving voicemail for you; with pick-up option"
snom technology ag: snom 5.3-360 Softphone: "The graphical display of the snom 360 Softphone shows all menus and functions of the original snom 360 VoIP phone. By using the softphone you can easily test the functionality of the real snom 360 VoIP phone to make your decision to purchase it easier."
Wayfaring Blog » Development: "Create personalized maps, Share them with your friends" (Google Maps)
TechSoup - The Technology Place for Nonprofits: Worksheets: "can help you in assessing how well your organization's computer systems are working and what you may need to change. You can view these worksheets in your browser, download them, or print them and fill them out.": Consulting Agreement: "This contract can help ensure that everyone's needs are met"... - TIPS
Mule - Scripting: "transports and configuration can be scripted using any JSR-223 compliant scripting language such as PHP (stateless), Groovy or Rhino (javascript)"
ITarchitect | Articles | Plug into JBI with ServiceMix: "JBI is designed from the ground up to simplify the organisation and integration of your enterprise’s software assets. ServiceMix is one of the very first implementations of an Enterprise Service Bus that fulfils the JBI vision. With ServiceMix, re-purposing of any compatible software component or service is as simple as changing a configuration file. Existing business logic components can be leveraged through a wide variety of communications protocol bindings, exposing them in a flexible yet secure manner to your partners, suppliers, or customers." - NICE
How to Bring Eclipse 3.1, J2SE 5.0, and Tomcat 5.0 Together @ ECLIPSE DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL: How to create a Web project that has Java classes located in different packages and how we use ANT
Object Computing, Inc. - Java News Brief - February 2006: "Scripting Support in Mustang - Introduction to JSR 223" - NICE
The Developer's Guide to Building Virtual PCs: "Walk through a step-by-step Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 installation of SuSE Linux 9.1 Professional. Once it's built, you can clone your Virtual PC, back it up, perform experiments on it, restore it, and even distribute it to others."
WEPCrack - An 802.11 key breaker: "This tool is is an implementation of the attack described by Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir in the paper 'Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4'. While Airsnort has captured the media attention, WEPCrack was the first publically available code that demonstrated the above attack"
Thursday, February 02, 2006
java.net: Introduction to Nutch, Part 1: Crawling: "Nutch is built on top of Lucene, which is an API for text indexing and searching. A common question is: 'Should I use Lucene or Nutch?' The simple answer is that you should use Lucene if you don't need a web crawler. A common scenario is that you have a web front end to a database that you want to make searchable. The best way to do this is to index the data directly from the database using the Lucene API, and then write code to do searches against the index, again using Lucene. Erik Hatcher and Otis Gospodnetić's Lucene in Action gives all of the details. Nutch is a better fit for sites where you don't have direct access to the underlying data, or it comes from disparate sources."
XML.com: Doing HTTP Caching Right: Introducing httplib2: "a comprehensive Python HTTP client library that supports a local private cache that understands all the caching operations we just talked about. In addition it supports many features left out of other HTTP libraries."
Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time: "Most of this looks like the Prototype library (http://prototype.conio.net/). I suggest just using that, it includes most of these."
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